
Intergalactic : Saga of Multiverse

Deacay_ · Ciencia y ficción
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4 Chs

Old woman and child

Location - An unknown planet

Time - early dawn

A spaceship landed in a remote area of ​​this unknown planet .

The movement of people was very less at this time .

A beautiful woman landed from this spaceship.

In her arms was a child who was happily playing in its mother's arms .

The woman looked blankly at the child and set it down on the ground before heading back to her spaceship.

As the mother lost her warmth, the child began to cry, so hearing the child cry, the woman stopped for a moment, her whole body was shaking. After a few moments of reluctance, the woman finally got into the spaceship and after a few moments the spaceship left.

The weather was cold and due to the cold the baby started crying louder .But there was no one to hear his screams, even if no one was there to help because the place was like hell.

An old woman was sleeping near the garbage, so she got up after hearing the sound of a crying child .

The old woman came to the child and looked at him, hesitated for a while, picked up the child and started to caress him .

Thus the crying child calmed down due to sudden warmth and fell asleep in her lap.

Thus the woman was both surprised and delighted as the child suddenly became attached to her

But then she put him in her lap and started humming something .

[ three years later ]

" Grandma wake up what did I bring? "

" What brought me sweetheart?"

This scene was in a corner of the city where people used to dump their garbage

A sick old woman and a small child of 2-3 years old were happily talking to each other

" If I bring you fresh bread, You don't have to eat stale food today "

" My sweet son, you haven't stolen from somewhere, have you? "

" The thing is that there was no one at the shop so..."

" How many times have I told you that it is better to starve than to steal and eat , What did I teach you? "

" Never steal , Always speak the truth , To do good to all no matter what they are, to bear no grudge against anyone and to always live for one's own honor. "

" So I will do this from now on.?"

"But your health is bad and you need better this time we don't even have money for medicine and and and…." Thus before uttering the whole sentence the child started crying and clung to the old lady .

" Calm down, calm down...I'm fine, you're the only one I want ...Let me tell you today where I came from and why I don't need help from others .

Suddenly.. Tears came in the eyes of the old lady .

The child understood that the life of this old woman must have been very difficult like him.

The child still forcefully made the old woman embrace..He was soothing her by caressing her with his delicate hands .

A child and an old woman embraced each other in a garbage dump in a corner of the city.

It was evening time and it was getting dark ....

The color of the sky was also changing .....

The atmosphere was getting cold and it was quiet all around ...

Suddenly there was light in the sky as if it were the sky of the day.....






Explosions started from all directions ....

A fire broke out around the child and the old woman. Due to the garbage, the fire was approaching them very fast .

The old woman did not have any strength a little while ago, but seeing her child in trouble, she suddenly got strength.