
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Cómic
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47 Chs

Taking Back The City

"Yalan, I will trouble you with the task of entering a copper-rank dungeon with miners to get recourses. meanwhile, Teacher Mo, I will need your help to put the current money we have to the best of its usage." Sora said before a table, while calmly looking at the two people in front of him.

"... Prince, you currently only have the Iron rank dungeon under your name." Teacher Mo said making Sora's lips twitch. every family had a dungeon for themselves, these dungeons they cleared every time the dungeon resets. Once the copper rank dungeon is cleared, it needs 12 hours for it to reset, at that point, everything done to the dungeon would have disappeared

meanwhile, an iron-rank dungeon needed twice the amount of time to reset, but the resources it gave were hundreds of times better than a copper-rank dungeon. one would need about 100 of the highest copper-rank dungeons just to match the lowest-grade Iron rank dungeon

"What happened?" Sora asked with a deep frown, how could they not have any dungeon under their name? A family without a dungeon under them is like a family without incoming resources, this meant he had been blowing his money away without thinking.

"... the other families bought them off us. you didn't bother to stop them." Teacher Mo said making Sora's lips twitch madly. Sora thought for some time about what he should do,

Sora tapped the city, and a hologram appeared from the table, showing him information about the city. this city had 939 copper-grade dungeons. 650 of these dungeons were low-grade dungeons, 210 were mid-grade dungeons, and 79 were mid-grade dungeons.

All of the were claimed, and some belonged to clans, schools, and the public. Sora sighed softly while looking at this information, out of everything here, there was only one Iron rank dungeon, which usually needs the help of every power within the city to clear.

"well, we have a few years to get things straight. in a way, it's better than the clans just up and running away feeling behind their dungeons. so... let's invite all of the clan ranked from 50th to 100th." Sora said softly

"What does the prince mean?" Sora's tutor, teacher Mo asked in confusion, Sora sighed softly before speaking.

"There are 3 ways things can play out. one is that the clans would simply fail to conquer a dungeon, thereby causing a dungeon outbreak. if that happens, it's most likely one of my siblings did something.

second, the clans join hands and try to overthrow me, with how things have been going lately, I wouldn't be shocked if this happens.

and lastly, they gain all they can gain from this city before running away with their clans, leaving me to have to clean up after them. honest, this would be the best outcome." Sora said softly,

"Once they see that the so-called trash prince is starting to take control back of this city, it's expected that they would do something. they would not dare to kill me or harm me, but with one of my siblings' pain enough, that is not out of the picture. over benefits, they would do anything." Sora said softly,

"so for now, we will take back the dungeons by force if we have to... the dungeons are needed before we could go through any plan we might have," Sora said softly, and the two nodded slightly, and so the news was sent to the clans ranked from 50 to the hundreds place to have their clan leader arrives at the castle within the day. the strongest person among these clans was at level 5 energy condensation, which was why Sora picked such a number.

and within that time, they all arrived. within the castle throne room, Sora sat on the throne which was a level above the others, while looking down upon the 75 people who were arrived,

"Where are your clan leaders?" Sora asked calmly, not all of the clan leaders arrived, only the weaker clans didn't dare to take Sora's world lightly, so the clan leaders dropped everything and rushed over.

"the clan leader was in closed-door cultivation, so he couldn't make it." an elder from the red bull clan said with a smile, the others had similar things to say, but some didn't even bother to try and lie, showing their lack of respect.

"I will give your clan leader 30 minutes to get their asses here," Sora said calmly before closing his eyes, and ignoring them. those elders who came in place of the clan leader froze slightly, but they secretly send messages back to the clan leader of this as they felt unease with Sora's actions.

time passed, and as Sora just sat there not saying anything, they realized that they might be in danger. so they began rushing their clan leaders to quickly come over. some came within the 30-minute mark, and others didn't come. once 30 minutes were up, Sora opened his eyes and looked at everyone here, and nodded slightly.

"Yalan, go and capture those clan leaders who didn't come, cripple their arms and legs, and throw them into the castle prison, I will deal with them later. you can kill whoever gets in your way." Sora said softly, from behind the throne, Yalan stepped out, stunning all of the elders there.

"Understood," Yalan said respectfully before she disappeared, leaving the throne room quiet... a bite too quiet. Shouldn't she be nothing more than a drunk he stays on the ground drinking her shame away. why was she now following the prince?

"starting tomorrow I'm taking back control of this city. it's up to you all if I should punish you for the crimes you all made in the past few months, or if I should ignore them all. starting tomorrow, I need all of the tax you haven't paid, 10 times the amount. secondly, those of you who have more than 1 dungeon, I will be taking them back and leaving you all with Zero." Sora said calmly leaving everyone shocked,

"prince you can't do this." a few said while jumping up, unwilling to accept the sudden changes, Sora pointed forward, his hand shaped like a gun, and as if he figured something, his hand moved slightly, and the next moment, the clan master who spoke, screamed in pain as blood came come to his shoulder, he felt like he was hit by a gun. he quickly covered the blood, while looking at Sora in shock,

"I don't remember asking you to speak... just who do you think you standing before? know your place and open your eyes. the next person who shows the slightest disrespect, death is the nicest thing I can offer." Sora said coldly, making everyone go quiet.

"When you leave, you can of course try and flee or do something to go against me. but enraging me is like enraging the heavens. you would find that out once you all return home and try your scheme. now leave my sight, I will be expecting everything first thing in the morning." Sora said coldly, to which the weaker clans got up and left, they can't go against a royal in the opening, so they would be snakes.

it was currently night, and only a few more hours until morning, and within that time, Yalan threw all of the clan masters who didn't show up into the prison, where Sora went on to look at them.

"You can't do this, we have rights." a man yelled in rage as he while looking at his broken limbs with heart ace. Sora calmly looked at them all with a cold look.

"you have no rights, that's nothing more than an illusion. we royals can turn false into reality, do you think the false right we give you all is worth shit? From this moment onwards, you have two paths in life. slaves, or farm animals. what would you pick?" Sora said calmly, making all of their faces turn dark.

"I will give you a few days to pick. until then, enjoy your stay." Sora said calmly as he pushed a button, which made a barrier appear, blocking off all sounds.

morning soon came, and to the shock of Yalan and Sora's teacher, the clan's leaders and elders who left the throne room all appeared, horror written all over their faces. Sora had written their names all in the death book, followed by man's conditions, before they could die, and how they would die.

it was not only them Sora wrote down, but even the names of the other elders within the clan, their children, wives, and anyone who they seemed remotely close to.

"we ask the prince for forgiveness," they said while kneeling before Sora, offering up storage rings that held everything Sora asked for, even the papers which made it so that Sora claimed the dungeons under them, leaving them with only 1 dungeon, a maid went on to collect them all, and took them away

"Good, I didn't need to slaughter all your clans... well, I guess we can all work together now to clean up the mess we caused. just look at my city, who can live here?" Sora asked calmly, to which they quickly nodded their head, agreeing with all their hearts

"It's good to see such understanding people. it warms this foolish prince's heart, well, you all may return." Sora said softly, the group nodded and after showing their respect, they left,

"why are they so scared?" Yalan asked in confusion, she could pretty much sense the fear coming off this group of people, Sora smiled at her words but didn't say anything.

the next people Sora needed to deal with were the powers ranked in the top 50, they were far more powerful, with the top 3 having even half-step core formation realm cultivator, they knew that Sora needed them, so they were arrogant.

Sora sent a letter to them letting them know to arrive at the castle 3 months later for his birthday, he also told them that going against him was going against the heavens, so for the following 3 months anything they or any elder within the clan do to go against him, they would not be so lucky. the letter turned to askes when all the clan leaders got this,

but of course, they didn't think too much of it, but when they began suffering the following few days, they began taking the letter seriously. Their son and daughter suffered and painful illness when they cursed the prince, they stepped on dog shit when they went outside, to their cultivation almost going unstable when cultivating.

but this all disappeared only when they stopped planning on going against the prince, they became fearful as the more they were against the prince, the more those around them and themselves suffered. they realized that the prince most likely cursed them, but when, and how? they were all powerful experts, how could they not even sense that they were cursed?

the Death Book couldn't be traced using karma and fate, it was a powerful item that couldn't be dictated, Sora could right as many names as he wishes, but they would never know it was him unless he says so.

{Congregation host for reaching level 1 Iron rank... you have gained Death God Strong Body.} the system said as Sora slowly stood out of the bath,

[Death God Strong Body] - You have the powerful body of the Death God's flesh, Muscles, and Bones which have been strengthened and tempered using Death Qi. your body shall be as hard as the metal of the same grade as your physical strength, but it shall be flexible and absorb attack like a sponge. because of this, it's hard to break through your defense.

Sora felt a warmth cover his body after accepting the reward, he was amazed at his newfound body, even though he would have trouble damaging himself now. well, with one cultivation system at rank two, he should turn his attention to the soul cultivation system.

'In two months is my birthday, enough time for me to reach the second rank, and at the same time improve my other cultivation. I should go see if those fools I lucked away.' Sora said softly as he turned and left,