
Chapter 1

As the blinding bright lights of the studio flickered off, signaling the end of yet another intense photo-shoot session, the atmosphere shifted from one of frenetic energy to a momentary calm. The photographer's voice, deep and resonant, filled the room, his words reverberating against the stark white walls adorned with framed images of past projects.

"Good work everyone!" he bellowed, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion mixed with satisfaction, prompting a chorus of responses from his team.

The sound of equipment being packed away hummed in the background, a symphony of closure after hours of meticulous work.

Amidst the controlled chaos of winding down, the distinct sound of heels tapping against the undecorated white floor cut through the air, drawing the attention of the weary crew.

All eyes turned towards the entrance as the model, with an air of graceful poise, made her way into the studio.

Despite her youthfulness, there was an undeniable aura of confidence that enveloped her, accentuated by each step she took. Her presence seemed to command the space, capturing the gaze of everyone in the room.

The photographer, momentarily distracted from the tasks at hand, found himself captivated by the model's appearance.

Lithe and statuesque, she moved with a fluidity that hinted at years of experience in front of the camera. Her features, bathed in the soft glow of the exit signs, exuded an ethereal beauty that seemed almost otherworldly against the backdrop of the studio's industrial setting. It was as if she had stepped out of a dream, a vision of perfection amidst the controlled chaos of the creative process.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as the photographer absorbed the sight before him, his fatigue momentarily forgotten in the presence of such undeniable beauty.

In that brief interlude, amidst the flurry of activity and the lingering echoes of a successful shoot, he found himself reminded of the magic that drew him to this profession in the first place—the ability to capture fleeting moments of perfection, frozen in time for all eternity.

As he watched her approach, the photographer couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable allure she possessed. The way her brunette locks swayed in perfect synchrony with her hips as she sauntered towards him, and the delicate flutter of her extended, curled eyelashes with each blink, sent a flurry of sensations coursing through him, causing his heart to hammer against his chest in an almost palpable rhythm.

Realizing he had become momentarily entranced by her beauty, he shook himself out of his reverie, refocusing his attention on the approaching model. With a friendly smile gracing his features, he extended his hand in greeting.

"That was excellent work, Rosella," he complimented, his voice warm with genuine appreciation.

In response, her thin lips stretched into a broad smile, mirroring his own.

With a graceful gesture, she tucked a few strands of her hair behind her pale ear before reaching out to accept his handshake. The brief contact sent a jolt of electricity through him, leaving him momentarily breathless as their eyes met, a silent exchange of mutual respect and admiration passing between them.

"Your guidance is what brought the best out of me," Rosella remarked, her voice soft yet filled with genuine gratitude. A tiny chuckle escaped her lips as she drew back her hand, acknowledging the photographer's role in her success.

A subtle flush of crimson spread across the photographer's cheeks, betraying his flattered demeanor. He cleared his throat, his gratitude evident in the warmth of his smile as he watched her.

Their exchange of farewells was brief yet meaningful, a silent acknowledgment of the collaboration and camaraderie they shared during the shoot. With a graceful turn, Rosella faced the exit, her silhouette framed by the dim light filtering through the studio windows.

As she placed her right foot onto the ground, the cold sensation of the stones beneath her caused her to shudder involuntarily, a stark contrast to the warmth of the studio. With a final glance back at the photographer, she stepped out into the chilly night air, her hair ruffling softly in the breeze as she disappeared into the darkness beyond.

The transition from Rosella's gracious demeanor to a scowl was swift, her expression darkening as she snatched the keys to her Porsche from her manager's outstretched hand. With a determined air, she stormed towards her luxury car, the expensive leather seats beckoning her inside.

Once seated behind the wheel, her pale blue eyes narrowed in concentration as she slammed her pointed heel against the pedal, the powerful engine roaring to life. With a deft hand, she maneuvered the sleek vehicle through the empty streets, her focus unwavering as she navigated towards a destination that held a sense of familiarity.

The elegant lines of the Porsche cut through the night, a stark contrast to the chaos of emotions swirling within Rosella. Behind the wheel, she found a temporary respite from the demands of the studio, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to her racing thoughts.

"Bastards…Adding more work onto my schedule. Couldn't they fucking see I was tired?" Rosella muttered under her breath, frustration evident in the furrow of her brow and the set of her jaw. The weight of the added responsibilities bore down on her, threatening to overwhelm even her steely resolve.

Halting the car by a red traffic light, Rosella braced herself against the seat, the engine's gentle purr providing a steady backdrop to her simmering anger. As she waited for the light to change, she reached for a pack of cigarettes resting in the cup holder, her fingers deftly extracting one and bringing it to her lips.

With practiced ease, she flicked open a lighter, the flame casting a warm glow in the dim interior of the car. As she inhaled the toxic substance, a brief sense of calm washed over her, the familiar ritual serving as a temporary reprieve from the chaos of her thoughts. Leaning back against the plush leather seat, she closed her eyes for a moment, allowing the nicotine to soothe her frayed nerves and relax her stiff shoulders.

For a fleeting moment, the world outside faded into the background, leaving Rosella alone with her thoughts and the rhythmic pulse of the city around her.

Occupying herself with music while indulging in a drag of her cigarette seemed like the perfect distraction, and Rosella wasted no time in fiddling with the buttons of the stereo system. Soon, the car was filled with the sound of one of her favorite songs, the familiar melody weaving its way through the air. She couldn't help but hum along, her fingers tapping rhythmically against the steering wheel in time with the beat.

As she glanced around the road ahead, her attention momentarily diverted, she caught movement in the side mirror. Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed a small vehicle charging up behind her own, its headlights glaring in the darkness. Panic coursed through her veins, a cold sweat breaking out on her brow.

"Shit," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the music.

With a surge of adrenaline, she slammed her heel onto the pedal, the powerful engine roaring to life as the car lurched forward.

Ignoring the fact that the traffic light hadn't turned green yet, she pushed the vehicle to its limits, her only thought focused on putting distance between herself and the approaching danger.

Events like these were not uncommon for Rosella, especially when she found herself driving home alone after a long day.

"Why can't that crazy fan understand that I don't want to be in a relationship with him?" she hissed through clenched teeth, her frustration boiling over as she wrestled with the unwanted attention that seemed to follow her everywhere.

As she approached a notice that forced her to come to a sudden stop, her anger only intensified, causing her to push the brake pedal with more force than necessary. The front of her vehicle nearly bumped into the sign, a testament to her frayed nerves and mounting impatience.

"Come on, hurry up!" she cried out impatiently, her voice tinged with desperation as she glanced repeatedly in the rearview mirror, half-expecting to see the dreaded figure of her persistent suitor closing in on her.

Despite the chaos of the moment, Rosella's beauty remained undiminished, her features softened by a light touch of makeup that accentuated her natural allure.

As her expression shifted from one of anger to determination, a revitalizing energy seemed to suffuse her, lending her an almost ethereal quality in the dim light of the street.

With a sigh of relief, she watched as the sign lifted, signaling that she could proceed. With renewed focus, Rosella eased her foot off the brake and navigated her car carefully across the tracks, her eyes fixed on the road ahead as she neared the other side, each passing second bringing her one step closer to safety.

"Try and get me now, asshole," Rosella muttered triumphantly, a small, victorious grin tugging at the corners of her lips, momentarily revealing a glimpse of her more defiant, almost childish side.

However, her sense of triumph quickly evaporated as she felt the ground tremble beneath her, the resonant rumble of a familiar transport vehicle drowning out the music blaring through the speakers. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she glanced to her left, her eyes widening in horror as she witnessed a train hurtling towards her with alarming speed.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as panic gripped her, her mind racing through a flurry of thoughts and possibilities. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she frantically assessed her options, her heart hammering against her chest as she searched for a way to escape the impending disaster.

Without giving her a chance to move, the train smashed into the car, its powerful force obliterating any chance of escape for Rosella.

A piercing scream filled the automobile, but it was abruptly silenced as the impact violently jolted her head backward, the bones in her neck audibly cracking under the immense pressure.

The roof of the car crumpled upon impact with the ground, pressing down with unforgiving force onto Rosella's skull.

In that fleeting moment, her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her body rendered limp and lifeless as the oxygen escaped from her parted lips.

It was a grim indication that her once vibrant form had succumbed to the devastating collision, her presence extinguished in an instant by the merciless hand of fate.

"Wake up, human," a rich voice cut through the darkness, pulling Rosella back from the depths of unconsciousness. With a jolt, her ears perked up, recognizing the tone as distinctly male. Slowly, she felt her consciousness returning, her closed eyelids fluttering open to reveal her sky-blue eyes.

As her surroundings came into focus, recognition washed over her, and her breath hitched in her throat.

"I'm alive?" she whispered, her voice barely audible as she surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings, her hands trembling as she brought them up to her face.

The male's response dripped with sarcasm, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.

"No, you're in heaven," he retorted, his tone laced with biting irony, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

Rosella's straight locks swung as she whipped her head in the direction of the voice, her senses reeling as she laid eyes upon another figure with piercing red orbs. Stunned, she struggled to process the sight before her, her sky-blue eyes locked in a mesmerizing gaze with the mysterious stranger.

"Who are you?" she managed to stammer, her confusion evident in her trembling voice as she struggled to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before her. The realization dawned on her slowly, like the gradual unraveling of a mystery, as she pieced together the fragments of her fragmented memory.

Then, it hit her like a freight train.

The tracks.

The train.

Her heart lurched in her chest as she finally comprehended the gravity of the situation. In the background, she detected the familiar sound of the train hurtling towards them at breakneck speed, a sense of impending doom hanging heavy in the air.

Panic surged through her veins as she grappled with the horrifying truth. What the hell was going on? How had she found herself trapped in this nightmarish loop, destined to relive the same tragic events over and over again?

As she turned her attention back to the black-haired male standing beside her, a wave of dread washed over her. He was the final piece of the puzzle, the missing link in her fragmented memories. But his presence only served to deepen the mystery, leaving Rosella with more questions than answers.

"Get out of the way! You're going to get killed!" Rosella's voice rang out in a desperate plea, her fear and urgency palpable as she finally found the strength to voice her thoughts aloud.

But instead of heeding her warning, a smirk painted itself across the face of the black-haired stranger, his aura pulsing with newfound confidence. Ignoring her frantic cries, he calmly rotated his body ninety degrees clockwise, his movements deliberate and calculated. With a sense of ominous determination, he raised his arm, his gaze never leaving Rosella, who watched in horror as the train thundered ever closer, its deafening roar drowning out her screams.

"Let's introduce ourselves, shall we? The name's Zerro," he declared, his voice cutting through the chaos with an unsettling calmness that sent shivers down Rosella's spine.

Disbelief contorted Rosella's features as she processed Zerro's words, her mind struggling to comprehend the surreal turn of events. A soreness clenched her throat as she screamed for a second time, her voice echoing in the chaos of the moment.

But what she witnessed next defied all logic and expectation.

Her breath caught in her throat as she watched in astonishment, her hands instinctively flying to cover her mouth as the front of the train and the palm of Zerro's hand met in a clash of titanic proportions. The sheer force of the impact reverberated through the air, the larger mass of the train struggling to push past the seemingly indomitable force of Zerro's will.

To her utter shock, the train ground to a halt, its momentum arrested by the inexplicable power of the enigmatic stranger before her. With a casual flick of his wrist, Zerro lowered his hand, the tension in the air dissipating as he turned to face Rosella.

As he began to advance towards her with a slow, taunting gait, Rosella felt a chill run down her spine. Her hands trembled as she fumbled to remove her seat belt, her movements fueled by a primal instinct to escape the looming threat of the mysterious figure before her.

With trembling hands, Rosella managed to unlock the door of her car and scramble out, her heart pounding with the desperate urge to flee from the incomprehensible entity that was Zerro. But her efforts proved futile as his laughter echoed mockingly through the small space, sending a shiver down her spine.

Before she could take more than a few steps, Zerro's laughter intensified, a chilling sound that seemed to fill the air around her. With a simple click of his finger, he wielded his otherworldly power, and Rosella found herself inexplicably pinned to the ground, unable to move.

A sharp crack split the air as the fibula in her ankle fractured under the force of his will, pain shooting through her body like a lightning bolt. Fresh tears welled in her eyes as she lay helpless on the ground, her perfectly sculpted face contorted in agony.

As she dared to glance up at him, their eyes locked in a chilling moment of recognition. In that instant, Rosella knew that she was utterly at his mercy, her fate sealed by the whims of this mysterious being who seemed to hold dominion over her very existence.

"I just helped you, human. Shouldn't you be grateful?" Zerro's voice dripped with twisted amusement as he swiped his index finger in an upwards motion, a gesture that seemed to defy the laws of gravity.

Rosella felt a suffocating pressure constricting her chest as her body was slowly lifted into the air, her hands twitching in a futile attempt to break free from the invisible force that held her captive. Panic surged through her veins as she struggled to draw breath, her lungs burning with the effort.

"W-What do y-you want with me?" she managed to stutter out, her voice trembling with fear as she dared to confront the malevolent being before her.

Zerro's crimson eyes darkened with a sinister gleam as he revealed a sickening grin on his sharp features.

"Saving your life means I get to now control it," he declared, his words dripping with malice as he asserted his dominance over her fate.

In that moment, Rosella realized with a sinking dread that she was nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game, her life now at the mercy of a being whose intentions were as dark as the abyss itself.

Just the thought of her hard-earned career being torn asunder by this malevolent being struck terror into Rosella's heart. Her livelihood, her identity, everything she had worked so tirelessly to build was now at risk of being destroyed by the whims of this creature.

"Y-You can't do this to me!" she choked out, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance as she summoned every ounce of strength to glare defiantly at Zerro.

But her defiance only seemed to amuse him. With a casual raise of his thick brow, he regarded her with a cold detachment that sent a chill down her spine.

"Are you ordering me around, human?" he taunted, his voice laced with malicious amusement.

Rosella's breath caught in her throat as the invisible grip around her neck tightened, cutting off her air supply.

In a desperate bid for survival, she let out a strangled cry, her struggle against the relentless force of Zerro's power proving futile against the overwhelming darkness closing in around her.

Arguing with Zerro proved futile, and Rosella knew that any attempt to escape would be in vain. Panic gripped her as she realized the direness of her situation.

'I can't let this happen to me,' she thought frantically, her mind racing for a way out of the impending doom.

"W-Wait…I can offer…someone else," she managed to wheeze out, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to regain her breath. She watched as interest flashed in Zerro's blood-colored irises, a glimmer of hope flickering within her chest.

Without hesitation, Zerro unconfined the bizarre magic that had held her captive, releasing her from its grip.

Rosella landed ungracefully on the ground, the rough rocks beneath her poking at her legs and scratching her skin, leaving behind painful marks. Gasping for air, she greedily sucked in the oxygen that had been denied to her moments earlier, relief flooding through her as she realized she was free—for now.

"Go on," Zerro commanded, his impatience palpable as he crossed his arms in an expectant manner.

Summoning all her courage, Rosella knew what she had to do to save herself.

"My…My daughter. You can have her," she offered, the words tasting bitter on her tongue as she bargained with the devil himself.

Zerro blinked in surprise at Rosella's proposal, momentarily taken aback by her unexpected offer. In his experience, humans were often seen as beings of kindness and compassion, a stark contrast to his own kind. The idea of accepting a human child into his domain was something he had never considered before.

"Why should I accept a stupid kid?" Zerro's voice dripped with exasperation as he voiced his skepticism, his frustration evident in his tone as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

"Just see her for yourself. It might change your mind," Rosella replied weakly, her words lacking conviction as she struggled to make her case. But Zerro only clicked his tongue in annoyance, clearly unimpressed by her feeble attempt to sway him.

With a low growl, Zerro raised his index finger once more, compelling Rosella to rise to her feet. Despite the pain shooting through her injured ankle, she had no choice but to comply, limping as she followed the sinister being towards the direction of her home.

"This better be good, human," Zerro warned, his ominous tone sending a shiver down Rosella's spine. With a firm nod, she silently prayed that her desperate gamble would pay off, steeling herself for whatever awaited them at their destination.

As they journeyed onward, Rosella's azure eyes settled upon the blanket of stars that adorned the midnight sky, their shimmering light a reminder of the hope she clung to amidst the encroaching darkness. In those fleeting moments, she found solace in the faith she had entrusted to her oblivious daughter, a beacon of light in the face of uncertainty.

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