

2 months before the invasion

Noah was about to fight with a group of guys who were cornering 2 girls into an alley. 'Why is it always an alley, people have no imagination' Noah started to see more of these kind of events when he started walking in this side of the city. It was quite obvious what their intentions were. So he decided to intervine. He walked up to the group before stopping right behind them.

"Huh? Who are ya?"

"Just leave the girls in peace."

"Wait, who do think you are?"

One of the guy grabbed his bat and pointed it to Noah.

"Get the hell out of here before you can't anymore."

Sigh 'Why are all of them like this? Haaa this is becoming kinda cringy.'

"Can't we do this the non violent way? Listen buddy I don't want to punch a bunch of punks."

Right after he said that the guy swung his bat at him. Noah just crouched and then uppercutted the guy. He was instantly knocked out. Noah grabbed him before he hit to the ground and then just laid him down.

"Are the rest of you as stupid as him or will you just listen to me?"

After this the other guys were actually not sure if they should take him on or not. He knocked out someone instantly. None of them made a move. They just waited for Noah to do something. And after a couple of seconds he just said

"Okay then, the issue is solved, let the girls get pass and everyone will be on their way."

This seemed to anger the group but they only made way for the girls to walk out of the alley. The girls walked out, thank him and left running. He looked back at the group, turned around and left.

Noah had been training everyday since he got to this universe. He just kept adding weights to himself after he felt accustomed to the last ones and continued with his daily routine. By now he looked like the ban of the series. Just like him, even the scar in the neck which was kind of weird. He thought he would appear without it but he did.

He was in a bad mood and it worsened when he saw the girls in trouble. He had surpassed what a normal human could do and was in the super human level now. Easily lifting heavy objects like they were nothing, running at speeds which should not be possible. And something he found funny is that his reaction time increased when he got stronger. He thought he would have to train it somehow but they just improved by themselves, like if they were adapting to his strength so he couldn't run or moved faster than he could think.

But now he had an issue, if he added any more weights to himself, they would become very noticeable. You could already see them, it was almost as if he was using clothes that did not fit him, they were bulky and big. And he wanted to keep getting stronger but didn't want to look like a weirdo wearing an odd armor.

He didn't think about this ever happening so he had no idea of what to do now. So now he balanced his option. He could go look for SHIELD and train with their equipment with the exchange he would do missions under them. He could also ask the ancient one for help; he was sure that she could easily help him. And if he is lucky, he could talk to Tony Stark and somehow convince him to help him. Maybe he could lure him in showing his immortality or strength and manage to make a deal with him.

He spent a good hour debating with himself what was the best option. He didn't want the ancient one to think he was a weird monster because of his immortality. Nor did he really like the woman, she seemed too manipulative in the movie. And SHIELD had the same issue. They would probably classify him as a monster too. Tony was a weird option, chances of him accepting were low, and he could easily expose his powers intentionally or not since he was usually being monitored.

He was sure he could come up with other options but these three in his opinion were definitely the best ones. And so he decided to go to Stark's place. He had actually already seen it around when he parkoured around the city. The big Stark tower was hard to miss.

So now he had to come up with an excuse to met with him. It's not like anyone can just come up and meet a billionaire just like that. So he decided to go and see if he could somehow book a meeting with him.

Unfortunately he didn't manage to get a meeting with him. But he did manage to get to meet Pepper Potts. Which could lead him to Tony. He used the excuse of wanting to make a deal with them. Which surprisingly worked. He was quite happy about it.

And so he went to rest to his little apartment and prepare for what was about to happen.

The next day he put on a his best clothes and walked out to the Stark tower. He actually had trouble finding clothes. He was so tall he had to search really hard at the begging to find stores that had his size.

When he arrived at the tower he waited for a couple of minutes when an assistant came up to him and led him to the elevator, and then to a meeting room. Now he was getting nervous. He did not want to screw this up. He felt like he was taking his first job interview all over again.

After what seemed to be 10 minutes for him but was actually 1, Pepper entered the room and sat down in the chair in front of him. And introduced herself.

"Hello mister Miller, my name is Pepper Potts how are you today?"

"Hi Ms. Potts, I am doing good thank you." Noah answered almost stuttering.

"Good to know, now tell me, what did you want to talk about, we have some time to discuss whatever you want to propose."

He looked at straight into her eyes and with a serious expression said "I'm about to tell you my secret. Im going to ask you not to tell anyone except Tony if you can. No one more."

Pepper just looked at him confused 'Did he just wanted to meet me to tell me his secret? This couldn't get any worse' She then got annoyed. But still complied with a nod.

He took a deep breath and said "Im an immortal Ms. Potts, I want Mr. Stark to help me with something, and I will let him do experiments on me and I'll also do one thing he wants, no matter what it is."

"Mr. Miller, I'm going to ask you to stop this nonsense and tell me what do you want and then leave." Potts said with an obviously annoyed voice.



"I'm not lying Ms. Potts. I really meant what I just said. I can be literally shot, blown up, disintegrated, whatever, and I will not die. I want Mr. Stark to help me with a little issue and then I'll do whatever he want in exchange, whatever."

Pepper just sighted, she was looking at a madman spouting nonsense.

"If you need prove I can do that." He grabbed a pen and quickly stabbed his hand before she could answer. Yanked the pen out of his hand, and showed her his hand regenerating while the blood that flew off his hand turned into gas.

She was about to scream and run away until she saw his blood turning to gas and the hole in his hand that close so fast she barely saw it. She just stayed there and didn't say anything.

"Does is this enough prove I'm not crazy or should I show you more?"

"I don't think you need to hurt yourself more..... you know what, I can't deal with this just go and meet Tony, tell him whatever you want. Take the elevator and go to the highest floor." She stood up and left.

This was the first he showed his immortality to someone, he was very nervous but at the same time extremely happy since he got to talk to Tony. Just as Pepper was about to leave he at pleaded her.

"You can keep my secret right? And don't want people to know I can do this."

She turned around as she got into an elevator and just said "yes" and left.

He felt as he would have taken off all of his weights. He proceded to walk to elevator, enter it, and go up once more.

When he arrived to the top floor saw Tony working on something. He wasn't sure what it was, it just looked complicated so ignored it and called Tony out.

"Mr. Stark, can I talk with you?"

Tony turned around, looked at him for a second, turned around and said "give me a minute" and continued to do whatever he was doing. Not knowing what to do he just sat down at a nearby chair and waited.

And waited, and waited a bit more. And gave up, he took his phone out, a pair of headphones, and proceded to listen to some music while playing Jetpack Joyride.

Both of them just stayed there for about two hours until Pepper entered the room and saw Tony working and Noah playing in his phone.

"Tony, what are you doing? and Mr. Miller, why are you there playing on your phone?"

Noah took of his head phones. Put his phone away and looked at her.

"He told me to wait a minute."

"And I told you to come up here 2 hours ago."

"I know."

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