
The Real Evils

Arius sat in his car, Asrael was in the passenger seat, and there were three figures in the back.

"Why am I coming with?" Bertie asked.

"You're skilled with a knife." Lufti looked his way, Delorah in the middle of them.

"A kitchen knife!" Bertie said with his usual sassy tone.

"What about that scar on Kane's back?" Delorah accused.

"He didn't die, now did he?" Bertie narrowed his eyes.

"Guess not." Delorah shrugged, and that was the end of that conversation.

Lufti tapped on Arius's shoulder, "I never had the chance to catch your name."

"Cause' I didn't throw it." Arius chuckled. "You can call me Phil."

Lufti was quiet after being given an answer, until Asrael asked, "Lufti, did you bring my phone?"

"That I did." Lufti reached into his front right pocket and took out a cloud phone with a black case.

"Wait, wait..." Arius was taken aback. "Yesterday you said you didn't have anything to bring with."

"I figured I would just escape you anyway." Asrael said plainly.

Arius eye's shown with mirth. "When did you give up on escaping?"

Asrael spoke quietly. "Last night"

"How quick of you to change your mind." Arius's lips curved.

"You smile too much." Asrael glared at him, but no one in the car detected even a trace of hostility. Even Delorah, who had known him the longest, was surprised to see him glare with only mild distaste.

"Because I live such a carefree life." Arius let out a satisfied breath.

"So carefree you didn't even come up with a plan?" Asrael raised his eyebrows.

"Yep, because I know it'll all turn out okay~"

Knowing that Arius wouldn't suddenly come to his senses, Asrael already devised a plan. "Delorah, when we get to the place, stay in Arius- Phil's car with Durante."

"Durante is going to be there?" Delorah perked up, she hadn't seen him in about a month.


"And now, Lufti. Have the rest of the members sneak in after the four of us are already inside." Asrael glanced out the back window, he could see Kane and the rest following behind. "Another thing, split them into two groups, leave Kane in charge of the first group, but have all of our best men in the second."

Lufti nodded. "Who do you want directing the second group? Merlin?"

"No, he's a moron. Have Rana do it." Said Asrael.

Delorah narrowed her gaze as she protested. "But my Rana doesn't have any experience."

"Are you questioning my judgment?" Asrael dared her with slight animosity.

"Of course not." Delorah immediately retracted her statement, though on the inside she thought of him as detestable.

The three in the back spoke casually while Asrael and Arius added a few words every now and again. It went from one subject to the next, but overall it was mostly about current events in the 'Not so pretty' corner of the states. Some might call it the underworld, however the term simply sounded too intricate.

The messed up side of the world really wasn't all about evil and murder, some of the people that were a part of it were actually quite nice. They all knew what they wanted and didn't care who they killed as long as their victims didn't mean anything to them. The real evils were often the ones that didn't care to protect the people close to them, like government officials or famous stars.

Asrael was never the type to let his people take the fall for his own actions. Though it wasn't because he was a good person, he was seen as the most heartless leader of all the known gangs within the area, and somehow they still kept a low profile. His only brother, he treated worse than an enemy, because at least he paid attention to his enemies.

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