
1 Prince and 2 Princess

Rias who was waiting eagerly in the garden was very nervous as it was very long since she had met him.

In the Mansion,

Grayfia stood up when Black Robed Hex and Seekvaira appeared.

Grayfia seeing both of them smiled ans said " Welcome,your highness Prince and Agares Heiress"

Hex smiled at her and said " Grayfia sama ,why formalities with me?"

Grayfia rolled her eyes and said " Because you're a Prince"

Hex said " Alright alright i give up "

Grayfia Smile beautifully and said " Rias sama is waiting for your arrival "

Hex nodded his head and said " Alright lead the way please Grayfia sama"

Then Grayfia started to walk towards the mansion garden.

Grayfia while walking said " Our Princess has gotten her self a Queen in her peerage, That Queen wanted to meet you but I've forbidden her as she's olny Middle class Devil.

Seekvaira nodded her head and said " my Queen also wanted to meet him but can't "

Hex said " I am sorry "

Seekvaira laughed and said " My future husband is handsome that's all ,why are you sorry? you're not in the fault here"

Hex just modded his head.

As the conversation going on They reached the Garden Gates and Grayfia went past it.

Hex with Seekvaira also went inside.

Hex seeing Rias who was taller then Seekvaira and her boobs are also bigger,as big as Albedo's who's 16 year's old but Rias her self is 14. Rias had a exquisite face that even his peerage members can only compare.If Seekvaira was Cute and lovely,Rias was Sexy and Bombshell.Rias was wearing shoulder less formal dress red in colour.

Rias was also checking out Hex who was wearing Black Buffed Robe with golden shoulder,he have short hair,His ears were pointy like an elf ,On his head was black Crown floating he looked gorgeous? no handsome? Devilishly Handsome.

Hex seeing her came Infront of her kneeled on one knee.

Seeing this Rias Blushed and gave her which was in also warped with red gloves.

Hex took her hand which was facing upward and kissed her hand.

Hex after kissing back of her hand he stood up and hugged her lightly warping around his hand on her bare shoulders.Her breasts were just touching his chest not pressing it.it was a warm hug of a friend.

Hex then released her from hug but still both hand's are on her bare shoulders,then asked gently " How are you Rias? "

Rias seeing him up closed blushed and said " I..i am fine" " y..you?"

Hex nodded his head and said " i am very good too, It's been a while since we met huh 'childhood friend'?"

Rias nodded her head and said " yes it has been a while "

Then their reminiscing past moment was broken by 'Ahem'

Seekvaira came Infront of Rias and said " Rias my name is Seekvaira Agares and we are fiance of this Prince together "

Rias looking at Seekvaira who was in same kind of clothes as Hex, A little jealous look appeared on her eye then said " Seekvaira,You stole him from me ,i was the first and last fiance he needed"

Seekvaira smiled and said " i did that and i am proud of it,let me tell you, you and i have to form a Alliance otherwise fiance will only increase,I am already saving him from that Phenex family you know"

Rias hearing this knew that Hex was not something she could eat alone so she nodded her head and said " Alright, Let's be friends then"

Grayfia came in front of them and said " Garden tea table is ready your Highness Prince and 2 Princess"

They nodded and went to sit on the tea table in the garden which has lot's and lot's of snack varieties.

Table has 3 chairs and so 3 of them sat together.

Behind them stood 4 High Class Devil maid's for any of their needs.

Grayfia said " I'll take my leave now " then left them in the garden.

Seekvaira opened her mouth first saying" Rias don't misunderstand i love him not because he's Prince or whatever, i love him because he is Hex "

Rias said " I know, look at you ,he even gave you this outfit didn't he?"

Hex said " ah! yes I've, actually i wanted to give you too but when my mother came to your house to take your measurements you weren't there "

Rias said " ah! i am on Human world protecting a territory with Sona"

Hex asked" eh? Sona? Heiress of the Sitri Clan?"

Rias said " yes , we're very good friends, Childhood friend just like you and me but we go to same school now"

Hex asked" but why? like anyone could protect a territory not needing two heiress of such big families "

Rias said " ah we also have to gather our peerage members,you see Sacred Gear user's are found in Human world and many races come and go there so our world view is also changing "

Hex nodded his head and said " yeah i understand,you should take Seeka Chan with you to so she can also get some peerage members "

Seekvaira asked Rias " will it be alright? i wanted to go human world too but father forbids me but if Hex say that to father and i am with you and Sona i guess he'll let me go "

Rias said " Alright, we can go together but who'll protect this dumbo from other bitches?"

Seekvaira rolled her eyes and said" He will go train only and his handsomeness will prevent it for the time being and that Phenex family is using their money on Zekram Bael sama so even if i stay I can't do anything, they'll just need a cause that's all."

Hex said " don't say such things about Great Clan's and My grandpa"

Rias and Seekvaira both rolled their eyes at him.

Then they started to chat about many things and Rias will be going back tomorrow to the human world.

At that moment A figure came running towards Hex ,

Rias seeing this stood up and said " That's my Queen don't hurt her"

Hex wanted to destroy who ever was coming towards him like that.Hearing Rias he held back and saw a black haired girl same age as him hugging him tightly.

Hex then slowly put his hand on back of her head and while saying to her " Beautiful lady you shouldn't have peeked at me,now you lost control of your body but all your emotions aside this is the first time i am seeing a Middle Class Devil Infront of me other than lust have different emotions,you have a sadness deep inside you"

While Akeno was losing her consciousness her eyes showed a glean and she said " you can see that?" then she closed her eyes.

Hex said to Rias " Don't worry, she's just temporary sleeping"

Rias heaved a sigh of relief and said " Thank you"

Hex who was putting down Akeno to the maid's near came Infront of Rias while holding her chin upward with his right hand said " Between us Thank you is not needed" then lightly gave a peck oh her lips.

Rias blushed and nodded her head.

Hex said " I'll meet you on guy's on the Party of our 16th birthday, I'll be preparing a magic for that party in this day's so i won't be able to meet you guys"

Then he came Infront of Seekvaira and pecked her lips and vanished alone.

Seekvaira seeing this said to Rias " I guess he wanted us to have some time alone"

Rias also nodded her head then her maiden struck on love face vanished a serious face appeared.

Rias sat down and Seekvaira sat down with her .

Rias asked " So how long are you guys meeting?"

Seekvaira said " It's been 3 year's,at 11 year's old i reached High Class Devil so yeah from that time."

Rias nodded and asked again " so how far have you gone with him?"

Seekvaira had a very mischievous smile on her face and said " i almost reverse raped him,if he didn't love me that much he would have just killed me "

Rias shocked and asked " tell me what happened?"

Then Seekvaira told her how today she lost her virginity and Hex told her to get out but she forcefully put that dick inside of her.

Rias blushed and stood up angrily said " Youuuuuuu,I am the first wife"

Seekvaira laughed and said " you and me are the same.A wife but let me ask you if I didn't force him ,can you force him down? with your shyness and his shyness you'll be old women before losing your virginity"

Rias trembled as if angry.

Seekvaira said " Ah! i love him too you know,and he said he love me that's why i dared ,and I've opened a path for you now 'First Sister' "

Hearing this Rias's anger calmed first because Hex loves Seekvaira and she loved him back so it's alright.Second and main reason Seekvaira said 'First Sister' that means she's the first wife of Hex.

Rias smiled beautifully and said " Ah! second sister Thank you for paving the path for me"

Seekvaira gritted her teeth and said " Don't tell anyone about our sisterly pack "

Rias nodded her head in satisfaction.

In the Agares Clan Mansion.

A unknown circle appeared. everyone was on their guard.

Then a beautiful Lady appeared with ice crown on her head and she looked gorgeous.

Silvia Agares mother of Seekvaira who was sitting on couch seeing this woman asked " who are you? "

That beautiful lady bowed her head to Silvia and said " Greetings Lady Agares,i am Servant of his highness prince ° Hextorias Ceresc Bael ° as he was coming now ,he send me ahead to warn you to let Low and Middle class Devil to move out"

Silvia hearing this said " ara ara my son in law is coming? Everyone get out only high class servant remains , this house's future son in law is coming, Seekvaira's Fiance "

After This everyone left with a handful of servants remaining on the mansion hall.

Hex appeared from that Magic Circle.

Silvia seeing this said " ara ara you're as handsome as ever Hex chan "

Hex came Infront of her thought' ah she's gorgeous,she looks like my Seekvaira but more mature,i guess Seekvaira will be like this after our 2-3 baby's '

Silvia said " That's right "

Hex blushed and got confused and asked " did i said something?"

Silvia said " no but that much i could guess. seeing your face which was admiring my beauty and comparing it with someone"

Hex blushed and kissed back of her hand saying " I didn't mean to offend you My lady Agares"

Silvia smiled and said " ara ara you're smelling like our Seekvaira, you can call me mother now can't you? after what you've done ufufufu"

Hex said " Yes mother" while his face was red like tomato.

Silvia asked " so what do i owe pleasure of his Highness Princes visit?"

Hex explained how he wanted Seekvaira to go in human world with Rias.

Silvia asked " That's it?"

Hex nodded again.

Silvia said " although i am a but disappointed you didn't came here to see me but alright she can go ."

Hex then said " I'll take my leave then "

Silvia said " stay? for Dinner?"

Hex shook his head and said " no not today i am going to train and Mother is waiting, I'll come eat when i become officially member of this family"

Silvia said " you are already a member of Agares clan but you can go along ufufufu"

Then Hex Vanished using magic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up with power stone's!

tiko_tikocreators' thoughts
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