
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
46 Chs

Bop it, Twist it, Pull it!

Explicit 18+ chapter, hurrah.



[Get a blowjob]

[Details: Get any woman to suck your cock]

[Reward: One random item from host's memories]

[Punishement: Host will become unattractive to women]


Let us begin...

*sniff* *sniff*

Sakura's nose twitched at the strange smell as she began to feel slightly strange, "Hey, Akuto? Do you smell something weird?"

I looked at her like she was crazy, "What are you talking about?"

I was gaslighting her, but it was necessary.

I took precautions to make sure this plan went well. While the girls were having their moment, I had gone around the house and made sure the windows were closed and any gaps sealed, so my scent wouldn't leak out.

"Are you sure? It smells really sweet..." Sakura questioned as she sniffed heavily to get a sense of the smell only to begin to feel even weirder.

"If you're so sure, then how about we find out the cause before searching for them?" I asked with a generous smile as Sakura nodded thankfully, "Yes, I think that would be best."

I jumped off my seat and gestured for Sakura to follow me as we slowly walked through the house together.

However, the moment Sakura wandered near me, the smell began to hit her extra hard, causing her to stumble. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I caught her before she fell and placed her head near my armpit. A.K.A the place where body odour accumulates the most.

Right now we were in one of the empty guest rooms, so this was the optimal place to put my "plan" into "action".

I glanced down at her face and noticed her breathing heavily, "Are you alright, Sakura?" I asked, discarding the honorific as I sat her down on the bed and walked up to the windows, pulling down the blinds.

It should only take a few minutes, but in that time this contained space should flood with the love aura, becoming denser and more potent.

"I'm- It's fine, I'm just feeling a little weird..." She responded, watching closely as I sat close to her, suddenly acting a lot more intimate with the woman as I rested my hand on her thigh, causing her to flinch.

"Oh, are you sick? I'll go get some medicine, be right back," I said kindly as I rose from my seat and exited the room.

Sakura looked grateful, "Ah, okay..." she said, hugging herself discretely as I closed the door.

I wasn't leaving.

I just wanted her to feel alone while I stay here, pumping out the aphrodisiac into the room, through the one-way vents.

As I stood outside the door, Sakura, who was beginning to feel agitated in her special places, rubbed her nipples lightly to satiate herself, however, the sexually deprived girl couldn't contain herself.

Biting her lip, Sakura got up and looked around the room cautiously before locking the door as she sat back down and finally relieved herself, laying on her back as she gripped one breast in her hand and began to masturbate.

When she started doing that, I knew I had her where I wanted her and decided that now was the perfect opportunity to go get the object I had thought I wouldn't need for a while.

Meanwhile, Sakura continued to grope her boobs, twisting and pulling at her hardened nipples with muted moans as she stuck her slender fingers into her pussy, rubbing it intensely as she arched her back in pleasure, "Ahn! Hmm... Gagh-!"


She froze midway through her pleasure session.

There I stood at a now unlocked door with a digital camera in my hand as a blushing Sakura stared at me with a horrified expression.

"Wha-! Um, Akuto! This isn't what it looks like, I just-" She frantically stated as she removed her hand from her bust and pulled out her now wet fingers from her dripping pussy.

"Oh, I know what it is..." I said as I zoomed into the photo of her masturbation, Sakura's orgasmic face on full display. Crossed eyes and wet tongue in all their glory.

"Good quality photo isn't it? I made this camera myself. It's practically indestructible so you can't break it, by the way," I said, showing Sakura the detailed picture I had taken of her as her eyes widened in realization.

"Are... Are you blackmailing me...?" She said as she inched away from the approaching threat that was me.

"Of course, Sakura-chan!" I replied cheerily as I climbed on the bed with her as she tried to move further and further away.

Having a picture like that floating around could spell doom for Sakura's reputation. She was perceived as being a pretty flower who didn't do anything obscene but if this got out, things would go to shit pretty quickly.

"Akuto, how could you!? I'm your auntie Sakura, why are you acting like this?" She asked with a devastated expression as she found herself backed up against the wall.

"Well, a body like yours shouldn't be left to rot without someone there to... take care of i-"

My confident words were suddenly interrupted by a fiery Sakura skillfully swiping the camera from my hands and using her chakra-enhanced strength to whip it against the wall with a grin, "You shouldn't try to manipulate a seasoned shinobi, Akuto. It could get you into trouble," she told me with full confidence while I just stared blankly.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" I asked as she looked over at the camera and I formed subtle hand signals.

Despair overcame Sakura's face, "It's not broken...? H- How's that possible, I used all my strength!?"

The camera remained unharmed and continued to show her sexy photo to the world.

During the span of the last couple of days, I knew I needed to use the system to create a camera that wouldn't break from physical strength so that if I ever needed some blackmail I could do so safely. And within that time frame of the past few days, I and Boruto engaged in quite a bit more make-outs in order to get enough points to make it... It barely took 80 points to make the camera and this next thing that I'm going to use...

"Correct. But, I really don't like that strength of yours so... here you go!" I said as I used my glowing palm to place a seal on her chest that caused strange energy to course through Sakura's veins.

Confused by what just happened, Sakura looked at me, "What did you do to me...? I feel- Wait-!" She said before she attempted to summon her chakra.

She could barely control it.

That thought alone sent shivers through Sakura's spine. The only thing that kept her as one of the strongest shinobi of the leaf and a member of team seven was her exceptional chakra control... and yet, I had just eliminated that ability altogether.

Right now, she was basically a civilian.

Understanding that there was no way out of this, Sakura turned to me with a defeated expression... "What do you intend to do? What do you want from me?" She asked, trying not to choke up at the words I spoke...


A look of despairing disgust flashed on her face.

She had expected me to ask something like this, but now that I did, the gravity of her situation finally hit her.

And so, with a reserved form and red face, Sakura slowly began to peel the tight-fitting pink dress off of her supple skin and adorable breasts as she dropped the clothing on the ground, revealing her bouncing boobs covered by a red lace bra, and pale, slim abdomen.

I could certainly appreciate a good pair of semi-small boobs. After all, flat is justice. Though my loyalty will always lie between the medium is premium and oppai is truth categories, I won't shy away from some of this action.

Sakura looked at me with a pitiable expression while covering her tits as if hoping this would be satisfactory.

"You know what I want," I said, hoping she wasn't brain-dead enough to not understand what I was saying.

Sakura gritted her teeth at the words and slowly unbuckled her belt as she dropped her tight ankle-short pants to the ground, leaving behind a similar pair of thin, red, lace panties and long milky white legs as her body was now almost completely in the nude.

Feeling generous, I decided to let her keep the undergarments on... Plus, the half-covered body just makes it more exciting, Like a gift covered in wrapping paper.

Wanting to get on with the show, I walked over to her and spoke, "Get on your knees..."

She seemed confused by the demand but complied as she kneeled in front of me and looked up at my eager face.

"Now, what do you want fro-" She attempted to ask before her sentence was interrupted by something warm slapping her face.

'Wha...' She thought to herself as she began to gaze thoughtlessly at the steamy meat stick that was rubbing itself on her cheek.

What Sakura wasn't noticing was that during the entire conversation, the Love Aura had been circling throughout the room, getting ingested by her every time she breathed, and the moment I let my dick out, all that sexual frustration would break free.

"Don't you dare try biting my dick," I mentioned offhandedly despite being ignored by the infatuated Sakura.

I didn't even need to tell her to start, without thinking anything of it, Sakura's mind became overcome by lustful thoughts as she stared at my cock with desire and slowly raised her hand, gripping my shaft as she slowly pulled out her tongue, lovingly licking the tip as she raised her other hand as well.

As she began to slowly jerk me off, Sakura moved her head over to my testicles and started to lick and suck on them as my flaccid dick hardened and extended, becoming erect.

I wasn't satisfied by simple touches, however, so I decided to move onto the main course and grab sakura by the hair, a surprised look crossing her face as I shoved my long shaft down her throat, resulting in the girl gagging and choking on the flesh as she tried to pull away only for me to shove my cock further down her flesh tunnel.

She was clearly choking on the tube but the amount of pleasure that she was feeling overpowered that thought, causing her to continue forward and lay her hands on my waist as she took initiative and started sucking with her tongue curled around it, bobbing her head up and down with the intent of making me cum in her mouth.

"Mmm, Chup. *slurp* Gak! *suck*"

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite there yet so in an attempt at pleasing me, Sakura pushed her tits together, sandwiching the dick that she was sucking between the squishy mounds, resulting in an instant increase in pleasure.

"Hm... Oh, yeah..." I couldn't contain the groan of delight that exited my mouth as a lustful Sakura stared up at me from her kneeling position with hearts in her eyes, clearly delighted by how I was reacting.

I wanted to keep this going for as long as possible but was sadly disappointed by my childish body's lack of endurance as I realized that I was most likely going to release soon.

So, deciding to end it climatically, I once again grabbed her head and this time shoved it as far as it could go into her small mouth, resulting in it piercing into her throat all the way up to the base as Sakura began to have trouble breathing, her hands dropping to the ground as her eyes lost their light and began to dull, breaking her mind.

"I'm cumming!" I called out as I thrust into Sakura's throat with a heavy load of white liquid being shot into her mouth as some of it began to dribble out of her mouth, the vast majority being swallowed by Sakura like it was a 5-star meal.

Finishing the ejaculation, I slowly exited her mouth as Sakura regained her ability to breathe, coughing a bit before hurriedly attempting to lick up whatever semen was still dripping off my cock and giving me further pleasure by licking my dick clean with sloppy slurps as she let the remaining cum that was oozing out of my shaft pour on her face, hair and into her mouth.

My right hand was still gripping her cum-stained hair as she looked up at me like she was vying for approval and opened her mouth, extending her slobbering tongue as she displayed the cum that was still being contained within.

I nodded and she closed her mouth, swallowing her meal and licking up the remaining stuff on her face and on the ground as I pat her on the head.

"...Good girl..." I said with a delighted, yet sick, grin as I looked at the system notification that had appeared in my line of sight.

[Selecting a random item from host's memories...]

[Host has obtained...]