

Aemii being a bunny mutation is acquired by a mysterious guy who needs her help to find out the murder of his only family. Aemii is soon brought into chaos and mayhem and things begin to duel between the two. will they ever find out who killed them?

Ccaffeinee1 · Otras
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 “Aemii”

Aemii, French for beloved, loved, or to be loved. Aemii were the first words I've ever heard the day I was brought into this world. little, frail, and weak I was crying as I was put into my mother's arms. I was her pride and joy as tears fell from her eyes, and was brought home in no time. everyone gathered to welcome newborn me. of course, I didn't look anything like the other child..which was my brother. everyone had rich brown skin, and I had..vitiligo. a skin condition wherein which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause. a frown appeared on my brother's face as he looked at me questioning why I looked like that, why my ears didn't stick up, and why did I get brought here. my mother quickly corrected him and made him apologize to me, but only from there, did things get worse. I grew up being bullied about my appearance. getting nicknames every other week. polka dots, floppy ears, weirdo. you name it. it was hell. my brother was way older than me he was graduating high when I first got in high school. he went from bullying to physical altercations when mom and dad were in the hospital giving birth to my sister Miko. My brother.. Takahiro grew meaner and nastier to me. I eventually got used to his attacks but now.. something worse is to come...

5 years later...

*buzz buzz buzz*

the sound of my phone vibrating wakes me up. I grab it and take a glance at the time. 9:15 am. I quickly get out of bed to get ready for another day in school. that's right, I'm a 23-year-old bunny uh human mutation? I didn't know myself so I thought of it as a gift. people like me are rare but well-accepted in the world. anyway, right college...I go to school for my passion which is art, drawing makes me feel happy and calm at times so I decided to go in for that.

making my way into the bathroom to get ready my mom brings me my breakfast so I wouldn't be late. "Aemii dear doesn't rush yourself, you're gonna get dizzy," my mother says to me from my room. "I know mom. it's just that I don't want to be late and I have a presentation today" I say back to her from my bathroom. the shower began to run and I got in not minding the cold water turning warm. it's quite refreshing to me. I began to wash as I thought of better ways to defend myself from...him. why me? he treats the others better but for me, there is a special kind of hatred. I decided to put my mind aside until I hear him..in the room. moving things and whatnot. "can you not touch any more stuff please!" I shout from the bathroom. "oh I'm sorry polka dots, since when did a mistake like you have any rights? oh wait never" takahiro says in a very sinister way. you hated how he was and you desperately wanted him gone. I turn off the shower and get out drying myself in the bathroom. of course, the door was closed but that pervert wanted to pester you more. "Aemii open up. there is no point in hiding from me. you know you shouldn't hide from your superiors." takahiro saying going on and on about how he is better and you are nothing to him. I drowned him out and finished getting ready pushing past him as I exited my bathroom.

of course, he didn't like that and pulled my hair back into his fist and made me look at him. "I got good plans for you anyways Aemii. I'm having a little get-together with my friends, I want you there. don't fuck up" he says forcing me to look at him. I kneed him in the stomach and slapped him but that provoked him even worse causing a fight to break out between us both. the fight lasted a good minute before he punched my nose and lip causing them to bleed. once he saw me begin to give up he took his chance to kick my stomach and leave me lying on the ground groaning in pain. tears fell from my face and it mixed with my bloody nose. I just wanted to feel safe again. I was tired of the sexual assault and rape, the abuse and torture he'd put me through every day. I lay there for a moment before getting up and eating what I could. I fixed my face and hurried out of the house with all I needed. not looking back once.

*the walk to campus*

my nose was hurting still and it was slightly bleeding. I had to make pit stops in restaurants to clean it up, luckily none got on my hoodie. I decided to clear my brain and listen to crime podcasts on the way to school, maybe that could give me a way to solve my issues.

"she had waited till night to strike her as it poured heavily outside. the power was out and the only light leading in was the moon. she took a kitchen knife and went to her room where then the massacre began. she stabbed the lady 9 times in the stomach and twice in the throat causing an instant death" the podcast buzzed. "9 times? would that be enough- no...I want him gone instantly" I say before pausing the podcast to switch to music. campus appeared in the distance and a small wave of relief washed over. I began to run to the campus hoping I wouldn't be late but to my surprise, I was on time.

*on campus*

*time: 10:30 am*

making my way to the class my mind kept rattling about that case. a total of 12 stab wounds. as the day went on I spent most of it in class and reading about crimes. what did eventually come to light is what my brother said, "I got good plans for you anyways Aemii. I'm having a little get together with my friends, I want you there. don't fuck up" what plans could he have for me and why tonight?

Takahiro has been in some very shady business, selling my photos to random people, making take nudes for his 'friends' just very disgusting things. I hated every last bit of it but I have to pretend so I don't get hit. maybe I strike tonight..yea tonight...

As the day went on school ended and now I make the tedious journey home. I ran through notes that I collected and thought of a faster way to end his life...

The gun I found that day.

one shot to the head and he would be out clean. I just have to make sure it is a straight shot. my brain went on and on about my plan and how it should work. "if..this works I'll be free from his grasp" I whispered to myself as I walked onto the driveway and into the house. mom had the night shift and dad...no where to be found. it's like after my sister was born he disappeared..he favored my brother more and did more with him but..Miko was at grandma's for the month so she can learn there instead of being in the city. since it's very busy here. as i walked in i felt off, it was quiet..a little too quiet for my liking but I had to be quick and stealthy. I crept my way upstairs; as I heard my brother in the basement I got carried away and wanted to hear what he was plotting.

"yea, yea I know. she'll be back soon. once she gets here ill have my fun then I'll take her out. send her to you and we have our transaction. no one will notice not even her own family." he says as he gives a low chuckle. "alright I'll see you tonight." these are the last words I heard before he hung up and began to make his way up. I quickly yet quietly made my way upstairs to my room searching for that gun. under my bed, in an old converse shoebox is where it layed. black, matte, heavy, and deadly. my heart began to pound as I kept my lights off and hid in the closet in case he decided to check in here. which he did. he looked around and checked things. looking for more dirty things he could pin on me. he made his way to the closet about to open it but the doorbell rang and he went to the front door.

while he was doing that I quickly made sure it was loaded and ready. all I had to do was pull the trigger, right? don't be scared pull it when it's time. my heart beating so loudly it almost could be heard made me tremble on the spot. "stop panicking Aemii, calm down..calm.." I say quietly to myself as voices could be heard from downstairs. two, no three males heading down to the basement. I went to the vent in my room to listen. voices saying they couldn't stay long since they had 'other' things to tend to.

*1 hour later...*

I made it seem like I just got home and to my surprise, my mom was home and cooking dinner. my brother pretending to be innocent, and one of my mother's friends here as well. I greet everyone and made my way to my room again only to be followed by him. the interrogation begins...

"Why are you home so late?" he asks, "I was tending to my school needs and getting extra help with a class" I spoke not wanting to piss him off more. "well you made me look like a fool in front of very important people," he spoke before getting in my face. I stared at him with my heart pounding once more. I began to tremble but I had to fight back. "I don't give a fuck about your needs. I'm sick of your shit Takahiro. I'm not you're fucking slave. I have emotions and feelings. are you upset that I look different? that I'm a gift and you aren't? that I Aemii Cherylin Blaine will be forever better than you too? well too fucking bad. go cry about it! I'm not going to let you do this to me anymore! do you understand me, Takahiro?" I said with pure rage and hatred in my voice. he was taken aback and was about to say something until...


a stinging sensation struck across the left side of my face. I looked at him as he had that dumb smirk on his face. I slapped him back, and a fight broke out. this time I used my plan. of course, he was stronger than me. I kept the gun in my pocket hidden so he wouldn't find it. he got on top of me hitting me nonstop as I tried my best to defend my face. he began to choke me and I gasped for air but I scratched his face leaving a mark. once I got enough wiggle room I wiggled out and made a run for it. to the basement, I went. once I got the second flight of stairs I walked pretending to act normal as I walk past my mom. Once I got to the basement hall I ran down those stairs. I looked for a spot to hide but it was too late he was down there laughing, knowing if I didn't give in...I will be done for. we circle each other until my back was facing the doorway and he faced the wall. "just give in Aemii..you can't escape me" he says walking towards me. I quickly pull it out pointing it at him. "d-don't you dare move..or I'll blow your brains out" I say trembling with adrenaline. could I finally be free? just take the shot Aemii what ate you waiting for? Takahiro laughed and gave that sinister grin that was scared into my brain. "you could never Aemii, look at you. you're about to piss yourself. give me that now.. bitches like you need to be put in their place." he says striking rage in me, but before I could say anything back the power just gives out, leaving us..in the dark. Rain heavily pouring..a storm has awoken. commotion everywhere as my mother scrambled to get the power back on. I took this as an opportunity.

I could still see him in the dark, edging closer towards me. for the first time in years, I smiled and chuckled. "I hope you burn in hell Takahiro" I say taking the shot. shooting one clean hole through his head. after shooting him, watching his now lifeless body fall to the ground i got on top of him and beat his face in with the hilt of the gun until i couldn't even recognize him. pent up rage and oppression, anger, adrenaline swarmed my body with every hit until i finally decided it was enough..i was covered in his blood and sighed in relief. "I'm free.." i muttered standing up to look at my surrounds only to be hit with realization moments after..I just killed my brother...I JUST KILLED HIM..i-am a murderer? oh god Aemii what have I done?! what if people find out? panic arose in my body as I began panting heavily and my vision became blurred. the only light source being the lightning as it illuminated the gruesome scene. blood splattered everywhere. organs oozing out a now lifeless body.

I felt a pair of eyes staring into my back. I slowly turned around and saw..this person, red eyes piercing into my soul as I began to panic more. "w-who..are you.? d-don't come closer o-or I'll shoot!" I managed to say aiming at them shaking tremendously. throat dry and sweat dripped from my face as the figure didn't move, or speak. they just stood there staring into my helpless soul until they noticed the desk behind me. they made their way to it and grabbed things from it, stashing it away somewhere. i kept the gun aimed at them following they're every move. they turned around facing me with those blood red colored eyes, piercing into my soul..watching me tremble more upon them looking at me directly. they slowly raised their hand and their hand set a blaze, creating a message in the air with fire. i moved back in fear but began to read the message, stating "if you value your life and freedom, hand me the gun now, and forget you saw me and say you watched someone do it but couldn't get a good look at the face, or join him in hell." in that moment, i looked up at them without speaking, nodded, and continued to tremble and cry. Soon after the fire disappeared, we heard footsteps running down the stairs and within an instant, they vanished into smoke, and the gun i had..it's no longer with me.

my mother and her friends came down to check on me and i, fearing for my life went with what the mysterious person said. i cried and hugged my mom staying close by her. shaking and disoriented until police came and checked the scene out. Blue and red lights flooded the area and neighbors came out their cozy homes to watch. police ran through our home looking for tracks or evidence, talked to my mother who then pointed to me cowering on the sidewalk. "she was there when it happened so she knows more than me." i heard her say as she weeped over the loss of her first born.

police and news cameras crowed me and questioned me. i explained everything. told them lies like i was asked too. "did you get a look at the suspects face?" one officer asked. i froze and remembered those eyes..my nose began to twitch and my body began to tremble. tears still falling from my face as i looked dead into the camera hoping they..that person..were watching. telling the officers i didn't get a look at the face they sighed in disappointment and had no further questions for me until tomorrow.

they let us stay in a hotel as the night went on while clean up crew handled everything from there on forth..i could only lie down in the hotel bed and sleep as everything unfold..and how that person may pop up again in my life..but..

this is how our stories were..Intertwined.





Word Count: 2834