
Imprisoned by Silk and Gold.

"You hit your head, Delany. You hit it when you were six. You looked dead, probably why your brother left you alone." "I don't have a brother dad and you don't have a son." Thomas looked broken and his eyes started to water. "I have a son. He is 12 years older than you. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He looks just like your mom! Thomas's eyes watered. Your brother had been brainwashed by his luna bitch to take out her rival pack...and that was us, Delany. Your brother killed my wife and led the attack on our entire pack. They slaughtered everyone, women, children men they killed everyone!" "This is the lowest shit you could ever pull dad." "Just look for yourself. Like I said. you lost your memory. You woke up and couldn't remember anything except for me and your mom i thought it was blessing in disguise. it meant my baby girl didn't have to remember the mass genocide of her entire pack. I mean just look at the photobook. It's all their." I couldn't help watch my teary-eyed father break down. He pointed to a photo book on the table and I reluctantly picked it up. Of course, I wished there was some magical excuse for his shit but I knew this idea was absolutely absurd. Until I opened the photo book. My head suddenly spun and an inner voice told me to keep going. Going through the pictures was startling. There I was, running around with distant but familiar kids. I had grandparents, and they looked in love with me. And I had a brother! My dad was right, he looked like my mom. Actually, we looked a lot alike too. Memories of a past life flooded my mind. I'm from a pack of werewolves. A large and happy pack. And then my stomach dropped. My brother's wedding was a murder scene. I watched as my memories flooded back into me and I watched my loved ones being slaughtered by my brother's mates pack...on his command! My heart began to break as I watched my mother's sad eyes. She had amber color eyes. They were soft and loving and I watched as she was sliced apart by large wolves. Her eyes her distorted and bloody. She was gone. How could I ever forget? I fell to the floor in pain and a voice told me to hold it together. "I know how rough I've been on you but I needed a wolf. And I thought if I was rough, you would..." I had so much anger. I wanted to rip my brother apart. I wanted to slice that mate of his into a million pieces. "I know what you were thinking dad. You were thinking about uncle Peaty. You were thinking of how his anger changed him into his wolf at 10 years old. I wish I could have been a stronger daughter for your father. I wish I could have been there for you." I stood up with a sense of conviction. I finally understood it. My father had dealt with the over baring pain of the loss of his entire pack. As Alfa, the pain must be unimaginable. During the slaughtering, he felt each one of his pack members pain and fear. He would have felt each and every one of their deaths. The burden he felt, brought tears to my face. I couldn't help but run into the arms of the man I waited my whole life to get away from. "I missed you, dad! I'm so sorry." "I missed you too, baby girl! It's good to have you back!" This was like having a reunion with someone I hadn't seen in years and then it was interrupted. BANG. BANG. BANG...The front door flew wide open.

PiperShea · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: An outfit.

I looked at Bella. She was gorgeous. Of course, Ronan would be arranged to marry her.

Am I jealous? No, that's not right. He is my target, that's all.

Bella continued her harassment. "So what are you really? Are you a witch?" Bella asked aggressively. Her eyes hardened. The staff and other she-wolves of the packs started to listen in on us now.

"What are you talking about?" I said bordly.

"I'm talking about that off smell you have. You're different."

"I'm a rouge." I sigh again annoyed that I am even dealing with her.

"No, this is different. You would have to be a witch to get an alpha to want to claim you. I mean look at you. Your rouge trash. And that dress, where did you get it? Goodwill?"

I looked down at my mother's dress. How dare she say one word about my mother's dress. When we assassinate her pack, she is the first to go.

Another girl chimed in, "yeah, and on the day of the red moon ceremony too. That's a little convenient."

Bella laughed. "Too convenient, actually."

Alpha? Ronan is an Alpha? Well, that's one way to kill a pack. Start with the Alpha. My dad would love to hear about how I managed this. How could i have not have known? They were right to be cautious.

Now that I know Ronan is an Alpha I understand that I can't waste this opportunity to make Bella look weak and at the same time get his pack to slightly approve of me more. This is the way with Wolfs. Only the strong stay on top. If they were pre-arranged to get married it's going to take a lot to win the pack over after looking like a homewrecker. I didn't waste time. I walked straight over to the lounging Bellamy. All of the girls in the room started to gravitate towards the commotion now.


"Are you doubting your Alpha in front of your pack and in front of she-wolves from a rival pack?"

Bella sprang up from the accusation. "Never," she growled.

"Oh then are you just claiming your Alpha can't make his own decisions."

Bellas's face went white.

"Or are you claiming your alpha is so weak that a mere female rouge can trick him?"

"I never said Ronan was weak," Bella hissed.

"No, you're just implying that your Alpha cant handle one rouge and you feel the need to take it upon your self to what?" I challenged her, " To make decisions for him?"

Bella didnt like being questioned.

But I was born for this. I am a true alpha's daughter. I was groomed to marry into a high born family. This match would be natural if my pack hadn't all been massacred,.and by this girls pack nonetheless. I may have forgotten once but never again. I will never let her make me feel unworthy. I will never let anyone like her make me feel any less than the last female of an original werewolf bloodline. A strong and powerful bloodline. I belonged to a pack above the rest.

I could already tell her pack didn't like her looking down on the alpha. It was a great sign of disrespect. The room tensed.

"Trust your Alpha or go talk to him about your doubts. If you truly believe you're meant to be is luna then discuss it with him not me. Or you ... simply trust your alpha to make the right decision for him and the pack, not what's best for you!"

I turned around just in time to see an outfit being brought out in a glass box. It was stunning and dramatic and I wanted it. I grabbed the box from the girl working and ran to find Amalie. Luckily, she popped out from behind a rack, super excited to see me. She had a pile of outfits but tossed them aside to the ground when she saw what I had in my hand. "THAT IS PERFECT!"

"I know right. They were bringing it out for Bella but it was too cute to be tainted by that twat. Sooooo... I snatched it. Not like she will notice anyway."

We both turned to look at Bella. She was back to lazily waving away people bringing her garments.

Amalie laughed. "Nope. But... you know what...." Amalie trailed off walking away with her thoughts.

I could only follow her now. She went to the back section. She plucked something out and I understood why.

"They are called body stockings. It will go perfectly with that outfit."

Amalie was right. I took out the outfit from the glass box and paired it with the body stockings. This was absolutely complete together. "Okay, so now we find one for you." I looked at Amalie with a giddy smile.

"I've actually already made mine," she happily admitted. "I pretty much make all of my clothes."

"Interesting! I can't wait to see what you've come up with!"

Amalie gave a little squeal. "I'm super excited about tonight. I can't wait to find out who my soul connects with. You know?" And then her face dropped. "What happens if my mate doesn't show up at the ceremony and I never meet him at all?"

I squeezed Amalie's hand. "Im optimistic about tonight. I think you'll find him. But if not trust the goddess. You'll find him when the time is right."

"Yeah. Your right. But even if i don't find my mate, tonights going to be one hell of a show," she said cheering herself up.

"What do you mean?"

Amalie looked at me."Might be a war starting tonight." She was quiet as we made our way out of the tent and back to campus.

I was panicked. Did she know what my plan was? I was glad we were out of earshot of everyone else, "Now tell me, what do you mean Amalie?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that witnessed Luca and you call each other mate so thiers that but you also encouraged Ronan into thinking you will claim him at the Red Moon ceremony. But what you don't know is that Ronan isn't the only Alpha in this equation. Luca is set to inherit the Alpha title as well.

"Shut up. You can't be serious." This could actually be a catastrophe. I joked about him being a 6 ft 7inch alpha hunk but how was I to know he was going to be an actual Alpha. With that body, I should have known. How could I have made this kind of error? It was almost too obvious. My proud feeling of snagging an alpha from the very pack I needed to infiltrate could now be the very mistake that might ruin my fathers' plan.

I wasn't supposed to start a war between the blue blood pack and its brother pack from this territory. I just want to kill my brother's traderous face and merk his mate and everyone connected to her. Involving another pack in any way was not apart of the plan.