
When The Party Is Over MA

Please be advised this chapter contains material designed for Mature Audiences in the form of sexual and some slightly abusive themes.

Alexandre collapsed on top of me, careful to keep his weight off, and then rolled to the side with a grunt. Rory laid down beside us and ran a finger along my bare skin.

"Well that was certainly entertaining." He laughed. "Are you still hungry?" He asked me and I nodded my head. He snapped his fingers and two men and a woman came over. "They may not be florals, but they're usually considered tasty." Rory shrugged. One of the men smelled like chocolate, his chest was bare and he smelled of arousal, but not blood. I sat up, covering my chest and privates with embarrassment, but motioned for him to come over. He eagerly approached.

"Why do they do what you say?" I asked Rory as the man sad down on the floor beside me.

"Because vampires don't usually like me, and I'm strong, so I've kinda taken on a 'sober companion' roll I guess." He laughed. "They trust me because I protect them." I looked at the man who nodded.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" I asked him as he offered me his neck.

"Yes ma'am." He said in a voice as deep and sweet as his smell. I didn't hesitate, just sunk my teeth in. He leaned against me lightly with a deep sigh and I could smell his arousal increase. He gripped the hand I had around his chest tightly and I could sense him wanting more. I pulled my teeth free and drew from the wound, eliciting a sigh from my victim. I moved around him slightly to get a look at his face. His eyes were half closed, and he seemed to be lost in bliss.

"Are you wanting more than a simple blood offering?" I asked him quietly.

"Ma'am, my body is yours to use how you wish. I would not say no if you care to go further." He unbuckled his pants invitingly. I looked at Alexandre and Rory, both occupied with other donors. Alexandre had the woman trapped under him, her wrists held in one of his hands above her head while he greedily lapped at her throat. His hand wandered her body and I found I wasn't the least bit jealous. The man's hands hovered over his zipper. I let him pull it down and then straddled him where he sat in the floor.

"You're sure?" I asked once more and his arousal scent increased exponentially.

"Yes ma'am." He offered and turned to bare his neck again while I drank from him and ground against him until I brought our bodies together desperately when I could stand it no more.

I don't know how many humans I sampled. I know I burned through at least one blood high, and when the baby cried I left to check on her. As she nursed I fell asleep, completely exhausted. Alexandre woke me, moving me from the rocking chair to the bed.

"Mina!" I objected, but he shushed me.

"She's fine. Do you want me to put her in bed with you?" Alexandre asked. I nodded and he brought the baby to me.

"You're still naked!" I accused and Alexandre chuckled.

"You're not much better." Alexandre replied pinching my bare thigh. I squealed lightly and the baby fussed.

"I'm wearing a shirt." I mumbled sleepily and he kissed my forehead and smoothed my hair.

"Come back down later if you feel like it." He murmured to me quietly and I hummed an agreement before falling back to sleep.

I floated back down the stairs sometime before dawn. A surprising number of people remained in the house. Rory found me quickly, rising from his place on the couch Cornelius had occupied earlier to come to me with a large smile on his face.

"Still hungry?" He teased with a half grin and I nodded with a slight smile.

"Peckish." I responded, and he grabbed me by the waist and moved his hair aside.

"Allow me." He offered, turning his head. I wasn't going to refuse and quickly found his pulse with my teeth, drawing several mouthfuls while he moaned in my arms. I lapped at the blood and watched as the wound closed. His healing time was not as fast as ours, but it scabbed rather quickly regardless and I was fascinated.

"I was wondering..." Rory hesitated. "..if I might meet your daughter..." He looked at me like a scolded puppy and I giggled slightly.

"She's a newborn, she's not really going to be able to share anything with you yet, but yes, you can follow me back up to the nursery when I go. Right now, I'm looking for Cornelius and Alexandre though. I was hoping to check to see if they got any blood to Luc." I told him.

"Oh, is he the injured vamp Cornelius mentioned? He was doing blood draws earlier from non-participants. I was under the impression that's what that was for. He headed out of here with a handful of people an hour or so ago." Rory reported. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess, all in varying stages of undress?" I asked scathingly and Rory laughed, eyes twinkling.

"You seem to disapprove pretty heavily for someone who was recently involved in the activities yourself." Rory pointed out. I blushed.

"Well, Cornelius could have that whole room full of people and not be satisfied, at once and then individually." I muttered, turning away. Rory caught my wrist.

"Alexandre-is he..your mate? Husband? Partner? I don't know the term for it here, I'm not sure one truly applies?" Rory questioned me "It's just, your scents are all over each other and most vampires...aren't like that. At least not for long enough to be like this." He explained. I hesitated for a moment.

"He is my soulmate, if the word ever had any true meaning. We're not officially married, no, but he is mine, and I am his, in a way I'm not sure I can explain. Even if it is just because of a virus." Rory let me go.

"Alexandre said something about the medical room? You might check there." He said indifferently. I used my speed to swiftly leave the room.

"Carys!" Alexandre smiled at me as I entered the medical room. Luc was laid out on the gurney. He still looked in pretty bad shape.

"How's he doing?" I asked.

"He hasn't died...yet." Alexandre replied broodingly. I hugged his waist. Luc's heartbeat seemed steady and his breathing was regular now.

"Has he woken up?" I leaned into Alexandre as I asked the question and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Not yet. But Cornelius gave him a massive dose of his blood earlier, since he was well fed, so I've been watching over Luc since." Alexandre replied. 'Guarding' I wanted to correct him, but stayed silent. "But how are you? You look well rested. Did you get enough to eat?" He turned my face to look at him and I smiled brightly.

"Yup, I'm good. What about you? You still look a little tired." I scolded and Alexandre grinned lightly.

"What can I say-you kept me thoroughly occupied for quite some time." Alexandre's grin turned to the wolfish one quickly.

"Perv." I swatted his chest. "Why don't you go get some rest-I can watch Luc. He's been hurt pretty badly, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to take him down if I needed to." I eyed Luc speculatively.

"No!" Alexandre's voice was harsh and terrifying. It rang with the sire bond, even though it contained no command within it. I looked at him with confusion and he gritted his teeth, then sighed. "I don't want you hurt again." He explained softly.

"The man had his spine broken Alexandre." I said with derision. Alexandre gripped my chin and forced me to look in his eyes.

"What gives you the impression that makes him any less dangerous?" Alexandre growled. I jerked back slightly.

I never want to give the impression that it is all a bed of roses between Carys and Alexandre. They have their fights and spats. Luc is a terrible sore spot for them. I do want to point out that Alexandre is not attempting to be abusive, but is overly concerned for Carys' safety. He needs to learn how to show that appropriately.

KaysKatscreators' thoughts
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