
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter Six: Invitation

The steep road up to the castle gates was windy and treacherous. It was designed like this on purpose to make it harder for infantry to use the path. The grass to the left and right was full of small potholes and rocks to trip up infantry or try to stall siege engines. There was much thought in every aspect of the castle making it an amazing guardian of southern Valburgh. Successive generations of Valburgh royalty made it a hallmark of their reign to upgrade the defenses of Ardenafast. It was wasted money in all honesty it would have been better spent on their army or their people. The Fort was a good investment but at this point they overdid it to the point it was just a drain on their economy. They would have to pay more and more for more and more food and soldiers. A larger and better equipped army ready to counter attack at a moments noticed would have been a better strategy. But It was to late for them now.

I was clad in unadorned steel armor with a large helmet covering my head and face. Ive always preferred the Barbute helmet for its increased visibility and great protection. Many like helmets like the great helm but I found them too cumbersome and in the way during a battle that dragged on. I was getting besides myself in thought and that wouldn't do. I war as generic armor as possible to ensure none of the defenders knew who I was and decided to capture me. I still risked being killed but it was considered a dishonorable deed to kill someone under a white flag of truce. I had Sir Adonis with me incase anyone rushed out not that it would save me if they decided to use arrows or crossbow bolts instead.

We approached the wooden gate of the first wall and waved the flag high so no one shot us. hopefully. There were two guards stationed on the platform flanking the gate they both were clad in chainmail with the black and yellow surcoat draped over them with their spears leaning against them. 

"Do not move closer. State your business." at least we weren't shot on sight 

I let Adonis speak for me I doubt anyone here has ever heard my voice but no point in risking it. "We seek a parley fetch your commander." The soldiers speak amongst each other for a moment before one leaves in a jog.

Some time pasted before the man returned with another man. This man was clad in proper armor and had a longsword at his hip. His helmet had a number of feather sprouting out of the scalp that I thought looked rather stupid.

"I am Lord Arber Besian the castellan of this mighty fortress. Explain your presence. Are you here to offer your surrender?" I don't like him. I can't fully explain it Maybe its because he is my enemy or maybe not.

"I am Sir Alexandros of Olasa" I lied "I come in the name of Crown Prince August Davion first of his name. We offer a parley mid day tomorrow. Each party may bring five attendants total we ask to come unarmed but do not require it. Do you accept Lord Arber?" Arber scoffed at the request. I could tell he was going to say something perhaps an insult but stopped himself.

"I accept your invitation to parley. However I request that the meeting be hosted at the hill just over there. It is an equal distance to both my castle and your camp."

It posed no issue to me

"We accept your terms Lord Arber. I bid you a good day." we make off after saying our proper goodbyes 

The parley would be tomorrow. I had little hope it would be useful in convincing them to surrender But I was hoping to gather some information from them. Anything would be useful but I was hoping to learn some more about their garrison size or amount of supplies. Arber seemed like a cocky guy I might be able to get him to accidentally spill something of value.