

The words that were spoken to me echoed throughout my head. The voice was familiar as I stared at the eyes in the water. I could feel their stare peering into me, severing into my very being. I knew these eyes as if they used to be my own, almost as if I gave them up for others. Almost as if for the betterment of those bestowed upon. All this pondering, all the time I've spent thinking and all of it wasted. The eyes left my sight as I was alone in black once more, a cold and familiar loneliness in a space of nothing. Suddenly lush greens fill my vision, once more standing before the two figures that destroyed the balance of this world. There before me they stood with sorrow and regret, their pleas for help to fix their problem fell on deaf ears. That is till they talked about restoring the balance, that's when pleas fell on ears willing to hear. I lent them my ears as they pleaded for my help, wanting me to contribute towards ensuring that Humanity and Grimm stay in balance with one another, saying the humans were out matched . They begged and pleaded that I help, that's when I agreed to a contract. That's when I became bound to the destiny of others and my life was no longer my own, I had given up my body for the betterment of the balance. That when I could feel a fire within me burn, the heat was intense as it expanded throughout my body. The sensation of a fire that not only burned but froze, the flame only expanding within me till it pushed me to my limits. The fire within raging and had no intentions of being calmed. It took everything I had to calm the fire with in me, I felt mentally exhausted and much more like I had stayed awake for a week on times. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, everything a bit blurry , just a bunch of people crowded around me as I layed on the floor. People began to murmer to themselves and others began on to ask if I was ok. I sat up and rubbed my head as I looked among the people around me and looked for those silver eyes. I quickly got to my feet and waved off the crowd. More murmurs among the groups floated as I pushed past and found that there was no food left. I simply groaned as my stomach growled loudly, loud enough to be heard over the noise of the room. All where surprised as all eyes were on me once more, my stomach being empty for a day now. I sighed and looked for the eyes of silver with no advail, it was time I gave up and went to find food. I took up m bag and made my way out of the lobby and into the dark, the streets lit by lamps and vendors. Thus I began to walk upon the night streets with glee, this kingdom all new to me as well as the experiences. I was happy that I had finally made my way here and to such an amazing place. As I walked I let my gaze wander over the street vendors, the shops and restaurants. Slowly but surely I found a small cart with an old man who ran it,he had a goofy smile on his face as I sat down and looked over the menu. I hadn't any credits that I knew of so I was in a bind but I saw that he had a challenge set up. I ordered that as well as a glass of water, still burning up from within. I sat and watched as the old man cooked a large amount of food as the night went on. After half an hour of watching and getting hunger pains the bowl of ramen was laid before me. The bowl was quite large as I took up the chop sticks and began devouring my meal out of starvation. The challenge was to finish within the hour, I had finished it within 10 minutes of receiving the bowl. I slowly set the bowl down and patted my now full stomach as the old man looked at me with disbelief. I thanked him for the meal and carried on my merry way towards the docks to see the sea for the first tim, to enjoy what was here on this world. As I neared the docks I heard the talkings of others, rambling on about a revolution and how all Faunus should take part in it. This had peeked my interest as I rounded he corner and happened upon a group of masked Faunus as well as civilian ones. The masked ones quickly pulled their weapon on me and held me at gun point.

'What the hell are you doing here human! You were spying on our conversations huh!'

I heard a finger begin to pull back on the trigger when I grabbed my pants and uncoiled my tail, showing that I too was Faunus decent. That's when a smile creeped along their faces and they holstered their weapons, backing down after recognizing I am one of them.

'So brother, you wish to attend a speaking here at are base! You only needed to say that you were here to join!'

I quickly coiled my tail back around my pants and chuckled as I scratched my chin,

"I'm actually really unsure of where I am, I came down here to see the sea for the first time and have no interest in whatever it is going on here.."

'We brother are the White Fang! Surely you've heard of us! We are working to make the world a better place for our kin! We want to have the same rights as humans and under Adam we will soon take them!'

I stepped back and smiled,

"Power to ya then! I for one will be taking my leave, but truly I am thankful that you asked me to join!"

With that I took off full run towards the academy once more, not turning back to see if they were following me much less shooting. It didn't take me long to burst through the doors of Beacon lobby were I stood out of breath and in front of all of my peers. Very little people paid me any attention as they were all winding down for the night, dressed in pajamas and other types of sleep wear. I looked once more for the person with the silver eyes but had no luck. I sighed as I found a spot away from everyone and leaned against the wall. I was uncomfortable, I was hot and had no sleeping clothes, in fact I only had this pair. The feeling of my shirt and jacket was uncomfortable and unbearable as I began to take them off for the first time since I could remember. As I did I was caught off guard by what I saw...

Aye what’s up my doorknobs!! Just hit 18K! So excited for y’all to read this next chapter. Much love for you and your support!

Update: Moments after this went up to 19K!!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts
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