
Ideas for fanfictions i plan to write

Anime & Comics
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What is Ideas for fanfictions i plan to write

Lee la novela Ideas for fanfictions i plan to write escrita por el autor Amir_Blumenfeld publicada en WebNovel. Just some ideas i've been having for fanfictions i plan to write when im in a place in my life where i have the time to write. Most will likely be self-inserts, cuz i like that genre. And honestly, no...


Just some ideas i've been having for fanfictions i plan to write when im in a place in my life where i have the time to write. Most will likely be self-inserts, cuz i like that genre. And honestly, not sure when or even if i'll have time to write these, so feel free to take the ideas and write your own stories with them. But tell me if you do write your own stories with these ideas, so i can read them :)

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great ideas, this author is truly a genius. and handsome as well. probably has a very large d*ck. this review is completely honest and without any bias.


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