
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 32: Limit Break

It was like a torrential rain of crimson, as the surging energy blasts erupted from multiple gun barrels!

Dozens of energy projectiles trailed with red tails, locking Alister's movement space with an angle and speed that ordinary people couldn't react to!

In an instant, the field of vision was filled with crimson trails of death!

The extremely high-temperature gas expelled from the armament on Luo Zhong's right arm broke through the air around him like a dragon's breath, shattering the air molecules!

The full force of energy unleashed by a D-rank player could easily overwhelm any conventional E-rank player in a single strike!

But that was far from enough. Luo Zhong frowned, fully aware that his opponent was not an ordinary player!

Therefore, this barrage could only serve as a feint, to disrupt the opponent's reaction!

"Target locked."

Luo Zhong didn't have any trace of underestimation. Ignoring the cooling of the high-temperature gun barrel, he condensed the crimson energy once again and launched a volley of energy blasts!

Buzzing! The energy projectiles erupted at an incredibly high speed!

While the suppression from the first barrage was still in the air, the second barrage followed suit, covering the field of vision with dozens of projectiles in a short time, like an expanding fan!

The brain, heart, limb joints... Luo Zhong's attacks locked onto Alister's vital points, and the spiraling barrage of projectiles followed trajectories that were beyond Alister's perception!

Under such a dense barrage, even martial-oriented players, even with their martial skills fully activated, would definitely be hit!

The predetermined outcome of each hit formed in Luo Zhong's mind. In his field of vision, a dense network of crimson trajectory lines connected the gun barrels to every part of Alister's body, almost declaring the outcome...

If the opponent wasn't a higher-ranked player.



One of the principles of gaming was to never choose anything less than the highest difficulty level.

Alister had always been a person who adhered to principles. He was now, and he would always be. That was something that would never change.

So he raised his shadow blades, slightly leaned forward, and took the first step to face the barrage head-on.

The gun barrels hummed, and the evening wind rustled the hood that concealed his identity, while the corners of his black attire swayed.

When Alister lifted his gaze, the reflection of the crimson barrage was mirrored in his calm black eyes. He immediately anticipated Luo Zhong's intentions.

A feint.

By continuously evading his shots before, Alister had undoubtedly left an indelible mark in Luo Zhong's mind, making him believe that Alister had more than enough strength to counterattack.

So the real offensive was hidden behind the surface.

To replace psychic power consumption with physical stamina, Alister resolutely formulated his strategy, anticipating that every action had a potential counterattack from Luo Zhong.

In the short moment of strategizing, the crimson barrage was just within reach!

With his heightened senses, everything in his field of vision was a known variable. Alister manipulated the shadows around his joints, gaining a tremendous acceleration advantage.

The crimson trajectories grazed his field of vision, and the first projectile barely missed Alister's shoulder!

Calmly sweeping his shadow blade, he locked onto the second energy blast that was coming at him!

Shadow clashed with energy, and in an instant, crimson splattered everywhere as the second projectile was cleaved in half!

With no chance to catch his breath, the third, fourth, and fifth projectiles came next!

Mobilizing all the muscles in his body and utilizing the tremendous acceleration advantage gained at the start, Alister leaned to the side, smoothly and deftly, evading the trajectories of these three projectiles by a small margin.

At the same time, he changed his direction from a straight line to a diagonal one, making it more difficult for Luo Zhong to track and compensate for his shots.

In the next moment, intersecting composite trajectories that couldn't be avoided by his own movements converged, obstructing his vision. Obviously, Luo Zhong had already anticipated Alister's response.

Alister's expression remained calm and unperturbed. He blended into the shadows, made a breakthrough, and once again closed the distance between him and Luo Zhong!

With the reduced distance, the pressure of controlling the shadows also increased, consuming a significant amount of psychic power!

The surrounding trajectories of the projectiles grazed by, amidst the sea of crimson, Alister finally faced the second barrage of suppression. The spiral trajectories locked onto every vital point of his body.

At this moment, evasion using Shadow Blend was an unnecessary strategy. The closer he got to the area of light, the fewer shadows he could blend into, and the higher the possibility of falling into Luo Zhong's trap.

So Alister deviated his shadow blades, facing the countless and dazzling crimson energy blasts head-on!

The surroundings were filled with crimson tail trails, like shooting stars streaking across the night sky, and the sounds of destruction and shattered roads were continuous!


Alister swung his shadow blade like a phantom, the weightless shadows allowing him to manipulate them as he pleased. He continuously struck with effortless precision!

Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping!

In the dim light, in the undeveloped area where people rarely ventured at night, Alister took in all the attacks with his eyes, each swing of his blade serving the next one, executing a graceful and magnificent sword dance.

It was like rain falling upon the earth, and the crimson energy blasts turned into countless fragmented glimmers, dissipating under Alister's shadow blades.


Alister coldly looked at the scar-eyed man after the crimson splinters of light had vanished. The scar-eyed man also coldly stared back at Alister, their incompatible depths filled with intense fighting spirit, making the air resonate with a mournful sound.

Luo Zhong stood firm, raising his right arm with the gun barrel pointed at Alister, as crimson energy flowed through the patterns, like a fiery flower bud about to bloom.

Under the dispersion of the realm of light, the area around Luo Zhong was an absolute insulation zone that Alister's shadow blend couldn't penetrate. It seemed to be his unwavering reliance. Useless.

Fei Leishen - Alister threw multiple fragments of the traffic sign, creating a momentary shadow, and at the same time, he instantly blended into the shadow above Luo Zhong's head!


Alister broke through the limited shadow area and appeared above Luo Zhong, who couldn't evade himself. The shadow blades were firmly locked onto his target, going straight for Luo Zhong's head!

It seemed like the outcome was already determined.


The scar-eyed man's expression remained unchanged, as if he had no intention of dodging. The oppressive force suddenly intensified!

I am Luo Zhong, lurking in the night, a hunter of players.

In this instant!

"Player ability activated."

A formidable aura that exceeded the specifications of a D-rank player immediately erupted. Luo Zhong's gaze narrowed, and then, with a kick, he pushed away the shadow blade, reversing the situation with incredible martial skill!

"Player has obtained status - Significant Increase in All Attributes."

"Player has obtained status - Limit Break."

Like a heavyweight pressure of martial prowess, it surged towards Alister's heart, fierce like a dragon, breaking through the night wind!