
Imprevisto... STRAORDINARIO?

Autor: poulanka
En Curso · 3.8K Visitas
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What is Imprevisto... STRAORDINARIO?

Lee la novela Imprevisto... STRAORDINARIO? escrita por el autor poulanka publicada en WebNovel. QUESTA FANFIC E' IN ITALIANO!Sono ormai passati qualche anno da quando mi sono ritrovata in questa situazione...Il mio nome in questa vita è Nicole.Perché dico in questa vita? Bhè... Mi sono sempre ch...


QUESTA FANFIC E' IN ITALIANO! Sono ormai passati qualche anno da quando mi sono ritrovata in questa situazione... Il mio nome in questa vita è Nicole. Perché dico in questa vita? Bhè... Mi sono sempre chiamata Dora ma un inaspettato incidente ha portato la mia precoce morte alla giovane età di 34 anni Si giovane problemi?! mmhmm comunque... Un incidente imprevisto ha portato alla mia morte, sulla quale sorvoleremo, e alla mia successiva e ancora più inaspettata "rinascita" Come in una di quelle fan fiction con posca inventiva che le ragazzine scrivono solo per noia... Il mio nuovo nome è Nicole Dorotea Gilmore-Hayden e a quanto pare sono rinata come la sorella gemella di Lorelai Leigh Gilmore o meglio conosciuta come Rory Si a quanto pare sono in Gilmore Girl

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The Tyrant, Mischievous Mrs. Lin and her Triplets.

Got a little injury on my hand, sorry about that but will continue once I heal.. thank you for your understanding. WARNING; This is my first novel and I might caused a few or more grammatical issues, there are over 70 free chapters to read on and decide to continue or not, so please refrain from being toxic or abusive, if you are correcting my problems or the issues you spot I will gladly appreciate it, for those who are in for the story, you are welcome to read." Luo  Wei,  an  orphan,  grew  up  as  an  assassin,  rising  to  the  top  of  the  black  market  as  the  'Ice Queen.'  Her  boyfriend  betrayed  her  by  giving  her  a  necklace  with  a  GPS  tracking  device.  She  is  finally  cornered  and  killed  after  hiding  and  running  through  bullets,  and  everyone  she  offended  is  after  her  life. After  death,  she  awakens  in  another  body,  her  soul  awakens  in  a  weak,  meek,  and  sadist  girl,  a  mother  of  triplets. She  made  the  decision  to  live  a  clean  life,  to  work  for  power,  and  to  stand  tall  in  the  tallest  pyramid.  She  accepts  her  life  as  a  mother  but  is  unconcerned  about  her  husband  because  he  is  unconcerned  about past Luo  Wei  or  the  children. *(Not included tags, BL)* ******************************************** "Oohh this one? he is your new daddy, we are getting married tomorrow, everyone was astonished, because they knew she was Bai Lin's wife and those kids were his. "Hahaha Mommy, does he have enough money? We don't want poor daddies!! Lin Wei said out loudly. " Mommy look at how you have scared your future husband, he is sweating profusely." Huang said sarcastically. Luo Wei stretched her long legs and placed them on the table. she laid back on the couch comfortably, Huang massaged her shoulders while Wei Wei and Hong watching her. "Humphhh!! What do you know, he is just astonished by my beauty, what do you say fiance?" she smiled sweetly at him. Ling Jun nodded faster faster he was really scared. Everyone else could see the situation ain't good. "Hong, look that's your CEO, greet him politely." Luo Wei instructed. "Hellooo Mr. CEO we meet again," Hong greeted him politely. When Zhu Chang heard that, the anger he was simmering down, rose up, and banged at the table. "Who are showing off to stupid kid, not even your dad acknowledges you, you are a mere donation of sperms, you think you can order me around?" Zhu Chang talked out angrily. The kids were furious, anger was bubbling, his eyes turned red, Hong turned to look at his mom, he saw her nod. "Just don't kill we are civilized people." Luo Wei said smiling but her eyes turned. "Mommy can we make the Zhu Corporation bankrupt?" Wei Wei was smiling but that smile was terrorizing cold and ruthless. She was evil compared to the two brothers. Hong and Zhu Chang started fighting, they were 50/50, then he overpowered him, subdued him, gave him several beating. They could hear bones break. Their heart chilled. Hong pulled out a gun and pressed it on his head. "I want to hear you say those words again." Hong demanded coldly, he was really ruthless. Ling Jun couldn't move because he was already scared earlier, the others had seen the little Lolita girl, wiping her gun. they stayed sitting. If they moved they would aggravate the situation. "Alright my boy that's enough, don't kill, don't kill, I don't have time to clean up the mess. Ming Xie call an ambulance. Zhu Chang by tomorrow evening if I don't see the another 10% added. I will make the Zhu Corporation bankrupt by midnight." Luo Wei spoke those words coldly. Zhu Chang then realized what kind of a mess he is in, he was too impulsive.

DaoistvODbDR · Fantasía
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Daisy adalah Gadis tomboy yang pernah membunuh seseorang secara tidak sengaja.Rahasia itu hanya di ketahui oleh Raden yaitu teman masa kecilnya.Orang yang dia bunuh adalah putra Presiden yang sedang menjabat saat itu.Sontak dia di tetapkan sebagai pelaku dan para polisi serta agen sedang memburu dirinya.Dia adalah gadis yatim piatu sehingga tidak ada yang benar-benar perduli akan keberadaannya kecuali Raden.Hanya itu.Setelah seminggu bersembunyi di sebuah pondok kecil yang berada di atas bukit.Tempat itu biasa di datangi ia dan Raden sejak dulu ketika Musim Semi tiba untuk menonton bintang gemintang yang bersinar gemerlap.Di tengah masa persembunyiannya,Daisy selalu membawa sebuah buku usang yang di berikan oleh Ibunya saat ulang tahunnya yang ke 10.Lebih tepatnya itu adalah Buku Dongeng yang berisi tentang Dunia Fantasy,dimana hanya bisa di datangi melalui sebuah portal cahaya setiap 1000 tahun sekali dengan di tandai jatuhnya sebuah meteor di ufuk langit barat.Setelah kepergian Sang Ayah dan Ibu secara misterius di 2 tahun setelahnya.Dia pecaya,suatu hari akan bertemu dengan kedua Orangtuanya melalui buku itu.Setiap tahun dia menanti jatuhnya sebuah meteor di atas bukit tersebut bersama Raden.Dan akhirnya masa itupun tiba.Sebuah meteor akan jatuh malam itu malam dimana Polisi sudah melacak keberadaannya.Setelah merapal sebuah doa,tubuh keduanya lenyap bersamaan dengan hilangnya Meteor di ufuk barat.Daisy masuk ke masa lalu,tetapi dunia itu tidak seperti yang ia bayangkan.Ia bertemu seorang perempuan yang sangat mirip dengannya bernama D'Sea dan semuanya di mulai sejak itu.D'Sea adalah seorang Calon Permaisuri dari Seorang Pangeran Mahkota yang sebentar lagi akan menjadi Raja di jaman itu.Namun,pernikahan batal dan D'Sea di buru oleh pasukan yang di utus oleh Pangeran untuk membunuhnya di sebabkan D'Sea tidak sengaja memergoki Pangeran berselingkuh dengan wanita lain.Karena takut D'Sea menyebarkan hal itu,dia dengan tega ingin membunuhnya.Namun semua berubah drastis.Kemunculan Daisy secara tiba-tiba dan memutuskan membantu D'Sea bertukar posisi.Daisy menyamar menjadi D'Sea dan kembali ke Istana.Dia tidak jadi di bunuh sebab Pemimpin pasukan tidak tega dan meninggalkannya di tepi jalan.Kemunculannya yang tiba-tiba di Istana membuat gempar seluruh Negeri.Pembalasan dendampun di mulai.Dia telah membuat kesepakatan dengan D'Sea dimana jika dia bisa membunuh Pangeran Mahkota itu maka D'Sea juga akan membantunya kembali untuk kembali ke dunianya kembali.Demi menghindari Kejaran polisi yang tidak akan mungkin berhenti dengan segera walau dia menghilang.Daisy dan D'Sea sepakat untuk menentuan target waktu untuk menyelesaikan urusan mereka berdua.Dan 330 hari menjadi hasil dari kesepakatan tersebut.Intinya,Pangeran harus mati sebelum hari ke 330 karena hari itu Daisy harusnya kembali ke asalnya.Apakah mereka akan berhasil? Semua menjadi rumit ketika Pangeran justru jatuh cinta pada Daisy dan wajahnya sangat mirip dengan anak Presiden yang dia bunuh di ribuan tahun di masa depan dan lucunya,Raden jatuh cinta pada D'Sea.

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A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

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