
flashback, and the plan to conquer the worlds

Two days ago .

In Dan's inner world


Inside the palace.

It was Itachi, Madara, Jiraiya, and Lee, Atom, and Zeus.

Sitting at the table and talking to each other.

Itachi was sitting on the chair and flipping through the pages of the newspaper in his hand.

Itachi got up and pointed at Madara sitting in the chair opposite him who was talking to Lee, and said

"Damned Navy, I left them a great gift but why put my reward so low in comparison to you, didn't they like my Tsukiyami!?"

Madara didn't pay any attention to Itachi's words and kept talking to Lee.

Itachi saw this and sat down and continued reading the newspaper with a look of distress on his face.

"Hmm! If what you're saying is true, you have a scary talent that needs honing. So what do you say I train you for a while!" Madara said.

He answered madara

"Yes, I don't lie, lately sometimes I can hear and anticipate the movements of people around me. This is annoying because my brain is in such a mess I can hear people's voices!?"

Jiraiya was sitting in the chair, with Zeus on his right and Atom's left side. When he heard Madara's conversation with Lee, he got up and shouted at Madara.

"Hey Madara, do you want to steal my student or what!?"

Madara replied, "Your disciple!?...Are you an idiot or what when did I become your disciple!? To me, did that idiot become your coach!"

He answered me in the negative by nodding his head.

Madara, "You see! He said you weren't his coach!"

But let me leave this meaningless argument,

This brat's talent is truly terrifying! ! He has awakening of prophecy haki, not only that but his awakening of haki is one of the strongest haki of prophecy type."

Jiraiya "Huh, I know I heard your conversation. He has the ability to hear everything like that."

Madara "Yes, I was really shocked to find out, Itachi you idiot where did you find such a gem!"

Itachi replied, "Haha, can't you see that I'm busy, and why are you asking me? I'm asking him! Damn that stupid bird I had to kill him, he took a terrible picture of me!"

Madara ignored Itachi's grumble and turned towards me and said, "You brat, what happened to you meeting that idiot over there!" He gestured to Itachi in front of him.

Madara continued, "Why are you alone, where is your family!?"

He answered madara while trying to hold back his tears

"Except for my sister, my whole family is dead,

When I was 8 years old my dad used to

To be a Marine, once when he was on patrol to save a little girl who was running away from the guards of one of the Celestial Dragons, but when this Celestial Dragon discovered him, he was hung in the middle of the city to serve as an example to others," he said to me, tears streaming from both eyes.

Madara slammed the table angrily and said, "Damn it, those Heavenly Dogs...just have fun. There isn't much left to turn around!"

Jiraiya slapped the back of his head both Atom and Zeus who were touched by Lee's story and started crying, turning to face me and saying,

"Boy, wipe your tears...you have a sister to take care of. You have to stay strong, but what happened to your mother!"

He wiped his tears for me, looked at everyone with gratitude, and continued telling his story

"That Heavenly Dragon not only did this, he sent his guards to kill me, my mother and my older sister, but my mother acted quickly and hid us in one of the chests, to this day I don't know what happened to my mother!"

Then my sister took care of me. Until I got sick a while ago, I was taking care of my sister and begged many doctors to treat her, but no one listened to me and they kicked me out. I knew why they expelled me because there I started hearing people's thoughts!,

A few days ago, I was on my way home to feed my sister the medicine that a doctor gave me, but the accident happened in which Mr. Itachi saved me..."

Itachi "You brat...just call me Itachi."

"Look, if you don't want something like this to happen to your sister or you, you must be strong to protect her, because in this world only the strong have the right to freedom!"

Madara said, scratching lee's head.

He nodded his head and wiped his tears.

Itachi put the newspaper out of his hand and said,

"By the way, what happened, why did the date of the war that Dan mentioned change?"

Jiraiya "Hmmm, I, like you, do not know anything, the important thing is that the date of the war will be after the summit war!"

Madara "Guys, remember our mission is to carry out orders! Don't question it even though Dan is currently lenient but doesn't want any mistake that would sabotage the plan!"

Itachi "Huh!! Why are you so serious, we know our purpose well!"

Jiraiya "Okay okay calm down guys..."

Before Jiraiya could finish his sentence, Dan slowly entered the hall.

"Oh!! Has another member joined the organization, hmmm, looks like it's more than one." Dan said after he came across as he saw me, and with his haki sense of prophesying, he felt Sister Li upstairs in the mansion.

Jiraiya: "Haha-ha-ha-ha, Dan, do you mean li , Itachi found it?"

Dan: So, well done, Itachi.

Itachi "Dan, you're finally here, I'm tired of waiting here!"

Dan sat on the chair and looked at Itachi and said, "Don't worry, you won't get bored. In the coming days!"

Madara "Lee the man in front of you is our leader and the leader of the organization."

Lee nodded in understanding and looked at Dan curiously.

Dan: "Madara, how's my idiot brother?"

Madara: "He's fine, but how about I train him!?"

Dan "That idiot doesn't need to know the nature of the world first and then decide if he's worth coaching him personally!"

Dan continued, "The important thing is to get to the point. First, about my training with that old man, I canceled it. Second, you did a good job of destroying the Navy headquarters, and Itachi, you disappointed me. I think there is a problem with your character."

Itachi: "Captain, why?! What did I do to disappoint you!?"

Dan, "Why didn't you kill that Heavenly Dragon!?"

Itachi "... oh, sorry about that, I totally forgot about it!"

Dan "Okay no problem this time but remember that one of our goals is to remove those dogs from life! But you've done a good thing, sealing Admiral Kizaru's consciousness!"

Itachi "W-How did you know that?"

Dan, "You idiot, have you forgotten one of my abilities (mind reading) more than that since you came to the palace trying to tell me your accomplishments? It was fun to hear your thoughts! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Well done for bringing you an amazing talent." Dan pointed to me.

Dan turned to face Jiraiya and said, "Jiraiya, for the time being, your task will remain the same, which is to train the new members."

Jiraiya nodded his head.

Dan looked at both Zeus and Atum and said, "Brothers, how's your training going?"

Both Zeus and Atum answered at the same time, "According to what Master Jiraiya told us, we have reached the level of a captain according to the standard of powers used by the navy."

Dan, "Very good, keep working hard, you and me, and I promise you, I'm still going!"

Lee nodded in understanding!, while Zeus and Atom were both excited after hearing Dan's last words! . .

Dan: "As for you, Itachi, I will give you two months to gather 200 people and send them here to be trained by Jiraiya. After that, the plan to conquer the worlds that I will tell you about will begin in two months."

Itachi: "Okay, don't worry, consider the mission completed, but what is the plan you just mentioned!?"

Madara: "You idiot, the name of the plan explains its content!!"

Dan: "Yes, what Madara said is true. Why do you think I want to create an army, and why do you think I made you two!"

Itachi "Hmmm, isn't it for control of this world!?"

Dan "Well. You're not wrong in this respect but do you really think that if I wanted to rule this world I would need all this, if I wanted to rule this world I could by my power alone conquer it completely!"

Itachi "So you mean that the world of One Piece is not the only world within..."

Dan: Ha-ha-ha... I guess you get it.

Itachi "Okay that's cool but the question here is do you have a way to travel through the worlds?!!!"

Everyone watched carefully what Dan had to say

"Hmm, what do you think I have been doing these days!?"

Itachi "You mean you found a way to travel across worlds! That's cool. Can you send someone other than yourself!?"

Dan "Ha-ha-ha, your thinking is really limited! Itachi, I can't send anyone but myself . . . ."

When Itachi heard this, disappointment appeared on his face, but he was relieved when he heard the rest of Dan's words,

"I could send whole armies," Dan continued.

Jiraiya, Itachi and Madara are all shocked, they know that Dan's abilities are awesome and on another level but the ability to send armies to other worlds they imagine the huge amount of worlds that will be under Dan's rule and their rule. Also !.

Dan saw through them and awakened them from daydreaming by saying, "Hmmm, wake up from daydreams, Itachi, go from here to begin your mission, and you, Madara, go back to your mission!" Jiraiya, you have another job than training the naughty, hey kids, go with me. to check on his sister.

After everyone heard Dan's words, they immediately moved, and everyone went to leave only Jiraiya and Dan.

Dan said to Jiraiya, "Go to Whitebeard and convince him to join our organization."

Jiraiya "Hmmm, okay, no problem, but in case it doesn't work, should I reveal your identity!?"

Dan "No! Just tell him that an old friend of yours said

"Edward, it's time for the revolution to begin."

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