
Im an ace pilot and i was sent to another world

During a mission a renowed pilot gets sucked in a black portal to the void he shortly after dies there, but soon after the god of the void out of boredom revives him, makes him his apostle and sends him to a galactic world then the pilot becomes a teacher to a young noble what will the middle age pilot do in this new unknowed world? (This is my first book and i am dislexic i have tried my best to correct my typo please feel free to bring to light any miss spealing)

ScrunglyAsh · Ciencia y ficción
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Getting to know one another

The young man leaned against the glass

``Im realy surprised, you`re only 42, that makes you my junior!``

(...That is so weird to me seeing a young face telling me such a thing, anyway what is your name again?)

``Ho! Did i never tell you? I am the first Son of the Willheim household

Zach Willheim``

(Well sir Willheim its nice to work under you i mean teach.... so will i have free rein of the territory you gave me or will i be a soldier with a portion of the land)

``I just told you im giving you thst entire galaxy, how did you akready forget``

(I dint forget its just its absolutly absurd to give so mutch territory to a nobody)

Zach sighed and looked at Samuel in the eyes

``What can i tell you i have been described as a strange and absurd man, or are you trying to say you want less territory?``

(Of course not but just asking are you a man of your words?)

``id say i am``

(Is the deal sealed)

``id say it is``

(HA HA HA HA, and to say i would have most likely agreed for a some of money large enough to maintain Sylvia)

``Darn really?``

(Perhaps, but i do know, i can be fairly greedy at times, although mostly in the way i fight)

``Ok Master, me and you will go to the nearest border world and proceed with your cell rejuvenation, but before we get there id say we have… 5 or six hour.

Ha, never mind we also have to transfer you to a transport shuttle we cant just utilize 2 carrier just to transport someone so yeah 6 to 7 hour, and while we wait ill try finding a way for you to learn alongside me while you teach me all you know about governing,

flying and commanding, I heard from Sylvia you were astounding at all the above, among your brethren... also before we move you id like for the hole in your chest to completly close ``

(… before you leave can I ask one last question, why are you going this far I am not stupid enough to believe a mere want for me to teach you would make you give me so much support and gift)

``I see, ill be honest I feel like something is telling me that I need you that letting you leave will be a wasted opportunity, and also from listening to the war story your AI told me about you I cant do anything but admire you my slight admiration became a complete one when I realized you were but a mere child of 42, ive never wanted something or someone more in my life``

(You really are a weird one after all haha, I understand actually not really, but since I was told by a god that wanting to return home is futile I wont be stupid enough to try finding a way and ill instead teach you what you want but I don't know how much I can teach someone three time my age)

``oh and by the way master if you want to know anything about our empire just ask for Hillios by asking the docs``

(Sure thanks, you can call me Samuel I don't realy like you calling me Master when our age is so far apart in an unusual way)

```Nah, ill keep calling you master I like that more``

Samuel mentally sighed `What a my gonna do with him he is gonna be hard to deal with I can already tell`

As Samuel honestly dint have any question about this new world he just tried to sleep but every 20 minute the doc would barge him and wake him up with a tiny electrical shock

(Again! I swear I will make you regret it if you do it again)

The doc looked at him for a second smiled and pressed the tazer button


(You little sadistic shit!)

Samuel was a bit mad at this sadistic doc but the electric shock dint hurt at all it just felt like when you cut the blood from your leg for a while and then you feel like millions of ants crawl under and in your flesh and skin but it only lasted a second

It was just extremely uncomfortable, and annoying

As Samuel was grumbling to himself the medical rooms door opened and a full adult walked in

``Hey old man, im surprised to see you have already woken up with that wounds of yours and your age, after all at your age your body starts to slow down``

(Haha, come on now I am not that old, and such a wound will not kill me… I mean as long that it gets treated obviously, so who might you be?)

``Ho yeah sorry, my name is Bosko, im the guy that disturbed that missle for you although that was some very nice flying ive never seen a pilot survive with a missle on his tail for so long``

(You have my thanks, my ass was grass my planes counter measures were not working)

``No problem, im happy your alright that was a pretty nasty wound, well im gonna go I just wanted to see the hero of the day you have my thanks you saved my unit, I honestly dint think the mystery man would live``

(Mystery man? Anyway before you leave can you smack the dock for me he keeps shocking me every 20 minute and I really want to sleep)

Bosko looked at the doc with a poker face and said

``Really dr.Jarred? I thought we talked about that leave the patients alone you can just look at the info panel you have no need to shock the poor fuckers that come in your infirmary``

``I know, I know but their reaction is always so great``

``sigh, please stop it``

`` I got it, I got it``

``I am serious I will smack your head in its your last warning, you traumatized one of my man so hard he refused to get fixed when he broke his finger last week``

The doctor simply laughed and said sorry

Samuel could guess why the doc was like this, eather the doc was jaleous of sam for his luckat gaining territory or it was simply a personality the doc gained for living this long

(Anyway did you want anything Bosko or did you really just came to check on a nobody)

``Actually, i was wondering who you are, you came out of nowhere and then tried to sacrifice yourself for imperial troop, and i can tell you are not of imoerial origin as your name or space ship id dint appear anywhere in the imperial database``

(I just had this talk with Lord Willheim if you want to know go ask him)

``Darn if you say so``

Bosko turned around and left while waving without looking at Samuel

but after 20 min this time it wasnt a shock that woke up samuel but A Bosko runing in the room like he was runing from his wife after he angered her

he then kneeled in front of the medic tank

``I am so sorry my lord i had no idea!``

(?!huh?wa-what!? )

``I had no idea you were actually Lord Willheim`s older brother, Ludovic Willheim i was sure you were still sick in sir Willheim`s mansion, he told me that because of a rare desease you look older then you appear``

Samuel at this point was way passed confused so he just played along

(How did you... nevermind i dont mind it, in fact i actualy hate formality anyway, so you can relax)

Samuel couldnt allow himself to think anything else as all his thought were being transmited outside his tube

(Stand up you are older then me i wouldnt like your bones dying on you)

``haha,i guess your right i am pretty old after all since you asked i will gladly stand up, my old joints were starting to hurt a lot``

Samuel was smiling and sent a ``joke`` his way but internally he was just screamin

(I know little of the outside world other then what i learned, and ive spent a majority of my life in a training simulation but in the recent years ive been going around and jumping in battle here and there, its impressive what a man can do when hes bored, plus i enjoyed it a lot the simulation and the fighting)

``I see, anything youd like to know sir?``

(Actually yes, is my space craft ok is Sylvie in good condition?)

``Sylvie....ha yes the ai, actually it was repaired recently and the pilot have been learning about stories about you``

(Thats great as long as they are enjoying themselv i suppose)

sudently a men came in dragging a machine on the floor and without saying a thing used the machine to pickup Samuels pod

(hum, i suppose i shall cut our conversation short)

``Alghright you take care old man``

I am extremely sorry about not publishing any chapter in 4 days but i got drunk got sick and had a writers block as i am unfamiliar with the sci-fi genra i swear ill make up with the missed upload by pushing myselve to write or start another chapter after this one and the next upload

once again i am sorry

ScrunglyAshcreators' thoughts