
In Naruto World With Julius Novachrono's Magic

A young boy tragically lost his life during the pandemic, but his story doesn't end there. Unexpectedly, he finds himself granted a unique opportunity to enter the world of Naruto with Julius Novachrono's time-stealing magic. Transported to the shinobi world, where wars, killings, acts of betrayal are normal Tuesdays, he will try to live his life to the fullest, where he'll make new quirky friends, participate in a war, and try to save the world but the most important of all he will become strong with a cheat ability of his own. _________________________________________________ Disclaimer He will not be an Overpowered character from the start, he will develop slowly. I haven’t decided if it will be a harem or not let the story progress first then we’ll see. English is not my first language. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. _________________________________________________ Naruto does not belong to me except for the OC characters, support the original content. The cover photo is not mine. Original creators: Line art by hot_monkey and Coloring by Iluvluvnutella _________________________________________________ Please do leave a proper review.

Kyoso_Sensei · Cómic
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25 Chs

First Kill

(POV: Saigetsu Okita)

The next day I reached the main gate of Konoha there I saw Katashi Uchiha the Captain of our team already there so I approached him, he smiled and said "You are early Okita-kun"

"Yes, I didn't want to be late on the first day" in truth I came early after eating breakfast cause Uncle would have asked me to do the dishes, anyways now that I see the captain despite him being an Uchiha he is not arrogant and hateful.

Soon the other two Ryuu and Aika came, Aika gave me a hateful glare when she saw me

"Good morning, Okita-Kun and Captain sorry we came late" Ryuu said

"No worries you came on time so everyone's here then let's go I'll brief you all about the mission on the way" Katashi said

We departed from there and went in the direction of Sunagakure. As we were moving Captain started explaining to us about our mission "So our main mission is to go to the military post near the Land of the rivers as it is a nation that borders both the Land of fire and Land of Wind so whenever a war breaks between the two nations we fight them in the land of the river or by crossing the land of river and fighting them in the sand so we have made a lot of camps bordering near the land of river, the camp we are going is constantly attacked due to skirmishes by the Sand shinobis we are to report there and help them in defending the post a lot of four-man teams are assigned to defend this small base, also we will be doing some side missions along our way" Katashi said

"Side missions?" I asked, I mean I was interested in knowing what side missions we'll do like those in games back in my world, helping an old lady to find her cat or bringing some herbs from the forest to help a lady's child get saved from an illness.

"First we'll be eliminating some rouge ninjas that are destroying small villages and settlements and also a Bandit group in the Land of rivers as our Konoha shinobi deployed there don't have time to deal with them because of war so we are tasked to destroy the group on our way" right of course so much for asking to help an old lady but hey on the bright side killing these assholes will help a lot of people, but killing huh, it would be my first time to kill someone I have to make sure I don't eat anything before I go to kill, I mean, I don't want to vomit after killing someone it would be so cliché.

"What are the ranks of those rouge ninjas Captain?" I doubt anyone can just go rouge and not get visited by the ANBUS of the village they must be pretty low ranks if they are not worth the attention of the ANBUS.

"Not much they are just some Genins and Chunins who got scared due to war so they just went rouge and now are doing what bandits and thieves do" Captain said, well it's war, guess it's easy to kill civilians than to fight Shinobis of the different village, but still pretty idiotic move did they not know the village will hunt them down.

We kept moving for 1 day, Captain Katashi informed us that we'll reach our destination for the first side mission, we will be arriving at a small village that will be soon attacked by those rouge ninjas according to the intel they destroyed two settlements already and this was their third target and they will attack that place tomorrow also they were a total of 6 ninjas, 4 of them were Genins and 2 of them were Chunin. We arrived at the village just in time as they started to attack so we got into action.

"Aika and Ryuu eliminate the two Chunins and as for you Okita I want you to eliminate all the four genins" I was surprised by his order, I thought as I was the newbie on the team so he would just ask me to watch as they complete the mission.

"Don't worry I will be watching you, as I have already seen your combat power, I want to see how well you fair in a battle of death, as this will be your first time killing" so he is one of those who teach you things practically so I went ahead to fight all of them as I knew if I fuck up then the captain will be there, I was nervous I knew my combat abilities I could take those genins down easily but killing I was little scared at that I felt a hand over my shoulder it was Captain "I know you are nervous to kill someone but remember that's what shinobi life is you have to kill at some point if you hesitate now, you will get yourself killed so be confident and do what you must have to" I nodded and firmed my resolution and went into action.

(POV: Author)

After observing Okita concluded that all the four Genins split and were in different places, so taking out his kunai he went toward the nearest Genin, he was in a house which he has forcefully broken into as Okita neared, he could hear a voice of a girl as if she was struggling, entering the house he saw a man in his 20s who was trying to rape a girl who should be at least 10-12 years old.

"Ugh…pedophile" Okita said with disgust on his face.

The Genin who saw him "Who the hell are y-" is all he could speak before Okita moved forward at a fast speed he cut the throat of the Genin.

As Okita was going out of the house, he glanced at the girl but didn't say anything and went away the girl was confused she wanted to thank Okita, but couldn't as she was scared of Okita, seeing a kid smaller than her killing a man who tried to rape her it was one scary day for her.

Okita ran to find the other Genin that's when he spotted another one, the other Genin too, saw him with a bloodied Kunai in his hand.

"Who are you kid? Are you lo-" Okita didn't give him a chance to speak as he started fighting him the other guy also started fighting taking out his kunai as Okita moved his kunai toward his gut it was caught by the Genin as he attacked Okita with Kunai which was caught by Okita too both of their hands were in a lock at that point Okita moved his Kunai and stabbed it on the same hand that was grabbing him, the genin screamed at that Okita took the Kunai from the Genin's hand and then stabbed with the same Kunai at his heart, Okita stabbed him twice in the same spot blood splattered felling on Okita's face.

"You fucker" he heard a voice turning around he saw a Kunai coming towards him he easily dodged it and moved back.

'So the man's screaming caused the other two to come here, good for me now I can deal with all of them at once 'Okita thought as he saw two people standing in front of him clearly angry for killing their friend, Okita was first to move as he started fighting both of them he surpassed them easily.

One of the genin threw kunai and shuriken toward Okita and it hit him 'Substitution Jutsu' as Okita replaced himself with a log, in that distraction Okita came towards one of the Genins and planted a paper bomb on his body and grabbed his hands the genin tried to move but was too late.


The genin was swallowed in the blast with Okita.

The last one of the Genin was seeing the blast in awe he was surprised to see the kid blow himself to take out an enemy but soon he felt someone at his back but it was too late as Okita sliced the Calf on both of his legs he screamed and fell.

"Ahhh.." he screamed, now Okita was at the same height as him, so he put the Kunai near his neck and asked "Why did you run from war? Why did you become rouge?"

The genin who was screaming from the pain said as he was crying "I-I don't know man it was scary we were attacked by a Jonin our whole squad was nearly wiped out it-it was scary, shit I don't want to ever go there, Pl…Please don't kill me I'd say anything, I'd do anything but please don't kill me" the genin started begging him.

"You had it rough man, but it doesn't give you a reason to kill innocents, but you would have been killed anyway even if you haven't done any bad cause you know rouge ninjas" Okita said and stabbed his kunai at the man's neck, he was twitching and moving as blood gushed out from his neck, after 2-3 secs of struggling he died, Okita in the end, was just blankly staring at the man's corpse as Okita calmed down from his previous adrenaline rush from killing the Genins he started gasping for air.

'I am feeling like shit, I want to vomit it feels disgusting' at that Katashi came near Okita

"Calm down Okita, breathe in, breathe out" Okita started breathing in and out slowly he relaxed then he felt a hand on his shoulder "You did well Okita, you've got one hell of a strong will" Katashi said.

Okita just nodded as he was processing all that happened "Alright let's go, the other two also finished the Chunins so the mission is over we should start moving now" again Okita nodded and went along with his captain.

"Did you dispose of their body Ryuu?" Katashi asked

"Yes, I took care of it" Ryuu said but he was looking intently at Okita, seeing Okita who had blood all over his body even Aika was staring at Okita wanting to know what happened. Seeing this Katashi explained to them, what happened.

"If you want to talk about anything you can talk to me Okita-kun" Ryuu was the first to speak

"Thanks, man but I'll handle it" Okita said

While Aika just ignored him, "Alright let's move we don't have much time, we have one more target left" Katashi said

Alright folks next chapter Okita would awaken his Kekkai Genkai, I know I took a lot of chapters to make Okita genin but don't worry soon there will be a lot of actions and our MC will become strong and mature in this war. Also, give some Power Stones to support me and my work.

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