
In The World Of The Boys:Homelander Is Nothing Before Me

Synopsis: Traveling through the void is no easy task, but for some it couldn't be simpler, for there exists a God of unquestionable power and might, unmatched by anyone. But even such a being has a weakness, a weakness that has plagued even the creator of all, The Great Defeater, Boredom. In an event to cure this problem once and for all the Great God accidentally created a Rift in space-time where he was snatched up and flung through. Now he has awoken in an entirely different universe, the universe of The Boys. With no power, no system and no world travel ability, what will he do to return home to his girls in DxD. [Take a peek at Supreme General Reborn In DxD With One Wish For Reference To Mc Way Of Doing Things] ~~~ It's me, infinityGod, this is a kind of side story where I place my Main Character Haile Supreme into the world of The Boys with homelander and shit, you know to fuck shit up and stuff, grab your popcorn and chill. I'm like stuck on some kinda fucked up creators block and it's driving me nuts as it's never last this long before, but thankfully these things are normal and will pass eventually. Thanks For Reading, Bye Oh, one more thing, I'm following more the TV show, but because Haile is from as you may or may not know an anime world I have translated the world that way to a degree. So technically it's an anime type world now in terms of setting, but it will still read like a "normal world" Bye again

infinityGod · Cómic
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6 Chs

×Chapter 4×Supes Are Shit


*The Boys Universe*

*Great Country America*

*Curb Where Robin Died*


Hughie was beyond shocked as he witnessed this scene, he stared at his fist and at Haile's casually pinky finger, he pulled his fist back and looked at it.

."See, that is the kind of strength that's possible, I can't promise that you'll be able to beat a super like Homelander or even A-Train, but I can promise that it won't be easy to kill you."Haile said as he placed his hands behind his back casually.

Hughie looked at Haile stunned."Are you a superhero, no human can..."He said slightly trembling from the shock of his lifetime.

."Hahaha, I'm not, just a normal man who trained lifetimes to challenge God, that's all."Haile said with a gentle and calm smile.

Hughie then went into thought then looked even more surprised."Is it cause you're black, I can't do that, no one can."He said in denial.

."Woah there buddy, but clearly it's not impossible, I just did it, and I can do it again and again and again."Haile said smiling."And soon you'll also be able to do this, anyway let's not make Mr. Hugh worry he's still your father."

Hughie nodded and sighed."I have to apologize to him, I really didn't mean it, but he may think that I'm weak if I do, *sigh*."He murmured bumping into several mental walls.

Both of them left the scene, Haile with his hands behind his back walked casually as he massaged his little finger with a smile, that shit hurt alot unbeknownst to Hughie.

.'Small price to pay for success.'Haile thought as he smirked.'But damn, hope it isn't broken, my favorite finger as well.'

Soon they arrived back to Hughie's house, going in they found Hugh on the couch staring at the tv, his elbows on his knees and his head propped on his palms.

Hughie stopped his steps for a moment before going and sitting next to his father, he gazed at the tv."Dad, the-."He goes to speak but was interrupted by his father.

."I know Hughie, you're sorry, but It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard, I just didn't want you to make a mistake."Hugh said first as he sighed, he looked at his son before smiling, he reached over and patted his shoulder."But I forgive you."

Hughie looked at his father with an odd gaze which Hugh mistook for great emotion."No, I was going to tell you that the tv was off..."He said confused.

."...Huh..."Hugh was stunned, he stared at Hughie speechlessly for a bit before he pulled back his hand."Oh, the tv...um..yeah..I-I knew..."

An awkward silence rung in the air soon after as they both said nothing, but luckily for them Haile being the good samaritan he was sat directly in the middle and grabbed the remote.

."Wonder if there's anything good on, you know I used to enjoy this one show from my country where the main character leaves home because he was fed up with his parents."Haile said casually as he put something on, some cartoon.

Hughie rolled his thumbs around each other while Hugh glanced over at him."A-aren't you going to say anything to that Hughie?."Hugh asked with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

."Why, it's just a show, why would I be fed up with my parents, I only have one parent, as far as I knew at least."Hughie said, but before anyone could say anything he stood up."I have to prepare for work, I start back today, later Haile."

Haile waved with a smile, he just knew in his heart that something good is about to go down, the main character can't have many days of peace unless they are training which Hughie is not.

."I'm...gonna go meditate or something."Hugh said feeling pretty bad at this moment, he got up and left Haile as well.

Haile shrugged as he skipped through the channels casually."Of all things to say he said meditate, could've just said "a man's day to himself" or something."He said pressing the button.


Haile changed the channel again, but then he paused and went back, he sat forward a bit."..Now this is a curious fine."He said curiously seeing a young woman in a superhero costume, it was yellow, white and sprinkled with stars across her cape.

.""*Starlight, Starlight!!!*"".

Haile tilt his head confused as he rubbed his chin."I thought Hughie was the chosen of this world, or...oh..multiple chosens...'He thought with a serious expression."That means the less chosen of them could possibly die..."

Haile sat in silence as he watched the entire thing, it seemed to be some kind of Vought inauguration of sorts for that super woman, Starlight.

."She is pretty good looking."Haile murmured, not to Starlight but to some woman at the podium, he didn't hear her name, but she had blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes.

She also seemed to be in her late 30s but Haile could tell she was pass 40, yet somehow her presence was great, similar to his Tiamat in a way.


*Electronic Store*


Hughie was already back to work, no one was coming in right now so he was just making sure everything was in order.

Or more specifically in his thoughts, thinking about Robin, her family, what to make of his life now without her as a pretty big pit was created in his heart.

."Why does life have to be so complicated."Hughie said and shook his head with a sigh of defeat.

As he was in contemplation he heard the bell at the door, Hughie glanced back and saw a man in a Hawaiian shirt and a black jacket , with a face full of beard and a confident gaze the man's presence was like a lion's.

The man ignored Hughie as he gazed around the store, soon he came up to the bear cams, he picks one up and looked at it carefully.

."Those are great for kids, you know, just to know if their ok or for nannies, we're actually running a special on that."Hughie said as he stopped behind him."There's cameras in the eyes."

The man continued to gaze at the bear for a moment."Tell me, how many nannies shake their babies."He asked casually as he observed.

."Huh, excuse me sir?."Hughie was extremely confused at this moment, that's a weird thing to ask someone.

The man glanced at him."You know, give the baby a good shaking, like this."He said before violently shaking the bear.

."I-I'm not sure, maybe alot, I don't know."Hughie responded still confused on where he was going with this, if it got any weirder he might have to call the police.

The man then placed the bear down.."Funny that lad, they sell a billion dollars' worth of that shit worldwide."He said calmly."Goes to show the bullocks people will believe, if you get then scared enough."

."Uh, alright, t-that's interesting, b-but I'm not sure if....um, anything I can help you with Electronic?."Hughie asked awkwardly.

The man looked directly at Hughie."I'm not gonna piss you about Hughie, I heard what happened to Robin."He said gazing at him calmly.

."Y-you, sorry who are you."Hughie was now totally weirded out by this strange man.

The strange man confidently continued."She wasn't in the street, she was one step off the fucking curb, now what I liked lad."He spoke with a British accent."You didn't take the payoff."

."How do you know that, who are you."Hughie was already on guard, he swallowed his saliva.

The man pulled something from his shirt pocket, a badge."Name's Butcher, Billy Butcher."He responded."I was thinking that you and me should have a little bit of a chat."

Hughie was stunned looking at the badge."..Um, j-just let me close up shop."He said quickly scrambling.

Billy Butcher nodded as he smiled."Yeah go do that would ya lad."He said before walking outside and glancing around.

Soon Hughie came out after him."Alright I'm ready, where to?."He asked but got no reply, Butcher just threw him the fbi badge and walked off.

Both of them walked down the busy streets, Butcher casual and Hughie looking at the fbi badge to see if it's fake."So you're really a fed, you really don't sound like one do you."He said a bit suspicious.

."What, so I can't immigrate is what you say."Butcher said casually.

Hughie raised an eyebrow."You don't even look like one, you look like an actor from the porn version of the matrix."He said carefully.

."What porn are you even watching, lad, don't hurt ya self, either way it's all there."Butcher said as he glanced back at Hughie.

Hughie came to a step."Look, just tell me what it is that you want from me, I'm really not in the mood for all of this round about nonsense."He said a bit frustrated.

."Is that right, but you got it wrong Hughie, it's what I can do for you, you see son, you ain't alone."Butcher said as he continued walking."Happens alot, supes lose hundreds a year to collateral damage."

Hughie remained silent, if it was him from weeks before then he may have been in disbelief, but after what happened and talking to Haile, he was no longer in the dark about reality.

."Hm, shocked their lad, thought you would've blown d old gasket, guess it ain't a secret to you."Butcher said a bit surprised at that lack of reaction, he thought he had the kid read but it appears he was wrong.

Hughie sighed."I know, I believe, I just don't understand why, a fight for justice shouldn't have all these dark secrets."He said looking directly at Butcher.

.""Isn't that obvious, movie tickets, merchandising, theme parks, videos games; A multi-billion dollar global industry supported by corporate lobbyists and politicians on both sides"".

Butcher spoke as he walked circles around Hughie."But, the main and most important reason, is that people don't want to know."He said."You see, people love the protection of supes, some golden cunt to fall from the sky so they can gobble on their shafts."

Hughie contemplated it but remained silent.

."But if people knew half the shit they get up to."Butcher shook his head as he clicked his tongue."Fucking diabolical, but then, that's where I, Billy Old Butcher come in."

Hughie still had this awkward look on his face."Come in, to do what exactly?."He asked.

."Spank the bastards of course, when they get out of line."Butcher said as he smirked a little coming right into Hughie's face.

Hughie was confused."Spank, how do you spank a supe?."He asked, but then he thought about Haile, if anyone can then it would be him no doubt.

."Come on son."Butcher said before walking off.

Hughie glanced around."To where exactly."He said.

."You'll love it, come on chap."Butcher said casually.

Hughie on the other hand stopped."Not very likely, I think I'm good for now, weird conversation, I love it, but I still want to see about people, preferably women."He said clearing his throat."So, I think I'll get back to my job."

."Hughie, this is your one and only chance, once I go I'm gone, I'm offering you on a golden fucking platter the opportunity to get them that got your girl."Butcher said brushing Hughie's shoulder.

Hughie gulped his saliva as he considered it, just as Butcher was about to turn around he held up his hand."Alright, I'll go with you, but only on one condition."He said holding up a finger.

."Well, speak it then lad, just don't be a right cunt."Butcher said opening his arms casually.

Hughie looked at Butcher then the ground before looking back at him."I-I know this is an Fbi job, but, um, could I bring one more person."He asked expecting a straight no.

."I don't see why the fuck not, we are going on a field trip aren't we, if this bastard dies, it's on you here lad."Butcher said calmly as he walked off again.

Hughie smiled in surprise, but then he noticed something and chased after Butcher."Hey, we could die, w-w-w-what'd you mean by that."He asked nervously.

.""Lead the way son"".


Soon they arrived at Hughie's house, Hughie entered and Butcher opted to wait outside, it would be rude to walk into something else's house unless you want to killed them.

Going In Hughie came and saw Haile at the dining table eating some cereal and watching some tv, though he wondered why cereal so late.

."Hey, what up Hughie, off work so soon?."Haile asked with a smile on his face, glanced at him from the corner of his eyes.

Hughie cleared his throat."Well, something came up, I seem to have got myself into bit of a mess, could you come with me please."He asked pleading, if anything goes wrong he felt like Haile would he able to protect him.

."Hmm, what is it, someone out to get you or something?."Haile raised an eyebrow, but still he got up, can't let his little plot device die can he."Alright, I'll go with you and that person outside."

Hughie tilt his head."Huh, how did, nevermind, yeah he wants to take me somewhere, I don't know."He said obviously nervous about it.

Haile quickly placed the bowl to his lips and drank down all the milk along with the remaining cereal inside.

."Haa, let's go."Haile said casually as he passed Hughie and went straight to the door."Let's see who this mystery man is."

Haile opened the door and their eyes met, Butcher and Haile, both of them were silent for a moment before Butcher moved first and held out his hand.

."Billy Butcher, nice to meet ya mate."Butcher said with a slight smirk on his face.

Haile also held out his hand accepting the handshake."Haile Supreme, good meeting you as well."He said with a calm smile on his face.

Highie looked at this scene shocked, he glanced back and forth between Haile and Butcher.'Why didn't I get a handshake.'He thought.

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Thank You Very Much!!!

infinityGodcreators' thoughts