
In The Multiverse With Essence of Ideal Growth

I never really liked Hiei in the anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. my sentiment is proven even more so, when I realize my perfectly normal second life was interrupted by being turned into a thrall for Hiei's stupid spirit sword that showed up in the beginning of the anime! I thought this was a normal world! Why was I reincarnated into Yu Yu Hakusho just to die like a bitch in the very beginning of the story! [Would You like to try again?] Is the last thing I hear as my vision goes dark and I die, my body being puppeted by a demon! "YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE I WANT TO TRY AGAIN!"

InterPlanarGod · Cómic
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31 Chs

jailbreaking adventurer cards. Intruders.

-The next day-

Going down stairs I notice Chris eyeing me like I killed her puppy. She just nods at me and then walks away.

Najenda comes over to me, and says, "It's time to jailbreak your adventurer's license." She nods, and waves me over. I follow her and I notice Yunyun getting done with hers and I wonder what this is about. she grabs her adventurers license, gasps, and then walks away fiddling with it.

Najenda begins to explain, "As we've told Yunyun here, jailbreaking the adventurers license is absolutely necessary to prevent it from becoming locked. By now, since leaving witnesses was inevitable, your adventurer's license can be used to weaken you instead of strengthen. Your wanted poster should have reached the capital by now, and is being posted around as we speak. Unless that Luna girl was able to hide your involvement with the death of Ruruko Dustinessford, which I doubt."

she then points to a similar orb to the one that unlocked my adventurer's status, "This is an adventurer jailbreaker. Invented by one of the Japanese people affiliated with the revolutionary army. Not only will it increase your growth speed via the adventurer's card, but it will do away with the need for the card entirely."

She then grabs Yunyun by the scruff of her blouse and pulls her back. "Hand please."

Yunyun looks hesitant but then holds out her hand She then proceeds to put her hand palm up underneath the orb with the card on top of it. She then pulls a second lever on the other side of the orb.

"OW! ow ow ow ow ow this hurts!!!" she says, trying to remain calm as her adventurer status is burned into her skin.

I wince, looking at it. She nods when it finishes and wraps her hand in a bandage.

"If you pick lesser regeneration, It should heal in a few hours."

Yunyun just nods, teary eyed.

"Your turn, Zachary."

I frown and nod, I hand her my adventurer's card and she uses it to jailbreak the settings.

"Hand." Najenda asks again and I comply. My adventurers license is then branded into my skin.

I wince, but otherwise remain silent. It hurts, but not enough to break through my pain resistance that much.

I take a look at my hand and quickly buy lesser regeneration for 1 point which would have taken me 5 points before. I then upgrade it to Regeneration for 1 more point.

"As you've noticed, everything now costs one point and you can gain more stats through training than you usually would. You can investigate the new features at your leisure." she then shoes me away. as I start walking towards the couch, I fiddle with the settings while I wait.


Zachary Kimihara, Spirit enforcer, WARNING:this card is for military use by the ERROR.]

I continue looking at my rediculous stats, and Akame comes over to give me a pair of gauntlets.

I put them on, and wait for my hand to heal.


-4 hours later. -

A chime echoes throughout the mansion as I am relaxing on the couch,

Everyone then starts moving with Precise and deadly grace.

"We've got intruders, now's the time to show your stuff." Leone says, passing by me. I nod, and walk beside her, as soon as we exit the mansion, I summon my scythe which I have dubbed Phantom Element, even if it's not actually an Imperial arm.

We then break into a sprint, Chris and Tatsumi, who I still haven't spoken to yet, start rushing out behind me.

We all rush forward. "How many are there?" Tatsumi asks, "At least 10 groups of 5, each of them trained." Lubbock responds,

I notice they all seem to be faster than their anime counterparts, luckily my essences seem to allow me to keep up with flash-step. While Yunyun is using the Fly skill at a low altitude behind us and moving at surprising speeds.

We all arrive at the first group and I am first to shred a poor fool with a sniper rifle who seems to have bitten off more than he can chew, as his head goes flying Akame dodges a few bullets from an assault rifle that seem to glow with a skill. quickly cutting his shooting arm at the joint and moving on to the next one as he is quickly killed by Murumasa's curse. I can hear him mutter, "But I used snipe... how could she dod-." he dies, unable to finish his sentance, just as I split a man head to groin before he can react.

We all shred through the Invaders, Yunyun even picking out a few kills with a crackling sword made of lightning .

-20 minutes later-

"That seems to be all of them," Tatsumi says. just as we hear three explosive shots going off in the distance.

"Looks like Mine's in trouble. You go help her Tatsumi," Leone snickers.

I follow Tatsumi to Mine and Sheele's location.

Arriving I notice that there's a headless corpse behind Mine as she keeps firing at a location in the distance while muttering, "snipe. snipe. Snipe you evasive bastard! How do I keep missing?!"

She then gets angry, only for her last shot to finally hit whoever she was aiming at, she let's out a breath, "Got him." She then turns to us to grin, and says, "Hey losers, let's go back to base, that's the last one."

I just shrug as Tatsumi retorts, "WHO YOU CALLING A LOSER YOU ABRASIVE LOLI!?"

"Who you calling an abrasive loli you worthless pond scum?!"

Yunyun looks worried and I smirk and say, "They're just flirting, let's go back."

"I HEARD THAT!" they both say in unison.