
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 59: Alister, Seizures, Angel Girl, Dog Training Master

"My name is Fujitani Nisuke, a Tokyo resident from the land of the rising sun. As a mediocre person, I can't stand any inspirational chicken soup for the soul!

Haha, haha, haha, you, little Z-country girl—don't even think about infecting me with your holy light!

To the rats lurking in the dark alley, the radiance of angels is a lethal poison!

"Ah ah ah ah, a series of eighty-one punches! Up, up, down, down, left, left, right, right, BABA!"

Fujitani Nisuke, like a frog having a seizure, continuously threw punches into the air, his movements so fast they left afterimages, accompanied by choked shouts.

—Pathetic "Evil Annihilation."

"...What are you doing, Nisuke?" Alister's eye twitched as he observed the seizure-like behavior of this elder from the land of the rising sun.

To be honest, it was a bit exaggerated, making one suspect his mental state, perhaps he really had psychological issues.

As if responding to the cries in his heart, Fujitani Nisuke pointed at Luorou as if facing a demon, his tear-filled eyes full of humility:

"Alister, tell me, how can there be such a positive and energetic angel in this world?!"

Luorou turned her face to look at Alister, her light blue eyes filled with confusion and innocence. Then she blinked, and her radiance remained.

Alister helplessly looked at Luorou, who was like an angel, and then at the humble and gloomy Fujitani Nisuke, sighing:

"Is she really that scary? Maybe you should go out and bask in the sunlight, Nisuke..."

Hearing this, Fujitani Nisuke, who smiled approvingly at Alister's treatment plan, decisively retreated, shaking his head and raising his hand in refusal.

"Sorry, I can't do it, not in this lifetime."

Following his instinct for self-preservation, Fujitani Nisuke, in his rat-like state, took out a new cigarette, lit it, and placed it between his lips.

Without even a glance back, he said, "Alister, until we meet again!" Then he took his shopping bag and hurriedly left, almost tripping along the way.

"Ahaha, this elder from the land of the rising sun is quite interesting," Luorou chuckled, adjusting her side-swept hair.

Alister watched Fujitani Nisuke leave, sighed, and said, "You really are his nemesis..."

But after the chuckle, Luorou suddenly lowered her eyes, sounding a bit saddened as she said, "Am I really that scary? Scaring people away as soon as we meet..."

"...Perhaps only he would be scared by you," Alister comforted.

"But it still makes me sad... Grandma always said that no one would dislike me..." Luorou took out her phone and replied to work-related tasks, the virtual keyboard tapping away.

Alister patiently waited for her to finish replying, then looked up at the moon in the night sky and gently reminded her, "It's getting late. Let me walk you to a well-lit road. You shouldn't walk alone at night."

"I know." Luorou put her phone away, masking her sadness, once again becoming a kind and lovely angel. "I've troubled you today. I'm sorry..."

"No need to thank me, it's no trouble." Alister had already started walking, waving his hand. "I would do the same for anyone else."

Obediently following beside Alister, Luorou passed by one street tree after another, gradually being illuminated by the neon lights of City A, her figure resembling a deer.

"Is Mr. Alister still single?" halfway through, she suddenly asked.

"I have a girlfriend." Alister put his hands in his pockets and casually replied, "Why do you ask?"

A bus with commercial advertisements smoothly passed by from the right, partially obscuring the colorful lights, and Luorou's eyelashes trembled imperceptibly.

"It's nothing. Mr. Alister, you look so outstanding, I thought many girls would chase after you."

With her hands behind her back, she suddenly hummed a song, her angelic smile soothing the hearts of others.



The luxurious office floor of the Hisagi Group was resplendent, exuding an air of upper-class society that commanded respect.

Knock, knock, knock—someone was knocking on the door, indicating that another set of documents had arrived.

"Come in." Himizuki was reading a professional book titled "Ten Thousand Ways to Train Dogs."

Her delicate legs, encased in black stockings, slipped out of her shoes and crossed under the desk, perfectly preserving her image as the heiress of the conglomerate.

After a moment, the door, adorned with embossed designs, opened, revealing Ji Yi, the head of the Human Resources Department, holding a thick stack of work files.

"Miss, these are the latest statistics on the group's performance, market trends, and a list of newly hired employees." Ji Yi said meticulously.

"Mm, leave them here." Himizuki was busy; she couldn't relax if she couldn't train dogs even for a moment.

"Understood." Ji Yi nodded in acknowledgment and stood by. "But there is one thing, Miss, that I feel I must report to you."

Upon hearing this, Himizuki shifted her gaze from "Ten Thousand Ways to Train Dogs" to Ji Yi, speaking with a regal air:

"Go ahead and report."

"It's like this, Miss." Ji Yi spoke with an apologetic tone. "As the head of the Human Resources Department, I bypassed the standard hiring process this afternoon and made an exception to recruit an employee."

"Continue." Himizuki resumed reading "Ten Thousand Ways to Train Dogs."

Ji Yi lowered her posture. "Perhaps it was impulsive of me, and as the head of the Human Resources Department, it was irresponsible. So, I wanted to ask for your reassessment of him."

"No need." Himizuki turned a page of the book. "I trust your judgment. You may use him."

"Thank you for your trust, Miss." Ji Yi paused for a moment. "However... my judgment is ultimately inferior to yours..."

"That's enough." Himizuki waved her hand, lazily yawning.

"If you have the time, Miss, I can go and buy a pet dog for you." Ji Yi began to mobilize the company's financial resources.

"Rejected. I don't mean that." Himizuki closed "Ten Thousand Ways to Train Dogs" and said coldly, "I've recently found dog training to be an interesting thing."

"Understood, I'll immediately acquire an animal domestication company." Ji Yi began to adjust the company's funding chain.

"Denied. Don't meddle in my affairs."

"Yes, ma'am."

Ji Yi stopped pursuing the matter and replied with a work-related tone before turning around and leaving Himizuki's exclusive office on the executive floor.

The grand door made of precious mahogany closed behind her. Himizuki breathed a sigh of relief and reopened "Ten Thousand Ways to Train Dogs," even with a stack of pending work files beside her.

"'Shadow'... Hehe, I'll make you willingly become my pet dog..."

A slight smirk appeared on Himizuki's lips, revealing her determination to succeed. She continued studying dog training techniques with utmost efficiency...