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_inkheart_13 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 8-Uncovered talent/the favour

Previously: "I'm not hiding anything leave me alone."My defensive tone changed to offensive in a snap.

"Show it to us."He said in a demanding tone that kinda scared me.

"I said nothing,mind your business and leave me alone Kayden."I said close to yelling at him.

"Fine then you won't show us then I'll just take it."Kayden said walking towards the windowsill grabbing my backpack on his way.

"Kayden,don't you dare touch my things."I yelled at him but he didn't budge.

He lifted the pillow and took my sketchpad out,I ran to stop but it was too late he opened where the pencil was and looked through it then looked at me with a confused stare.

"What is it Kayden? Show us."Aaron demanded.

"No no please don't show him and don't say anything about it to anyone please Kayden."I said begging.

"But,I do not understand,why are you hiding this?"Kayden said confused.

"It's personal okay."I said a bit harsh.

"Well I want to see it,personal or not."Aaron said frustrated.

He walked towards Kayden and took my sketchpad from him and looked at with anger at first,before turning into confusion,then amusement while Quinn gave me a strong blank look but in his eyes were hurt just a bit though.

"This is beautiful Cora,why are hiding this?"Aaron said.

"Come take a look Quinn."Aaron continued,Quinn walked to him and took the book looked through it before look up at me confused.

"But these are just drawing of all us,why are you hiding it? It's beautiful."Quinn said.

"What did she draw?"Jasper asked.

"She drew picture of us and of the castle and other stuff."Aaron answered.

Jasper took off and looked through the pages then looked up at me.

"When did you draw this? This is beautiful,it looks just like us wow."Jasper said.

"Thanks but can I have it back now."I said sort of shy.

"Sure,but why were you hiding it and why did you look so scared about us finding it?"Aaron asked arching his brow at me while handing me the book.

"I guess I like to keep to myself plus don't you think it's strange that I just met you but I have already captured every single detail about your features."I said taking my sketchpad from him then getting my bag and putting it by the bed and placing the book on my.

"No,I think it means you're observant taking in little details that many people would miss."Aaron answered with a smile.

"You have gift,it' nothing to hide."Quinn said softly while taking my hand,making my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you."I said out of breath.

'Wow,why do I feel tingles when he touches me,forget about it your stressing for no reason chill and outta breath.'

"Well,I and Quinn will train you tomorrow morning,don't over sleep."He said rolling his eyes.

"Sir,yes sir."I said in a mock salute and stomped my feet.

"How dare you talk to me like that,I could have you beheaded at any moment,you will respect me I am a prince."He said in a serious tone and lock infuriated.

'Shit,I messed up big time,pause he is joking around I know it for fact and if I happen to be wrong them mama papa I'm coming.'

"Oh,my I am deeply sorry,I apologize,I didn't intend to offend you."I said in a mocking voice and curtsied.

"Ugh,I can't fool can I? I thought that by you'd be trembling with fear and I'd have last laugh but you got it instead."He said with a boyish grin.

"Cora,always gets the last laugh,me big strong woman."I said making almost everyone laugh except Kayden gosh you can't please that man.

"You're serious clown."Aaron said and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah,I am but can I ask a favor?"I said.

"What is it? You want more shoes or clothes."Kayden said obviously irritated.

"No,in my opinion I already have too much like as if I have a whole and bet me it's too much."I said.

"Then what else would a girl want."Kayden asked unsure.

"Kayden are married or in any relationship with any girl?"I asked him a bit frustrated.

"No,why would you ask such a thing?"He said in a sort of angry tone.

"Well I'll tell you why,because you demine girls every girl wants someone that would love and see her as their equal someone who won't them someone who will see them as strong but see women as weak,greedy,proud and delicate feathers well you're wrong because women are not like that and no woman wants someone who is rude or self centered like you,so better change if not you are going to spend the rest of your life alone."I said irritated.

I expected him to angry to yell back or to tell me I'm wrong or to say I know nothing or not to say nothing at all and act as if I don't exist or at a point hit me but he didn't he glared at me but I stood my ground then his glare turned to a smirk.

"Miss Cora has a temper,hmmm maybe I was wrong about you."He said.

Though just infuriated me more I wanted to shout angry words at swear call him name but I couldn't cause just in time Aaron decided to change the subject.

"So Cora tell what is this favor you want?"Aaron asked.

"Oh yeah,I wanted to help around the castle here and there and do things for myself."I said calming down.

"Why?"Aaron asked.

"Because,I don't want to be stay here and do nothing I want to earn my keep."I said in a matter of fact voice.

"You are very strange but anyway you won't be doing nothing,I can't let you do the first one but I can help you the second one what are the thing you wanna do by yourself."He asked.

"Um well,I wanna clean after myself meaning I'd clean here by myself,I wanna wash my own cloths,I wanna cook my own food,thing like that,generally I wanna look after myself."I said cheerfully.

"Why?"He asked again it's obvious he doesn't know how to do things by himself.

"Well because I'm used to doing things by myself and I have allergies."I said.

"O well ok,is that all?"He asked.

"Yeah."I said.

"Oh ok then,I'll have that arranged for you,am guessing you'd like cook for yourself today."He said in a questioning voice.

"Nah,I've got it covered for today but tomorrow I'll start."I said happily.

"Ok well bye."Jasper said.

"Jasper stop they will stay for as long as they want to."I said in a scolding voice.

"Eh,who are you my mom leave me be."He retorted.

"I'm not your mom but someone's got teach you manners."I said.

"Well,mind your business."He said and walked away.

'I swear he is such a diva,just look at him.'

"Sorry bout he's well something but um,yeah."I said unsure of how to apologize.

"No,he's right we should be going it is evening since that audience took longer than expected,we should allow you to rest."Aaron said.

"Oh, well then bye."I said.

The nodded in response and left the room