
In Love with The Abyss

He was an Abyss, a darkness she was never supposed to meet. The silver and light blue dress in the royal ball room, was the center of attention all eyes were on her, her exquisite skin was the perfect match under the dress, her beautiful black hair was like the finest silk and her tender face could melt the hearts of anyone, but not the Abyss. The creature of the night mingling among humans, like the wolves in human clothing. She who had only been a beautiful flower in the garden, would she be able to tell apart the Abyss, the cold eyes of one who belongs to the night.

MrAuthur · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Opening of the Diary

The tale of Beauty and the Beast although quite simple and intriguing, was the tale most female children fantasized about. However, would it still be the same if it were to become a reality?

My entire life as a child I had always fantasized about what the story of beauty and the beast, and what it would be like being in Bella's shoes. While I always knew that most of what she had to go through was horrifying for a girl, I didn't really think it was that horrifying or even that bad after all he was not just a beast but a prince at that.

Hell, it must have been quite intriguing and shocking when he finally became a human once again, but this was all but my thoughts. Because my opinions soon changed, not long after, why? Because you might be surprised I might soon be going through that very same situation Bella had to go through, although slightly different nevertheless, I wasn't going to have the right to choose. For the first time in my life, I was beginning to regret why I was even born as an ordinary girl and not a princess. Maybe if I had been born as a princess I would have been able to take matters into my own hands.

At this moment not even my opinion and feelings mattered to my parents, especially my father. Right from when I was a child I always knew he was wicked and hated me but not this much, my horrifying situation just confirmed my thoughts about him were right. In fact, the reason he must have wanted a female child in the first place was likely to hit a golden goose, at this point.

I was not only sure of it I was quite confident it was the reason, especially since all my brothers were little and the girls seemed to dominate not only in numbers but in age as well, by the way, I had just become 21 years and at the same time, my father had just caught the biggest golden goose of his entire life. The king of Amai, and a very powerful kingdom at that, I was about to be married to the king of that very kingdom ever since he set his eyes on me.

As a girl mother would say, your family wishes to be precise their parental wishes come first, while our desire for anything other than their own should come after, it was that simple and horrifying at the same time, it meant we really didn't have any right to our own lives. I wonder if it was the same for a male child, this was something I wouldn't know unless my little brother could possibly jump age and turn 18 or even 20 or I became a boy which was impossible.

At this moment, I couldn't help but wonder if I married the king, what would my life be like? I could already guess it wouldn't be a bag of roses considering how many tales I had read, from Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, married to the Devil's Son, and crown of obsession and the liked.

I sat on the little tree beside our house, and couldn't help but heave out a sigh I didn't know if it was from sorrow or sadness that was yet to come, but I couldn't help but think what about what kind of person the king would be, I wasn't even sure if he was a nice person, did he have other wives, although he was handsome, hopefully not a drunkard like my father, because I had experienced what a drunkard in a fit of rage could do first hand from watching mother, it always turned out with her having a blue eye and swollen face I didn't want to live in the same misery mother had lived most of her lives.

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but grip my hands from both fear and nervousness, he could just be another man like my father for all I know. Usually, if I were any other girl I would be happy but having gone through my own fair share of life, it was an entirely different story no matter how much I thought about it, or how much I tried to make it look good, I could still sense my fear in them. I always wondered why mother would endure all that, but I could understand it was likely what her mother had told her as well.

It was a fact there was nothing she could do, she only had one duty and that was to please her husband for the rest of her life and watch as he flirts with other women and come back home drunk with different fits of rage every night, smelling like someone who had been fished out from the swamp, after losing all his money through gambling. I felt more fear grip my heart, but I knew now was not the time for me to fall into any despair or let fear get the best part of me, it was time for me to accept my fate.

Leaving all my bad thoughts behind, I heave out another sigh once more and stretched my dress well before going back inside. The moment I entered inside the house, I was greeted by the warm smiles of my sisters who were all too excited by the fact I was going to marry a powerful, wealthy, and charming king.

Smiles, I could tell they were just innocent kids that didn't really know the reality of life and the horrifying parts of marriages because mother and I made sure they couldn't. Seeing them made me put my worries aside, as a warm smile appeared on my face making me look stunningly beautiful, after a while I was done wearing the best clothes that father had ever bought in my entire life.

This was the very first-time Father wasn't spending away his money on gambling or the waist of another woman somewhere in the brothel, he wanted to make me look the best I could in front of the king of Amai, at the same time I was particularly nervous even though I couldn't care less about what I was wearing I was also afraid I might mistakenly ruin the event, nevertheless, as I tried keeping my confidence within the bare minimum of what I needed.

Hello, everyone this is mrAuthur please read my novel and God bless you.

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