
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 40: Let's Fight at the Seaside

"Boss, the 17th Bureau is catching up. Speed up, go forward four!"

On a busy highway leading out of City A in the Linggu District, a van was speeding recklessly at a significantly exceeding the limit!

"What the hell are you yelling about?! Use your abilities already! I have the accelerator fully pressed!" The leader, wearing a black silk mask, constantly manipulated the steering wheel as the old van drifted through the city!

That's right, all the participants in this robbery are players of a sequence game, a temporarily formed player team!

Beep beep beep~ The official red and blue neon lights kept flashing!

"This is the third warning. Surrender immediately, or we will use force!" A man in an official uniform announced through a loudspeaker, his voice echoing throughout the area!

Indeed, the ones chasing them are not ordinary police officers but the resident inspectors of the Action Department of the 17th Bureau!

The reason for such a commotion is because...

--"Item: God of Wealth's New Year's Money"

The Pikachu-masked robber excitedly rummaged through a bag of glowing banknotes, throwing them around inside the van and exclaiming, "Wow! After this job, we'll never have to worry about food and drink for the rest of our lives, boss!"

"Boss, I'm ready. I'm going to use my abilities!" The Ultraman-masked robber chanted an incantation, saying, "Oh wind with a bad temper, I command you as your master to fly for me!"

In an instant, the four elements of wind converged on the vehicle, and the van, like an arrow leaving a bow, suddenly surpassed more than a dozen vehicles in front of it, eliciting cries of astonishment!

Whoooosh—the wind howled, clearly in a foul mood.

Beep beep beep~ The pursuit from the 17th Bureau gradually diminished, seemingly about to be left behind.

"Forget it, let the logistics department reimburse the losses in the city!" The inspector put away the loudspeaker and retreated from the window.

Pointing ahead, he commanded in a low voice, "Li, where's your Italian tech gear?! Open fire for me!"

With a single command.

"Got it." A sunglass-wearing inspector extended from the rooftop of a police car, manifesting a high-energy rifle of a tech-side player. The muzzle quickly adjusted!

Locked onto the van, he pulled the trigger, and a large amount of energy beams were unleashed!

A severe robbery occurred in the city, and the authorities resorted to the use of force—this news quickly spread on the internet!

The deep blue energy beams intertwined like rain, attacking the group of robbers!

Meanwhile, through the rearview mirror, the silk-masked robber smirked, manipulated the steering wheel, and sneered, "It's the corners that make you fast. Goodbye!"

Under the influence of the wind element, the van drifted away from the pursuers of the 17th Bureau at an angle that defied logic, disappearing into the gap between the corner buildings!

Seeing the pursuit about to fail, the inspector frowned, held his earpiece, and quickly reported the situation, "The target has been confirmed to have fled to Zone 4. Requesting additional manpower!"

"Received. We are constructing a perimeter."



Bang—clang clang!

The van broke through the glass, leaped into the air, and then suddenly landed back on the ground, swaying unsteadily as it sped along the Linggu District highway!

"Hahaha! I made it, I succeeded!" The Pikachu-masked robber in the backseat raised his hands in triumph and high-fived the Ultraman-masked robber next to him.

"Being able to duplicate money—this is truly an inexhaustible fortune!" The Ultraman-masked robber adjusted his mask.

"Item: God of Wealth's New Year's Money"

"Rank: E"

"Just like age, your New Year's money will slowly increase. Give a knock to the God of Wealth!"

"How slow is the increase? Doubles every day?"

Alister, in the backseat, picked up a "God of Wealth's New Year's Money" and observed its shimmering golden light, curiously seeking answers.

"Who said it would be that fast?" The Ultraman-masked robber sighed, "After all, it's an E-rank item, so just save it... It will definitely be enough."

"That's right." The Pikachu-masked robber crossed his arms and nodded in agreement, "You should be grateful it's an E-rank item. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to rob it."

"I see..." Alister had a look of enlightenment.

And in an instant—

"What the hell?!" The Ultraman-masked robber finally reacted and quickly moved aside. "Who are you? When did you get on the car?!"

"Huh?" The squeezed Pikachu-masked robber looked at him, "Hmm... you are... What the hell?!"

"You two!" The silk-masked robber who was driving furrowed his brow and turned his head, "What the hell are you—What the hell?!"

You, me, him... we... seem to...

The three robbers exchanged glances for a moment, and then, with a telepathic understanding, made a move to abandon the vehicle and escape!

"Sigh..." While Alister put the "God of Wealth's New Year's Money" back, he activated the "Shadow Monarch" and calmly dominated their psychological shadows.




Thus, the Ultraman, Pikachu, and silk-masked robbers, as if struck by an electric shock, were trapped in their psychological shadows, slumping in their seats.

Under the control of the shadow, the sound of brakes rang out smoothly...

Finally, after glancing at the three player robbers with unfocused pupils, Alister opened the car door, got out, and yawned leisurely.

"Well, this can be considered a good deed..."

It's almost time for the inspectors from the 17th Bureau to catch up...

Just as Alister was about to do a good deed without leaving a trace, his "Ultimate Senses" informed him of an anomaly, an anomaly that could not be ignored.

With one hand in his pocket, he turned calmly, facing the Black and Gold Masked Rider standing across from him. Alister summoned the interweaving of shadow blades.

"Hey, your sins end here." Fujitani Nisuke crossed his arms, standing atop a flagpole, his long red scarf fluttering in the wind.

His "Rank: A, 62nd" sequence title shone brightly in the daylight.

It seems that this A-rank national-level sequence game has attracted many A-rank players from outside Z-country...

"Just doing what needs to be done. Don't misunderstand," Alister judged that he couldn't get entangled with him and turned around, preparing to use Shadow Vanish to leave.

In the next moment, bang! Fragments of the road flew into the air!

The Black and Gold Masked Rider instantly appeared on the other side of Alister, shattering the shadow Alister had just chosen. With a solemn declaration, he said, "Forgive me for being nosy, but based on my many years of experience, someone in all black usually isn't a good person."

"Aren't you wearing black too?" Alister surveyed his masked armor.

"That's different." Fujitani Nisuke stood tall, "The 17th Bureau knows about my title, but you, stranger, don't exist in my information network."

Looking at this unexpected presence who didn't seem like an E-rank player, looking at this unknown competitor in the A-rank sequence game...

Fujitani Nisuke raised a finger and suggested, "Hiding your identity means either preparing to do something bad or preparing to do something bad without leaving a trace. So, I suggest you clarify yourself with the official forces."

Jokingly, the 17th Bureau is the last place "Shadow" should go.

Alister knew he was entangled, tilted his head slightly, and as the shadow continued to generate and intertwine, the scale of the shadow blades expanded.

"I'll say it again, I'm just doing what needs to be done, and I don't intend to do anything bad."

"If you've done a good deed and don't plan on doing anything bad, why not clarify yourself with the official forces?" Fujitani Nisuke burst out with the pressure of an A-rank, "If you're truly innocent, I will apologize to you, secretive A-rank player."

"Somehow, you're very stubborn," Alister's aura gradually became unfathomable.

"For one, as a Masked Rider, I can't stand someone who is secretive," Fujitani Nisuke coldly snorted, "Secondly, as a competitor in the A-rank sequence game, I need to understand your information."

Alister's breath grew deeper and more mysterious. "Mixing personal matters with public affairs like this won't work, righteous Masked Rider."

Fujitani Nisuke refuted, unmoved, "There are no perfect people in the world, and I'm not a sage either. In this sequence game, I'm determined to win."

Just as Fujitani Nisuke's pressure formed a cyclone reaching the sky, the patrol team from the 17th Bureau finally arrived, and Qingxian, perched in the distance, opened his eyes.

"Within Z-country, let the guilty fall, Evil Annihilation, and the Shadow, if you want to fight, go fight by the seaside."

Yumikou transmitted her message in a cold manner.