
Chapter 44

In the small blacksmith shop, a small bustling crowd came and went. Buying some swords, shield or armor adventurers frequent the shop as did some weak willed passersby ones. All attracted in by the couple of succubi showing off in the window.

"What kind of armor is this?"

A muscular woman asked loudly as her voice boomed inside the shop. She had two bear ears on her head and leather armor pulled tightly against her physique. A physique that could make many adventurers envious due to her thick tone arms, blessed bust and great strength.

In her hands were a red bikini armor that matched her angry expression. Leo was taking a break while he sat behind the counter next to the servant who was working as a cashier. Simply looking up at her hand, Leo just pointed to the corner where she picked it up from.

There in the corner of the shop where a curtain was dividing a small corner. It hung a sign saying children were not allowed as a few women and men ducked inside. Behind the curtain as it swung back into place lay various adult toys, outfits and lots of different things to spruce up sexy time.

For why there laid such a corner in the shop, quite a few succubus decided to add it. Which raked in quite a bit of gold almost totally the same he makes selling weapons.

The bear beast-kin woman simply sat down the bikini in her hands and left the shop. Leo doubted she would return anytime soon if at all. Not that he cared all that much as he was told such women weren't rare as there are a few that do this throughout the day.

"Sir, here is the list of weapons that have been sold." His servant passed him a paper.

Looking at the list in his hand, besides a wide selection of basic swords. The list contained a few shield and armor pieces. Since his break came to an end and he wanted to restock what he could before he left later. Leo headed back into his workshop, but not before whispering something that lit up the servant's face in her ear.


"I think it is time for us to have a family meeting." Sicily said as Leo stood in her study room.

While she had her blue hair tied up into a bun, she had light dark circles under her eyes. Which made Leo slightly worried about her as she seems to be pushing herself more than she should. He glanced at Mabui by her side and sent a glance at her telling her to take better care of Sicily.

"What about?" Leo asked since he wasn't aware of any major issue within the family.

"Pregnancies. In less then a week the charm will wear off and a whole bunch of our members will begin swelling up in the coming months. Now unless you plan to hire an army of midwives to help deliver them all. We need to stagnate them into groups for when they get impregnated." Sicily explained.

Leo paused for a moment and thought about it realizing she had a point. It would do well to stagnate it so they all won't be popping around the same time. Not to mention that it would shoot their family around a thousand members. So while they had a large amount of space and the succubus clan could help expand it. The large influx may put them in a bind for a bit.

"I think it's time we expand the mansion or from the mansion. It's already decently crowded now, much less with little ones running about."

"While I agree, most of the women won't leave your side Leo. It will lower the time to see you or have their wicked ways with you." Mabui replied as she pulled out a survey. "From what I gathered most don't really care much about where they live or living conditions. They instead want to have sex with you more often."

"I can't do much about that unless I am supposed to bang everyone from sunrise to sunset." Leo pointed out. "It probably doesn't help that they went from sleeping with multiple partners daily to one maybe once a week."

Mabui went to suggest something that she knew was going to end badly, but as she saw the floor cracking below Leo. She bit her tongue as the room began shaking as she stared into cold red eyes with boundless killing intent directed at her. Even at the gathering of Kages in her world, those five didn't have this much power since it made them feel like genin.

"I will never share and anyone who even thinks of suggesting it won't live much longer. Are we clear?" Leo growled at her before returning to his lazy and mostly peaceful self.

Mabui quietly wiped her cold sweat as she forgot while Leo is mostly easy going. When he was angry it was simply terrifying no matter who one is. She doubted even gods would be able to stand for long when facing him.

"She wasn't suggesting it, but we will be distributing more toys for them to hold them over. Hopefully when they have children the desire will die down for at least a while." Sicily answered.

"So how are you going to group them? Twenty five at a time." Leo asked, shifting the topic back on track.

"I was thinking more along the lines of fifty. We have over six hundred family members and if you impregnate fifty every two months. It should be fine as long as we can find enough space." Sicily answered him.

Turning to the window, Leo looked out at the night sky before speaking of his idea he had a while back. "What if we take this city as our own. It will give us space to expand."

Both women were stunned at his idea and were speechless. It was a crazy idea but as they thought about it. This would give them plenty of space to do as they pleased. The only issue is what about all their businesses they had within the city.

"What about our businesses and your shop?" Sicily asked.

"Meh, we can keep them there as is, but we will close the city to all outsiders. Then we can just use the city as a trading hub in the future."

Sicily nor Mabui had any words to say. Finally Sicily came to the decision.

"We will think about it."

Thanks for Reading.

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