
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs


---18th floor Loki familia camp---

"Anyone know who they were?" Finn, the captain, inquired, his voice carrying authority. The executives of the Loki Familia were gathered in the main tent for a meeting. They had just commenced the expedition a day ago and were planning to delve deeper into the dungeon shortly.

"No clue whatsoever," Riveria replied from the side. "Although we could dispatch someone to gather information about them from the top, it would take too much time. It's better to leave this matter be for now."

"It's Bete's fault anyway, why bother? They didn't do anything wrong," Tione commented, causing a vein to appear on Bete's forehead, though he didn't say anything. Just the thought of them made him shiver in fright.

"Whoever they are, it's not our concern anymore. They didn't pursue the matter, and we should stay out of it. Anyone would feel uncomfortable if someone stared at them with hostility," Gareth spoke aloud, "Okay, now let's leave the matter behind. Bete, you should apologize if we meet them again. And remember, this is an expedition meeting, so let's not talk about this anymore." Gareth being a top executive stated making everyone drop the matter and concentrate on the expedition. 

---20th floor--- 

The air was filled with the sound of roaring monsters, their flesh being torn, and their bodies turning to dust. Explosions reverberated, reducing monsters to nothingness, while the whistling winds sliced through them. 

Regal and Scathach were on the 20th floor, encircled by a horde of monsters. Each of them kept their distance from the other, focusing on their respective foes, and engaging in a solitary battle against the monsters. Both of them had reached the 20th floor a while ago and stayed in the center area of the floor, they were about 100 to 200 meters apart making sure to keep their distance while also being in assisting a range. 

Regal gripped the "growth weapon Ophis" firmly, using it to strike down any monsters that dared to come close. At first, he struggled with the weight of the sword and finding his rhythm. However, as the battle continued, he gradually adapted, making subtle adjustments to his stance and movements. 

 Drawing inspiration from various anime characters and their fighting styles, Regal began to develop his own approach to swordsmanship. With each swing, he incorporated elements from different styles, crafting a technique that felt natural and efficient. Despite his lack of experience, he was making tremendous progress. The dungeon became Regal's training ground. 

Meanwhile, Scathach was a whirlwind of destruction amidst the monsters. With each precise strike, she dispatched multiple monsters at once. Whether it was the Mad Beetles swooping down from the air or the Gun Libellula dashing from above, they met their end the moment they approached her domain. The Bugbears, Lizardmen, and Dark Fungi on the ground were no match for her skill and speed, falling to her spear the moment they got close.

Scathach moved with the grace of a war goddess, her every movement calculated and deadly. Despite the hindrance of her cloak, which should have impeded her in battle, she had enchanted it with her rune magic to flow with her movements, lightening the weight she had and enhancing her agility. As she danced amidst the monster, the cloak billowed around her, accentuating her perfect form and adding to the aura of awe and fear that surrounded her. 

The number of monsters slowly started to decrease on both sides till none were left, the ground was filled with magic stones which were picked up immediately after the battle was over. only leaving destruction on Regal's side while the ground and the trees were splattered with blood. 

[Both of your stats have been maxed out and both can level up, do you want to do it now?] 

Both nodded in response, neither felt much change just that their upper limit was much larger than before. 


Name: Regal Titanborn

Race: Human, ???

LV. 2

POW: 0 (1499-EX)

END: 0 (1499-EX)

DEX: 0 (1499-EX)

AGI: 0 (1499-EX)

MAG: 0 (2499-???)

Skill: Magic King, Hegemony, and Rapid Assimilation

{Rapid Assimilation: swift integration of new knowledge or abilities, facilitating quick mastery and adaptation} 

Development Skills: Swordsman (F) ArchMage (G)

{Swordsman: Enhances accuracy, speed, and versatility in combat, enabling adaptability and amplifying the prowess when wielding a sword.}

{Archmage: Elevates magical prowess to its pinnacle, enhancing spell potency and range while maximizing mental efficiency.}


Name: Scáthach 

Race: Human, Immortal. 

LV. 2

POW: 0 (1499-EX)

END: 0 (1499-EX)

DEX: 0 (1499-EX)

AGI: 0 (1499-EX)

MAG: 0 (1499-EX)

Skill: Summon Gáe Bolg, Instinct, Battle Continuation, and Wisdom of Dun Scaith 

Magic: Primordial Rune Magic.

Development Skill: Combat Mastery (S), Immortality (A), and Slaughter Queen (H) 

{Slaughter Queen: The more you kill the stronger you get. After killing a certain amount, a buff will be added, this can be stacked. The buff can be maintained by using or emitting killing intant}


"Hmm, wasn't 999 the limit," Regal asked, Scathach was beside him. Both of them were going back to the 18th floor. 

[The limit was 999 but both of you gained too much excelia that it broke the limit as I didn't allow the level up without permission. Although nearly half the excelia was wasted.] hearing this Regal was a little disappointed. 

"Next time, please inform us when our status maxes out," Regal requested as they ascended the stairs to the 19th floor. The journey was uneventful, with occasional monster attacks serving as practice for Regal's magic control and imagination.

Entering the 18th floor unexpected encounter occurred, The Loki Familia was in front of the entrance doing their final checkups. There are multiple entrances to the lower floor and the one which Regal and Scathach came out of happened to be the same one closest to the Loki Familia's camp. 

Finn was close by guarding the entrance while other executives were surrounding the familia. Finn noticed the two and moved to the two with his trademark smile. Tione was naturally closer to Finn than others she stood right behind him. 

"It seems we meet again," Finn said while approaching, "I am Finn Deimne, the captain of the Loki familia." He introduced himself. Regal just gave him a look, knowing what he was doing. he was fishing for information. besides him, Tione gave her name "Tione Hiryute"

"Regal, Regal Titanborn. the captain of the Buddha Familia, and besides me, Scathach, the vice-captain." Regal introduced both. "If you wouldn't mind we will be on our way." Saying that both started to walk off. 

"Please wait for a second, I would like to apologize for our members' rude behavior on the 17th floor." Regal paused and looked at Scathach, who didn't care. Turning back Regal replied, "It a passing matter, dont bother with it." Saying that Both walked off the corner of the floor. 

---Loki Familia's side--- 

When Regal and Scathach made their entrance, it was Finn who first noticed them, positioned near the entrance as he was. Meanwhile, Bete, stationed further back, felt an involuntary shiver run down his spine, prompting him to step back instinctively as he glanced toward the entrance. What met his gaze were two figures he'd rather not encounter at this moment.

The memory of the intense killing intent Scathach emanated still lingered vividly in Bete's mind. Despite his formidable level 5 werewolf status, the power Scathach wielded at her peak could easily rival that of a level 9 or even level 10 adventurer. Even if she was currently at a lower level, her aura of menace/killing intent remained as potent as ever, sending shivers down Bete's spine every time he remembered the glare she shot at him on the 17th floor. 

Revaria, positioned near the back of the group, noticed Bete's sudden movement. Following his gaze, she saw Regal and Scathach at the entrance. Her senses peaked and her eyes sharpened, feeling a surge of shock alongside Lefiya who followed her gaze, while standing beside her. As elves, they were attuned to the flow of mana, and what they witnessed was astounding.

Enormous amounts of mana swirled around the two adventurers, not the controlled mana typical of spellcasting, but the ambient natural mana present everywhere. It cloaked them like a magnetic field, but unlike the calm flow of natural mana, it churned and roiled around Regal and Scathach like a storm. 

Regal and Scathach proceeded forward, with Ais still oblivious to their presence. However, their path led them right past her, Tiona who was beside Ais just gave them a curious look but didn't move. 

As the two passed by Ais, she reacted violently, momentarily releasing her tempest and almost drawing her sword. Her mind was still reeling from encountering the duo on the 17th floor, and now seeing them again on the 18th floor only added to her confusion.

When Ais released her tempest, almost everyone noticed and became vigilant. Regal gave her a warning look, while Scathach adopted a casual stance with her spear, ready to strike if necessary. There was a brief pause, during which Ais realized what she had done and quickly sheathed her sword. Meanwhile, the two walked off without a care.

"Umm, Ais, what happened?" Tiona, now behind Ais, asked. Ais seemed to ponder for a moment before responding evenly, "I was caught off guard. lost in thought."

Finn, who usually wore his trademark smile, had a slight twitch in his expression. "Ais, be more careful. Let's hope there isn't a next time," he said, his tone carrying a gentle reprimand. Finn was an artificial hero known for his pacifist nature, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible.

---Regal and Scathach---

"Hmm, she is a half-spirit," Scathach remarked, to which Regal nodded in agreement.

"That's Ais. Her mother is the wind spirit, and her father is the sword champion, Albert Waldstein. She's exceptionally talented, but her intense hatred toward a certain dragon clouds her judgment," Regal explained.

"She is indeed gifted. It's a shame to see such potential go to waste," Scathach commented. As the queen of the Land of Shadow and a teacher to many legendary figures, she recognized talent when she saw it.

"Why don't you train her? She's like a blank slate, ready to be molded," Regal suggested, the two of them standing on a cliff overlooking the entire floor.

Scathach didn't respond nor did Regal speak a word of it. 

"Let's head back, it's past midday," Regal said after a while. 


Buddha was still roaming around, going to places and seeing things, and sometimes trying street food. Just like now, the was a small stall on the street side, seeing it he changed his direction there. It had a sign that said Jagamarukun. A girl who looked to be around 140 cm was frying something.

She had a petite frame, with youthful features including blue eyes and long black hair tied into twin tails. Her outfit consisted of a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck, another tied under her breasts and around her arms, complemented by white gloves. However, her most distinctive feature was her generously proportioned bust, which seemed a bit too large for her small stature. She had a godly aura around her. 

This was Hestia, she was kicked out recently and was working here to earn money. 

"10 Jagamarukun," Buddha was in front of the stall and ordered. Heatia jumped back in surprise. Buddha just looked at this little goddess with amusement. 

"Uhh, right away!" She said realizing her blunder, her face turning red from embarrassment. It didn't take too long she placed it in a bag and passed it to Buddha who gave her the required amount. Regal had left him a sum of money. 

"Huh? Are you a god...?" Heatia asked, she looked at Buddha with perplexed eyes. Heatia could be said to be the most sensitive god when it comes to divinity so it was natural for her to feel divinity from Buddha who was hiding it. 

"hmm? you can tell just by looking? now that's interesting." Buddha was surprised, he was first interested in her because she would be the goddess of Bell but now it was more of a how and what kind of interest. 

"So you are a god! but I never seen you? Who are you?" Hestia was a natural glue, she can and will stick anywhere if she is curious. Buddha just chuckled. 

"If someone said they know me it would mean the heaven has a Enlighten one," saying that he left, blending with the crowd. 

"Hey wait!" Hestai shouted but she couldn't leave the stall. so she was left hanging there. "I didn't even get your name..." Heatia mattered under her breath. 

Buddha continued on his way, casually tossing a Jagamarukun candy into his mouth. 'She is the one, huh? She seems pretty useless,' he thought to himself as he sifted through the information provided by the system.

[Deal with Fraya, I will give you a lollipop with the concept of infinity and I will even add some extra.] 

Buddha paused, scowling slightly as he considered the offer. He found a quiet corner, leaning against the wall as he finished the remaining Jagamarukun. 'You have my interest. And does that lollipop come in a single flavor?'

[You can change the flavor to whatever you like or it will change according to your mood.] 

'Consider me in, and that extra should be worth it if you are putting it in.' 


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