

Aurora's pov :

Aurora, Aurora !!! I heard my mom call my name from my sleep but why can't I just sleep a little bit ohh shit ! I have to get to work on time or else I'm ready to lose my job because kelvin Austin is never going to take it lightly with me so I have to get to work before him .

( Running down the stairs )

Morning mom ( kissing her mom's cheek and rushing out ) Aurora won't you wait for me to pack your food for you , mom I'm so sorry I have to go love you mom's I hate you daughter .

( Entering )

Receptionist pov ;

Aurora the boss has being looking for you , uou are in trouble ( smirks , she has not seen anything is she the only one in world office why is she the only one that gets to be the boss PA while I that actually slept with his secretary gets to be a Receptionist what rubbish I had to sleep with that annoying pig just for nothing ) not feeling bad about lying to Aurora .

Aurora's pov ;

Mtchw ( hiss) so Sarah was lying when she sadly that the boss had arrived I almost fall while running thank God that kelvin isn't around I will atleast get to rest for some couple of minutes before kelvin arrives .

( when she was about to rest that was when she saw kelvin coming) ahhh I speak of the devil you see the devil mtchw welcome sir what wasting and more time Aurora collected kelvin's case from him without him even answering her he walked into his office.

Kelvin's pov

What rubbish how dare she cheat on me am I not handsome than the imbecile she calls her financee . Aurora come here this minutes ( dropping the phone back ) .

( Aurora rushing to kelvin ) Yes sir bring me my coffee OK sir