
Chapter 15 Second Yellow order Reward

Having angered Batman and James Gordon together is not good. These two people have enough influence in the future to destroy everything he has here.

The only way to protect yourself is to become someone like Lex Luther. Become a part of the system in such a way that your absence will cause turmoil and chaos.

You will become a hated but necessary entity for the society.

And to fo that, Thomas needs some time as well as grasp a few industries which can affect the winds of Gotham.

He has plans for some of them and as of now he has a bank, and a hospital under his hands. He has a gang under his hand which can be his open army. If he has a TV Station and male it gain some fame, then he can become one of the giants of Gotham City.

If he is able to do this, then he can have safe haven in Gotham.

The greatest thing is he will have another way of annoying Batman should he involve his nose too much in his affairs.

He can start the Batman series and air it in Gotham through his broadcasting station.

But all these thoughts are just ideal opinions.

This time, he has enemies on all side in Gotham. If he dares to let his guard down even with the support from the AI and other enhanced warriors around him, he can still fall.

From the intel that Thomas has in his hands, Talia is coming to Gotham soon. If his luck is anything to go by then she will be in the opening party of his hospital.

There he cannot escape her. So he needs to have a backup to survive the encounter if she attacks him or is out for his blood.

He doesn't know how she will react after seeing him. Whether she still remember him or not. As strong as he is now, he cannot survive the angered heir of Ra al Ghul.

This time, the incident in Gotham has earned him a lot of popularity. This popularity has earned him a large number of reputation points which can be used to procure some great items.

He decided to use the increased reputation points and get himself a master level lottery.

There are five different kinds of lottery in this system and each lottery requires a certain level of reputations for use.

Low level - 100

Intermediate lottery - 1000

Advanced lottery - 10,000

Master lottery - 100,000

Divine lottery - 10,000,000

Currentl,y Thomas has around 90000 points on him. He can try to upgrade the system and choose a different time forthe lottery but his current situation is urgent.

But for his own safety, he chose to use the master lottery. For the first usage of the lottery of certain criteria, there is a fifty percent discount.

With his points he can use the master level lottery. This can also help him get a powerful item from the lottery.

He called out the Popularity System to use the lottery function in it.

' I wish to use the master lottery now.' He thought in his mind and a screen came in front of him.

[ You have 91,435 points. Since it is your first time using this criteria, you are given a 50 per cent discount.

The lottery objects are generated. Please choose one of them.] The system voice rung in his head.

Instead of the card like arrangement like it does for the lottery draw till advance level, in Master level there are nine closed boxes placed in front of him. At that very moment, his reputation points are deducted.

He then picked one box and it shone brightly.

At that moment, the box shook around and in a glimmer of bright lights, the object was revealed.

It was a ring. This ring is about two inches long, in the form of a dragon. It's silver with a round, green, stone on its back.

There is no way of determining the level of reward he got because it burst out a flurry of colours, instead of a fixed one.

Although Thomas is sceptic about it, he decides to trust the system.

So for it hasn't betrayed his trust in the first draw.

There are times when not so useful things are withdrawn as a reward for lottery.

Till this date, Thomas has used lottery multiple times and have got more than hundred white card, around fifty violet and indigo card, ten blue card and two green card.

White and Violet lottery give out ordinary rewards like weapons, medicines, books, clothes etc. These guns can only be used for small scale fights.

Indigo lottery gives a better version of weapons, powerful drugs for quick healing and different magic arrays to study. They can affect things in a city level.

Blue level rewards are on a different level from the others. It is something which can affect an entire state. So far the things which he got from this draw are Dinosaur embryo, aircraft carrier, ALZ-112 from the movie Rise of planet of the apes, a jaegar from Pacific Rim as well as a kaiju, cloning system from The Island movie. These are the scientific rewards.

The magic rewards are Grimmoire from Black Glover, Phoenix egg, which has not hatched yet , Book of Alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist and The elemental seed from Hellboy.

Out of all these things, he has only discovered the secrets of a Jaegar, embryo of dinosaur, aircraft carrier, grimoire and cloning system.

The other are still left untouched. They possess thongs which the current Thomas can't grasp. So he has put them in storage.

From time to time, he will browse through them to gain more knowledge.

The Skynet and T-virus are only the product of the green card he was rewarded in the lottery.

Finally this ring. When Thomas saw the information generated by the system about the ring in his hand, he almost dropped it.

[ Name: Merlin's Ring

Level: Yellow order

Description : This ring is the ring of Grand Archmage Merlin. It is a source of inheritance. Once a person manages to successful earn its loyalty he will be Merlin's successor.


" What the hell does this even mean?" Thomas shouted. He has got himself a yellow order item yet he has to earn the loyalty of this ring. Isn't it just cheating?

" System, you come out this instant abd explain to me, why I am being cheated at the very first lottery? You have assured me that my first draw will get me great things, yet here you are cheating. Explain yourself." He shouted out in his heart.

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