
The stranger that compliments me

Hope in her thoughts:

I've been working at the shop about 2 weeks and 3 days now. Only four days left till schools re-opening.I can't wait to receive my first hard earned money.Soon I won't be working here anymore"." Today it's quiet here,no long waiting queues of customers,I think I will knock off early because it's not that busy " .

While Hope was busy talking alone ,she heard someone greeting her but she didn't even pay attention because she was busy talking alone.The person ended up touching her shoulder,"Are you fine pretty girl"?he asked Hope."Eish am sorry my mind was not here ",Hope replied. "I can see by the facial expression and the talking alone thing no offense but I thought you are crazy when I saw you talking alone",said the guy."Hope laughs,no am not crazy am just addicted to talking alone ",Hope replies. Hope then said to the guy enough about me,how can I help you? The guy asked ,"how much does the bread cost"? I replied,"It only cost R12,00".The guy gave Hope astrange look .She was scared and asked herself why does he looks at her in this way does he really think am crazy?What have I done? While Hope was busy asking her questions .The guy said," can you please give me the bread".While Hope was giving him the bread .She heard him saying,"You are such a beautiful girl. She replies ,"thank you so much". It was my first time of being told such a sweet thing. "You are really beautiful,your boyfriend is such a lucky person to have you.Hope did not tell him that she never dated anyone in her whole life."Without wasting time can you please pay for the bread" ,Hope said so. Ohhh yes baby girl am sorry for keeping you waiting. The guy took out money from his pocket to pay for the bread. While Hope was accepting the money ,she felt this static charge between their hands. she knew they both felt the same thing .She saw this though his eyes and it's not the first time she felt like this.

She didn't know how to react she almost left the till and went to the bathroom.She just froze there like a frozen ice instead because I couldn't leave the customer behind and rush to the bathroom .He then asked if they could chill sometime or right now.Hope told him she does not think so because the shop owner was such a strict person and it was still her shift.She couldn't afford to lose her job . She had a family to provide.The way they looked at each other is not the first time she looked at the guy in this way.BOOM!The flashbacks returned and gave her goosebumps.Now she recalled that the time she felt like this.

It was at school with a guy who borrowed her a pen but she couldn't remember his face or appearance. There is something about this guy ,anywhere who is this stranger ?He got such an attractive catch. What he said to her made her day.She was so happy it made her to forget her problems.He actually made her gain a little bit of confidence in herself again.The guy was about to ask her something but the shop owner interrupted him .

The shop owner said,"Iget back to work and stop disturbing customers or chatting with customers Hope".I knew that came here to work not to talk or make friends .Hope watched the guy walking out of the exit door .Honestly she never felt this way in her life .She had this strange feelings about the guy.She never thought a guy would ever look at her in that way again .She never thought I will feel this special." He's such a gentleman indeed",Hope said.Hope asked herself what did the guy want to ask before Mr Harmony interrupted him.

Maybe we will meet someday, Hope kept on asking herself millions of questions .

Who is that guy anywhere Hope asked herself again. His face looked familar but who is he?His compliments made her to see herself in a different way .She's actually a Queen,So if she's really a real Queen why not pick up her crown and become the Queen she is?Today was just the best day of her life.

After the long day of working it was time for her to go back home."Goodbye and take care sir",she said so to Mr Harmony. On herway home she was singing and her face was filled with joy. I then arrived home " Afternoon my perfect family"Hope greets them. "Someone is in good mood today what happened,did you get a raise"? asked her mother." No mommy",Hope replied. "Then what's going on? by the way I dished up for you go and bath then come back and eat your food",said her mom. Hope just said okay mommy am coming back even though she knew she wasn't hungry. she went straight to her room and lay on her bed and started creating fake scenarios.

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