9 need to get out of here

it was a terrible feeling in the cave.i asked tom if he could light up something because sun was setting down ,and after noon we would not be able to see each other at moonlight.

tom took underclothes and sam too and they threw some of the kerosene in it and went to find out some stones .

i was angry at them because they left us behind alone .and we were staring each other.i asked rose was she happy with him .she blushed and her cheeks went pink with a cute smile.i understood that she likes him too.

they came back with fire and i was soo happy.i saw tom with a glance of thanks and he too .

we took our food items and also our stuffs and rechecked them and we had our dinner.some juices,chips and marshmallows roasted on fire.it was fun but i was sensing some ill out there . Because the time i entered the cave ,it doesn't feel good .As i am very good at sensing thing whether good or bad.Espescially bad things .

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