the story starts with a guy named Ryota Mizuchi a guy who awakened an extra ordinary ability to control wind. Thanks to this awakened ability of his so many sought to find out the mystery behind her ability but she died countless and she end up getting reincarnated to another world with an overpowered sword gifted by Ryuk the God of earth. He may be in good terms with the God of earth but not with Ariel the God of the world he got reincarnated in. Ariel cursed Ryota to get reincarnated to a girl who has a topnotch beauty but have a miserable life. He got no choice but to embrace the curse Life wasn't easy for him in another because the world that he got reincarnated in is ending and he is the only person who can stop its end. Join Ryota in his journey as be travel in another world and save it from its destined destruction.