
Into The Daylight

Ayle, we've been out here for days. So far we've seen nothing. You're supposed to teach us to survive out here. Specifically how to survive in areas of civilization, not the wilderness." Dr. Palvo's gaze bore into me as she tried to hide her panic. If she really knew me, she would know that her efforts were useless "We all know that you are the only one who knows where we are, so tell us the truth. Are we really headed towards civilization?" I stayed quiet "No?" She threw her arms into the air "Then where the in the Hell are we going?!" I turned away from her and continued walking "We're going to find my sister" ****************************************************************************** The world as civilization knew it came to an end over a century ago. Life is now restricted to a single continent where humanity has changed. Those who survived on the outside of bunkers and compounds constructed by governments from around the world evolved while those on the inside remained the same. On the Outside everything was chaos while Compounds kept order. Now with space and resources becoming limited within Compounds they must learn how to live in the foreign world outside the safety of their bunker. Survival on the outside; however, would not be a walk in the park. The only way to survive on the outside was to learn to become one of the foreigners they feared, and who better to teach them than the Outsider they'd caught wandering near their bubble of safety?

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 9


"So" I say, shoving another bite of roast into my mouth "I have some news" It became quiet as Mom and Darla looked up from their food. "What is it Auntie Riley?" I swallowed, shifting uncomfortably "Well, I talked to the council today-"

Darla giggles "About the missing Outsider?" My eyes widen "Darla hush!" Mom gasps "One of them are running lose around the compound?!" I groan, holding my head in my hands "Mom-" She shakes her head "I can't believe you'd let one of those people out of your sight!" I look up, glaring at the old woman "Mom!" She sighs "Really, after the last one that got out, I really can't believe-"

"Mom! The Outsider is in custody and really, she's harmless." She rolls her eyes while Darla continues calmly humming to herself "If you say so"

Sighing, I move on "Anyways, the outsider this time is cooperating-"

"Oh, how nice of the barbarian"

"Mom! Will you just-" I sucked in my breath, counting to five "If you would let me talk, the council is putting a team together to go on the Outside in six months and-"

"No, no, no, no not on my life"

I glare "Mom, you don't even know what I was going to say"

Darla and I jump as the plates rattle as Mom stand, slamming her hands down on the table "I am not losing both you and your sister! I lost Angelica; I'm not losing you too..."

I glance at Darla, whose shaking in her chair "Honey, why don't you go get ready for bed" I whisper. Darla mumbles a thank you and bolts out of the room. Once she's gone, I look up at Mom, glaring.

"Do not talk about Angelica like that in front of that baby and sit down."

She sits, seething at me "I'm facing facts, and we shouldn't be shielding her from what happened." I threw my hands up "I'm not shielding her from anything! She knows that Angelica is gone, there is no need for her to think any more about it and there is no need for her to think that I'm going to die too." She rolls her eyes "If you agree to go out there then it won't just be a thought then it'll be a reality. You will be dead and you'll be leaving that sweet little girl behind with another dead mother."

I glare "I am not her mother, Angelica was, I am not going to replace her ever. And this is not up to you." I stand, collecting the plates before I leave "I'm going and I don't need your approval"



What the hell am I doing?

I stare down at the small person wrapped in my arms. She looks so broken compared to how beastly she was when she was awake. Her tangled hair and tear streaked face just made her look fragile now that she was quiet and slumped in my arms.

That was the key I suppose, she had to be quiet for once. I laugh quietly to myself; in the little time I've known the tiny outsider, it was hilarious to have ever thought that she was ever quiet.

Uncooperative, yes. Quiet, no.

The guards left a while ago, I told them to when I realized that I couldn't let go of the vicious brunette without her resuming her crying and screaming. Even with the sedative, she was a handful. So, I waited until she fell asleep.

Now she's asleep and I'm still here.

What the hell am I doing?

I blame Palvo over the months I'd been working with her, I became softer somehow. Seeing the tiny woman thrashing as I held her down while the nurse came with a sedative. Hearing her screams turn into soft sobs and incoherent muttering while I hugged her tighter. Watching as her face smoothed out from broken rage and fear to just brokenness. It got to me this time.

Looking down at her now, in my hold, it seems impossible to leave.

I felt my eyes grow heavier as I'm pulled down next to her warm body.

What the hell am I doing?