
Job hunt

Brooke Cassidy punched on the letters on her laptop with reckless abandon. She was bleary eyed and fatigued.

It was 9pm, another wasted day of futile job hunting. Her eyes fell on the coffee mug beside her laptop, half drunk, as she wrapped her hands on the handle and pressed the tip gingerly to her inviting lips. The warm liquid—which more than failed to keep her awake, sloshed around the mug before taking a final descent into her mouth as she swallowed.

The empty bar flashed ominously at the top right hand corner of her laptop.

Oh shit! She thought.

In her futile search for a job, it had skipped her mind to plug it in. As her mouth curled in disdain, an image appeared on her screen. Her eyes widened in disbelief at the realization of what she was staring at. It was a job offer for the post of an Art Gallery Assistant . She closed her eyes and muttered a quick thank you.

Her eyes pored over the information as she tried to process it.

She read aloud "Lucrative job offer for the post of an Assistant to the Blake Pierce- owner of Gallery 360..." She paused, as she drummed her fingers on her lips. She had heard that name before, Gallery 360...

Her breath hitched in her throat as a moment of clarity struck her. She had come across an article recently, where she saw the owner of the gallery receiving a honorary award for having one of the prestigious galleries in the cities. She remembered staring at photos of the interior of the Gallery. It was really a big deal.

She snapped back int focus and was about to check for the address when her laptop shut down.

"Fuck! No!" She cried at the sheer indignation of it all. She hurriedly grabbed a jotter and wrote on it "gallery 360". She would revisit that page later. Perhaps this was the big break she had been looking for. Maybe, just maybe, she could get a job in the gallery. The thought of it seemed foreign and lucky, but she chided herself. Afterall it had been luck that had brought her thus far, she had learnt not to disbelieve in chance and luck.