
Integrating into Adventure Society: COTE x Danmachi

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, a student attending the Koudo Ikusei Senior High School finds himself in a world of monsters, gods, and adventurers. How will he attempt to live his peaceful life in a world where it's never peaceful? ______________________________________________________________ I don't own anything I use from other works I don't own the cover and the work either I'm just adding it to the webnovel so that other can read it. If the author has any complaints, be free to talk to me and I should remove it. [English isn't my first language] Credit to the Owner: 02ragnar ______________________________________________________________

Blank_Key · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs


A/N: For anyone confused about the timelines. This is for plot convenience, let's say that after they witnessed Bell kill the minotaur, they found out they were short on supplies. They'll be resuming the expedition tomorrow (story-wise) after going to the Hostess. Also, no harem. Kiyo won't fall for anyone. But a few girls might. I don't really know since I don't really care about that stuff.


Currently, I was moving back and forth from the customer's table to the kitchen. Making sure I didn't drop a single plate, I delivered each tray along with a drink ordered by the customers.

Even though this was a new experience for me, it wasn't as hard as I figured. For one, to make sure the plates don't slip as you walk or run, I had to increase the grip I put on the edge of my fingers. In other words, my fingertips were gripped tightly to the bottom of each plate. While the plates were had a smooth surface, if I altered the center of gravity on my arms, I enabled myself to hold plates on my arms.

I had to do this from the start without any prior experience so I must say, I wasn't doing badly. In fact, I'm doing a much better job than the cats, Chloe and Anya. I wonder, if the tail is just another part of the body, it can be manipulated with free will. And if it's another limb, it should be able to carry items of various weights. Yet they don't bother attempting to do so. A waste, I must say.

I was assigned to the group of men who I brought in simply because none of the other waiters had the will to serve them. Taking responsibility, I delivered each and every dish they ordered. Initially, they were hostile, so I just ignored them, causing them to cause trouble. But as I lacked any interaction with them personally, they grew bored and left the bar. After paying the mighty bill of course.

Because of their leave, I was assigned to serve the women I brought in. It seems they were going to get their wish.

They've been here for about 36 minutes and hadn't ordered yet. They were busy deciding with each other, arguing on what to get in order to save money. About money, I grew more experienced in the world's finance.

It was difficult to figure out if the world's currency was equivalent to any type of financial currency on Earth. This could be because valis only has a coin form. Paper money does not exist. One thing I can confirm at the very least is that 10,000 valis does not equal 10,000 yen.

I walked over to the two tables of 4, containing 8 women in all. Upon my arrival, they looked up at me.

"Ah, you're here. We were waiting." One of them said. With a cheery grin on her face.

"I don't suppose you were waiting for me all this time?" I asked them.

"Yep, yep. That's what we were doing. It would be much better to get served by you than by those women."

"I understand, but I suggest you don't try that again. The longer you wait without purchasing, further increases Mia's anger." I told them. If the owner is enraged by these women, It'll fall on me to take responsibility.

"I understand. Anyhow, we would like to get the artichoke dip and 8 bottles of spicy rum." They all said at once.

Without responding or nodding, I went back to the kitchen to relay the order. Going inside, I found May bustling back and forth with different bowls in her hands.

"Tables 4 and 5 ordered an artichoke dip, enough to feed 8 people, and 8 bottles of rum."

I said this out loud. I also wrote it down on a paper dedicated to writing down the orders of customers. It was essentially a notebook in that it contained many blank pages. I wrote the order down on the page for today.

I turned to exit the kitchen before May, a cat girl chef called out.

"Ah wait up, Ayanokoji. Sorry but I need you in the kitchen. I can't do this myself. Mind making what those people just ordered?"

The order in this kitchen is a mess. I was supposedly supposed to be a cook during the day and a waiter during the night, but it seems I'll be forced to do either of the two when it's convenient to the employees.

The order itself isn't much. I once saw the recipe and the process to create Artichoke dip on the television back in my dorm. In the back cabinet of the left side in the kitchen, I pulled out a sealed bag of tortilla and pulled out a tray. I emptied the contents of the bag on the tray and placed it in the oven. Usually, you wouldn't have to do so, but I figured that it would be better if the chips were extra crispy. Of course, they'll have to be taken out quick enough so they don't burn up.

While the chips were in the oven. I pulled out a bowl from under the counter and made my way to the fridge. There weren't many ingredients in there due to the number of ingredients having to be used to serve the customers. But I made do with what was there. Using my memory of what I saw, I pulled out a container of mayonnaise, cream cheese, mozzarella, cheese, lemon, zest, salat, artichoke, and pepper. I place them all on the bowl without emptying them. I kept the bowl there as I retrieved spinach. I heated up a pot filled with water and placed the Spinach inside them. While waiting, I went back to the oven and pulled out the tray with the chips.

Making sure to avoid other chefs, I made my way to the bowl after grabbing a skillet.

I took out the ingredients and the bowl and carefully measured the amount needed into the bowl. I still remembered the specific measurements from the show. Adding water and milk, I mixed each ingredient into a smooth paste. Then I emptied it onto the skillet that was already under the flames. After a few more minutes, I drained the spinach and paled it on the skillet.

After waiting for a good 3 minutes and 31 seconds, the dip was ready. I emptied the skillet into a wide bowl. Taking a plate, I placed the dip on the center and filled it's surroundings with the chips.

The artichoke dip was ready. The rest was simple enough. I grabbed 8 mugs and poured a warm, red liquid inside them.

Putting the plate on my arms, I used my ten fingers to grab the handles of each and every mug. With that, I left the kitchen. Walking carefully toward the tables of 4, I placed 4 mugs onto the table. I then used that free arm to place the plate onto the table. Then I handed them the last 4 mugs. With their order fulfilled, I was about to head back into the kitchen when a rather loud person started speaking.

"Hey, you could have told me the group of you were heading to this damn place!"

"That's your fault, stupid wolf."

"Shut it!"

"Calm down Bete, Anyways, care to explain why you're here? We thought you were in the dungeon."

"That damn tomato boy ruined the last time we were here. I just wanted to make up for it."

"Bell...isn't a tomato boy."

A group of 4, now 5 people, were sitting close to the center of the bar. I recognized the initial 4 as the ones who came inside about 40 minutes ago. It seemed while I was gone, a wolfman joined them.

Wolf people seem to be rare compared to others, considering I've only ever seen 1 before this. That was at the guild where a red-furred woman resided.

And they were adventurers. The wolf had a weapon tucked behind his back with a few scratches here and there. It seems he was in the dungeon, as the blonde-haired boy said.

These were also adventurers on the list I received from Misha. Aiz Wallenstein, the girl I've seen before. Finn Deimne, Rivera Ljos Alf, and Tiona Hiryute, all top-class adventurers at the top of the list.

They were bickering about things I didn't care to understand. Getting back to work, I passed them to go to the kitchen. That was until the wolf called out to me.

"Hey, waiter, a beer! Aiz, ya want one?"

"No, I'm good."

"Heard that, one beer."

I was walking beside his seat before he called out to me. Listing to what he said, I walked past him and into the kitchen.

Once I was inside, I wrote down 'One Regular Beer' onto the paper.


Third-person Pov:

"Did he just ignore Bete Loga?"

"'The' Bete Loga."

Chattering occurred after Ayanokoji went to the kitchen to relay Bete's order. The customers seemed to take what Ayanokoji did the wrong way, and assumed that he ignored the wolf, Bete. This was not true. Of course, they do not know that. This included the wolf.

"The Hell, did he even hear me?" Bete expressed his complaint to his comrades. On the other hand, they weren't paying attention to him. No, they were instead looking at Aiz. the 16 year old blonde-haired, golden eyes, girl.

"Something wrong their Aiz. You seem really interested at that kitchen door for some reason?"

The door Aiz Wallenstein was looking at was the door Ayanokoji went through.

"No, it's just...I've seen that waiter before." She told her other 3 friends, besides Bete, who wasn't paying attention.

"I saw him at the guild...he seems mysterious."

"Well, for a man to be able to work at this all-female bar, there must be something about him that's unique. But why does it matter? He's just a normal man." The High elf princess stated.

"Maybe, but, at the guild, he walked past me, yet. Wasn't able to hear a single footstep. His presence was almost nonexistent." The girl said in a strong of words. Aiz didn't talk this much at once, prompting them to start listening. Even the wolf, Bete joined in.

"What do ya mean, 'nonexistent'. He's right there. Your senses botched or something?" Bete saud ti Aiz. Not believing that the level 6 Aiz couldn't notice Ayanokoji's footsteps.

While Aiz Wallenstein may indeed be strong, she knew nothing of modern-day techniques. This goes for anyone. Using several techniques learned in the White Room, Ayanokoji decided to walk carefully, making sure that not even high-level adventurers can notice him without eyeing him directly. He deemed it necessary that he does this in case someone hunts him down for being someone from another world.

But one person took a deep interest in what Aiz relayed to them.

"Are you sure about this Aiz?"


"If that's the case, he has to be a high-level adventurer to be able to avoid a level 6's senses. Though, I've never once seen someone of his appearance before." Rivera expressed her thoughts on the matter.

"Who cares, he's just some no-good waiter you can find anywhere." The wolf said.

"No, I didn't hear him either. Even if it is noisy in here." Finn said as his thumb twitched like crazy.


Ayanokoji Pov:

Receiving the beer from May's hands, I left the kitchen and walked through the dining area toward the center. I was getting looks from everyone as I came out. I can only assume it's because it seemed like I ignored the request or order of a top-class adventurer. I only just realized it now. Ignoring their looks, I went straight to Bete Loga, the wolfman.

"Tch so it's true. Aiz was right."

And what does he mean by that?

"So even the wolf couldn't, now that's surprising." The girl, Tiona said.

I placed the beer in front of him on the table. I noticed that the blonded girl, Aiz Wallenstein was staring at me intently.

Ignoring as to why she was, I went to another table and picked up the plates that were empty. While taking them to the kitchen, I had to move past another table, filled with adventurers as well. These adventurers were also staring, no glaring, at me. But they had an evil grin, contrary to the blonde girl's curious expression. I noticed one man's fidgety movements, especially towered their legs. He spread them while he laid out his foot in my path. He was going to try something.

His speed was impressive but I was much faster. Making sure not to drop plates, I put my right foot on him, crushing it under my weight, then I put my left foot under his, using force to twist it while still keeping my right on his body. This was done in a second at most. Glancing at him, I can already predict his next movements. Once I took a step away, moving my foot, he screamed out in pain.

"Ahhhhh, what the fuck. How'd he do th- AHHH that shit hurts."

He cursed out in pain but I wasn't going to waste my time waiting for his next brainless actions. Well, I wanted to. Unfortunately, I cannot do that. His clunky body movements told me what he was about to do a minute before he ever did then. I knew this because of the way his muscles twitched near his calves and left foot. He was going to stand and launch a left kick to the head.


He yelled out a war cry. He reminded me of a certain Class C, now B, student with the way he yelled during a fight. Plus, I don't think I've ever heard a human yell like that. Must be because this is a fantasy land.

The plate that was balancing on my arms was about to fall off. Well, to be specific, I made eit fall off. When the plate was in mid-air, the man had already launched his kick, putting all his might into a nugatory attempt. To make sure the plate didn't crack as it hit the ground, I moved my chest back, while keeping my feet in place, and crouched down a few centimeters to grab the falling plate.

The arc he created in the air with that kick proved his strength. He was much stronger than the assassin I faced earlier. While I'm sure I could have taken it no matter the pain I'd receive, I'd rather not risk it, so I read his movements and dodged before his brain could process what was happening.

I saw Mia on the back counter, an angry yet calm look covered her face. The other employees such as Ryuu, Chloe, and Lunoire had curious expressions on their faces, Most likely surprised that an average guy like me was lucky enough to dodge it.

"The fuck!! He dodged that shit." The man said as his left leg came down with his right ankle in tremendous pain.

"The plate almost dropped. It ain't no coincidence that it fell to the fucking floor at the same time."

A coincidence. But didn't these people know that...

"'Coincidences can be freaky'"

I purposely dropped the plate at the same time he launched the high kick in order to make it look like the reason I dodged was that I needed to prevent the plate from cracking.




"Well he's an interesting one, Aiz." The emerald-haired high elf broke the silence.

"Indeed." The captain of the #2 Familia in Orario replied.

"He strong or something." Commented one of the man's companions.

The man in question then charged me with a punch with his right hand. Once he came in a close distance, I used the back of my hand to hit his elbow joints, messing up his arm posture by sending a shock through his bones. His arm ended up being deflected and his punch was diffused. The man's balance was failing as he stumbled past me. But before he did, I whispered in his ear.

"Your form is sloppy, your foot needs more efficient positioning, and these movements are wasted." I said in a low voice.

"Huh?" He whispered back.

"'That won't be enough to stop.'"

And that was that. The man stumbled past me and fell on his chest. I'm sure the high-level adventurers heard what I had to say since it's impossible to conceal one's voice, but it doesn't matter.

Unfortunately, this man was making my job difficult. Now that he's been dealt with, I can only hope more trouble won't spawn in the future.

With that situation dealt with, I walked to the kitchen with the plate in my hands. Once I reached there, I was met with the confrontation of the other staff.

"That was cool nya~."

"So sexy meow~."

"Impressive Mr. Ayanokoji, you managed to avoid getting an earful from Mama Mia." Ryuu said. But I just went past the 3 of them and went to the counter. I put down the plate and looked up at Mia who was behind it.

"He instigated violence, I simply suppressed it down without causing much trouble but I apologize." I told her.

"Enough of that. You're lucky you didn't drop that plate, I would've kicked ya both out."

After listening to her reply, I went back into the kitchen.

"Never seen a fighting style like that. Seems like something only Takemikazuchi would know." Mia said under her breath after I left.

Once inside the kitchen, I grabbed the order of table 2 and went back outside to deliver it. Table 2 just so happened to be the table seating the top class adventurers.

I got in front of the table, beside the short man, the prum, and placed the dish in the center.

"That was a nice showing. You're an interesting waiter, aren't you. A confident one too, with the words you said." The prum captain, Finn, said.

"I'm just an average guy."

"Really?" The elf said with her eyebrows raised up.

"That was interesting, Mr. Waiter." Tiona Hiryute said.

"Your intense stares were enough to tell me that."

With that comment, the wolfman, Bete, raised up an eyebrow. It seems I've said something I shouldn't have.

"And how the hell did you know we were looking at you? Your back was facing us." He said to me. Seems I have to make an excuse.

"When a fight is taking place in a relatively peaceful place, most if not all people have a tendency to see what's happening. That included you 5."

Right after I left that in the air, I turned around to het back to work. That was until the blonde girl spoke for the first time.

"Name...What's your name?" She spoke quietly, in a hushed but very curious voice.

I don't see any reason to hide it. I turn around and face her. My eyes meeting the 5 sets of others around me.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

"Aiz Wallenstein." She introduced herself after I did.


Aiz Pov:

So that's his name. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I wonder how strong he is.

Where did he learn how to fight like that? I was never taught it. I want to know. Can he tell me?

Also, that was.....cool, I think.

I was going to ask him if he could tell me what I wanted to know before I was interrupted by Tiona.

Not fair...


Ayanokoji Pov:

A small.....pout, at least I think it is, formed on her face. Why?

The other adventurers thought the same as Aiz and the others introduced themselves.

It seemed to me Aiz Wallenstein was about to say something but got interrupted as Tiona Hiryute spoke up.

"Tiona Hiryute. Nice to meet ya, Ayanokoji."

"Rivera Ljos Alf and I feel the same."

"Bete." He said in a rather grumpy voice.

All that was left was the prum captain. I looked into his eyes. My own narrowing.

I know that look in his eyes. I've seen them multiple times in the past 16 years.

Those are the eyes of an analyst.

"Finn Deimne. It's good to meet you."

'I don't know what he might plan to do, but if this man, no, Loki Familia, plans to interfere with what I do from now on, then this city might have to lose their #2.'

I walked away from the table after they completed their introductions. Not saying a thing as I did.




A/N: There will be no harem or romance with Ayanokoji. Aiz is NOT going to like Kiyo in a romantic way. Starting next chapter or the one after, there'll be a lot more action and fighting. I also want to get Ayanokoji in the dungeon as soon as possible. But I need it to make sense. So maybe they'll be two or three chapters before that happens. Also, if you're confused about Ayanokoji's strength in this world. I'll explain.

Ayanokoji going all out with pure physical strength is on par with a mid to high level 2. While his strength might be weaker than a level 3, like the man he fought in the bar, Kiyo's knowledge of modern, advanced martial arts and the body's weak points that can't be trained or enchanced by falna, give him the edge.

Kiyo will mainly fight with physical powers. But he'll have some fantasy powers as time goes on.

Blank_Keycreators' thoughts