

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

Ryoukardo · Cómic
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43 Chs

THE time is nearing for the Birth

Yona POV

As the days were passing, my bond with the two boys was getting stronger, Shuu was the total opposite of what in the anime, a cute clingy lovely child while Reiji was the cold shoulder child with a sweet side inside.

Even with Beatrix and Christa, my relationship was going good, while not with Karl, after the incident, I got to know that he was the one who carried me back, though I wanted to say thank you, his behavior in the anime was so bad at, I really don't want to thank that pervert jerk.

With that, I totally decided to be never be seen in front of him, but my luck is the worst, all the time I'm out of my room, I have been running into him, though I had to stay in my room for like 2 weeks, after that, only this started.

Even after being seen by him, I totally avoided him, though I wanted to ignore him totally but can't. As he is the Lord type of figure, like around him it's trouble.

The Demon doctor here came to visit me, first I definitely didn't know that such a person even existed as it was not even in the anime or the game.

The Doctor said, that I am going to be due in a week, I was so nervous and excited, my children, not the male lead, I thought that thinking of them as a male lead will pressure me, so just my children.

Through they were quite cute when they were small in the anime when seen being abused by Cordelia, that time I was definitely crying at the abuse and how cute they were, and why did not give a thing to those poor cute kids? For Karl?


I even got additional information from the Doctor and Beatrix, like about the pain, procedure, and more. But one thing made me pissed, the father should be there when childbirth, me with Karl? That time, nope. That will not happen, that man definitely wouldn't be near me that time.

That time while got to know, I was drinking, all the water came out of my throat like a fountain. while Beatrix was also with me.

I had to say that she was a big help, always helped me, after I was in a condition where I couldn't move, she insisted to help me, Christa also wanted and she did have come to meet few times, but as Beatrix had already gone through this that's why she was more of a help. Even with the Doctor, she was there.

I had started thanking her every Day, she had told me she was doing this for herself, but I knew that's why I said thank you every day, I guess with the months we have spent she has changed.

I totally screamed at that, the Doctor and Beatrix, both covered their ears. I asked, " why? I mean someone else can also be?".

I statement was more of a question than a statement, the Doctor looked surprised, then she calmed down and replied: " Yes, that could be but mostly the husband is the one staying by the wife".

I had a frown on my face, and I spoke," I am definitely going for someone else, not him, at all".

While the Doctor was surprised, Beatrix just sighed at that, while we both were spending time together, we had become like best friends, that's why I shared with her, I totally hate Karl, he is a jerk, Bastard, Pervert and before I could speak more Beatrix had put her hand in front of my mouth.

That time she did had a surprised expression, most of all, as Cordelia was the one in the love with Karl badly, that's why it was more surprising, but I told her that I hated him, I realized and even though she only knew that I had just parts of my memory she believed it.

That was nice, but still, I felt sad, that I made such a good friend but I had to lie about my identity.

Anyway, after that I did curse Karl a lot in front of her but she did say that to do that in front of her only. I understood that through. Sometimes she also laughed with me.

So will Beatrix sighed I spoke," Beatrix can you plz do it? I know it's the job of the husband, but shouldn't it be a female, and you have to, you are my best friend".

Beatrix looked in my eyes, focused, and then she sighed and said, "Alright, but you would be the one talking to Karl about it, not me", I smiled.

And spoke," of course, I will, I promised". The Doctor recommended I rest in bed, while I was sad because Shuu and Reiji made me happy, though I couldn't still believe that both of them have changed a lot.

Like how Reiji hated Shuu like anything, but now Reiji and Shuu do get along, like brothers, they even play together and even sometimes with me, though not now I guess.

I heard that the news reached Karl, about the birth thing, with that Beatrix pressured me to talk to Karl.

And here I was on the gateway to hell, at the door of Karl's office, through If I hadn't promised to Beatrix I wouldn't have to see Karl's jerk face.

But now here I am, I sighed and knocked on the door, no response, then after 10 seconds, I heard a come in.

I sighed, what took him like 10 seconds to say that? Huh?

I controlled my emotions and opened the door, where I saw Karl sitting on his desk seat with a few papers in hand and also a glass in his other hand, filled with blood.

Through if I was me, I would say 'YUCK', by as I am Cordelia, I can't as she is also a blood-sucking leach. never mind that.

With Karl drinking, I sighed and spoke," Karl I wanted to talk with you". He looked up from his papers towards me with a cold look and then softened.

He spoke," Oh, Cordelia, what brought you here?", I felt chills down my spine, him being nice is very-very annoying.

He then continued, " What did you want to talk about?", I didn't respond to that.

He smiled and spoke," Come sit, then we will talk", with that I moved towards the desk and sat on the chair just in front of him. I waited for a little with hesitation to speak, and while Karl looked at me with brimming eyes. Which made me annoyed.

I controlled my emotions and spoke," The Doctor had come to check up on me", I looked at him, he was listening, I continued, "She said that it is going to be due in the upcoming week or so", he just nodded his head in understanding.

I spoke," If you have anything scheduled for the next way-", if I could continue he cut me off.

He spoke," Ok, I will free up my schedule for the week, no need to worry, I will be there to support you".

3rd POV

What Karl thought in his mind was that Cordelia would be impressed by his sweet words and say something like, "Oh, my dear Karl, I'm so happy that you will be with me in the tough time".

With that, he was smiling like anything to see such a reaction from her, but what came made him doubt his decision.

Cordelia had an expression that Clearly said," Are You Trying To Make Me Angry Dude", she had a frown on her face with her brows raised up. Her expression was kind of scary for Karl to handle.

He hesitated to ask, but spoke, " Is something wrong?", this clearly made her angrier. She spoke with a frown on her face," I had come here to inform you that you don't have to be there, Beatrix and Christa would be fine," an evil smile was there, " and I'm sure you are quite busy".

This left Karl speechless, though he knew she had changed for good, but, now she hated him, while she should be madly in love with him.

She still had her angry face and mode on fire. Before Karl even tried to speak, she spoke with a fake smile on her face," I would be glad If you may have understood that, thank you".

With that she stormed out of the door and gone, Karl who was left speechless for the first time, was shocked with this sudden change, though he knew she had been trying to avoid him or had been avoiding him, he didn't know that she had a change of heart.


As I exited the room, my heart was beating like anything, I was so scared but I had put on a brave front. The way his expression changed was scary.

I sighed and headed towards my room, to tell Beatrix this. But I was a little confused he was shocked it seemed, not angry, but whatever, he deserves it with what he had done to all the characters, made them evil and all.😡

I rushed back to my room, and found Beatrix seating on the side of the bed, as she heard my footsteps she turned around and had an angry expression.

I knew one thing, I'm doomed, before she could launch at me, I spoke, " I had gone to talk to Karl, as you have said to talk to him".

For a few seconds, Beatrix had a neutral expression, then I think she got what I said because her expression was like WHAT?

I just nodded my head, then she sighed and patted the bed for me to sit, with that I moved towards the bed and sat with difficulty in the pregnant situation, Beatrix got up to help me too.

With that, we finally got settled and she asked me how it went? What happened?  Or so.

I TOLD her the whole thing, from start to me bursting out of Karl's office, she laughed at that, and said, " Very brave, if I was the old Beatrix I would have not even imagined listening to this about Karl".

I simply laughed at that, I am sure that the old Beatrix would have definitely killed me.

After that issue, things were moving fast, like me, not even able to move, while back I was able to move slightly but now can't.

Someone helps me to move, Beatrix has started preparations for the birth, like getting the clothes or so. I can only decide the final product, while she gets all things ready.

I am truly grateful to her, as I am sure Cordelia give birth without anyone's help and all the preparations she had done herself, and Karl only had come on the birth day.

I felt all happy and all, about the change of story and the kids too, recently they have been kicking a lot, I even talk to them a lot, from morning to night, just wait for their birth.

When once I spoke to them, it was a very nice feeling, all bubbly and all. " my Babies, mama really wishes to see you all, I am waiting every day for you all to come out."

I would definitely get a kick when I talk to them, once it made me cry with happiness that these were my kids not Cordelia's, my own and soon they will be in my arms.

With   all   my  excitement  to   meet   my   kids,

I totally forgot that they were the three male leads and the pervert, bipolar, and sadist. But one thing was for sure that they wouldn't be like that for me, I would definitely change them into gentlemen.

Author note: Dear readers are you ready to meet our three male leads, I am sorry we are going a little slow, but I promise that the story is going to be good upheld, so plz keep reading this book, thank you.

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