
Beginning of the End

It was 11PM on a cold and dark night. Which isn't too strange with the current weather. A single man was walking across the sidewalk of the seemingly desolate city. His straight dark hair that went down to his shoulders matched his dark work attire. The man stood somewhere between 5'9 and 6'0, and looked somewhere between 22 and 25 years old. Thomas was working late that night and decided to walk home. He couldn't help but shake a feeling of anxiety. He felt very nervous being out this late all alone. Thomas checked his phone after an audible ring was heard. It was a text from his close friend Marcus, something about his new girlfriend Tiffany

"I'm happy for you man." Thomas said out loud. He felt no need to be quiet when he was alone.

Thomas was walking past multiple alleyways. They were filled with tents and sleeping bags. The homeless had to sleep somewhere. Thomas thought little of them. While he understood that they're misfortune wasn't their own doing, he didn't feel much sympathy. He simply chose to focus on his own life, with little thought for others.

"Spare change?" A decrepit voice asked from an alley. It was a homeless beggar. He was holding a plastic cup up to Thomas.

"Sorry sir, I have nothing on me." Thomas said knowing full well how much money he had on him.

Thomas thought that the man would just use it to buy drugs or something of the sort. "Why should I give him my money?" Thomas asked himself. He was just a block away from his apartment complex when he heard a loud screech. He thought nothing of it at first. "Probably someone messing around in an alley. That seems to happen a lot here" Thomas thought to himself. As he made his way to a crosswalk, he heard another loud noise. Thomas once again ignored the loud sound. He glanced down at his watch, thinking vividly about how much he wanted to lay down in his bed and drift into sleep. Thomas was walking down the crosswalk as a bright light came into his view. Whether it was fatigue or ignorance, Thomas once more ignored what his senses were detecting. Finally, he came to the realization of his surroundings. And then, it hit him. It was a car.


Thomas woke up with blurred vision and a massive pain in his head. There were loud noises all around. Sirens and people running and yelling.

"He's awake!" A man nearby Thomas screamed. It was a paramedic.

"Sir are you alright?" The paramedic asked very concernedly.

"What? What happened?" Thomas asked while still coming to his senses.

"You were in a hit and run. Sir, do you feel alright?" The paramedic once again asked, this time in a more confused tone.

"What the hell do you mean? I was hit by a damn car? Just let me get up and…"

Thomas tried to get up and saw the most horrific sight before him. The entire lower half of his body was severed. The lower half of his body was lying on the ground at least a couple feet away. His intestines were bleeding out and there was a massive puddle of blood all across the ground. Thomas wanted to vomit.

"What the hell! How is that…Why am I... What is happening!" Thomas screamed in confusion.

Despite being cut in half, he was wide awake and even feeling no pain at all.

"Sir I.." The paramedic seemed just as confused. "Get a gurney! We need to take him to a hospital now!" He yelled to the other paramedics.

"What is happening? Why am I alive?" Thomas screamed out.

"You'll get your answers soon Thomas. I promise it will all make sense in time." A voice whispered to Thomas. The voice seemed ghastly and almost otherworldly.

Thomas heard the voice but saw nobody around that could have said it. "Who was that? Am I hallucinating? Is this real? Who the hell just spoke? And how am I still alive?" He thought to himself. His mind was racing with questions, and there seemed to be no answers.

Hello. This is the offical start of my next story. I'm taking a break from All Your Lies for a moment. Please enjoy my next novel, Immortal Whispers.

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