

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

Ryoukardo · Cómic
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43 Chs

The BALL (2)

Yona POV

As I was still lost in my thoughts telling myself that I will survive this ball, I was shaken out of my mind by a tug on my sleeve. I looked at the person who was pulling me.

It was Shuu who looked at my face with a worried face and spoke," Coo, are you alright? The maid has been calling for you for 5 times now."

With that I looked around myself to see 4 worried and sad faces And the maid also had a concerned look. The 3 triplets were sitting on the bed while Reiji was standing a few metres away.

I plasted a small smile on my face and spoke," yes, I am fine", I looked towards the maid and continued, " just worried for myself".

That instance no one understood what I meant but ignored that  and pushed Shuu and Reiji towards the maid. I smiled as I looked at the two.

" Go, get yourselves changed or else we all 3 would be having a lecture from Beatrix". At that both of them chuckled and nodded their while moving out of my room.

As they were out I turned to the maid, who was waiting for my order. " First let the 3 triplets get changed then I can get changed".

The maid spoke, " but-but my lady getting you ready would take-take than to get the prince's ready". I nodded at this and sighed," then let the other maid change the prince's while I get myself dressed for the ball". She nodded her head and two maids from behind her came.

While I was thinking of watching them change my kids, the maid hesitantly spoke, " Ah...my lady we have to shift to Lady Christa's room as that's what Lady Beatrix said".

I nodded and before leaving I left a kiss on the three triplets on the forehead. I followed the maid as she showed me the way to Christa.

As we were going, we passed Christa's room, I noticed this and spoke, " Wait a minute". The maid stopped and turned towards me.

"We just walked past Christa's room", I said while pointing at the door. She nodded her head and spoke, " Yes, my lady we passed Lady Christa's room as we have to go to the parlour for getting my lady ready".

I had a frown, what's this? Do we really have to get this much ready for a freaking ball? And even to change room?

The maid was looking scared with my silence. I sighed.

The maid was already tense and now great!! she is scared too.

I decided to give off a small smile and spoke, " It's alright, now let's get going or we are going to be late". I spoke with a sweet voice. Her expression was filled with confusion and surprise yet before I can say more she nodded her head and started moving towards the parlour.

I decided to just follow her ahead before she runs away from me. With that we reached a particular room, which had a big rose gold door.

As she opened the door for me to enter I stepped into the room to find myself mesmerized, the room was huge with arches on the left and right. A big dressing table was set in the middle with all kinds of make up kept on it. There was a closet too in the corner.

The room was decorated in very elegant way, the big mirror was hanging on the side of the dressing table. There was also a couch as a sitting area with few sofas here and there.

And there was Christa sitting on the couch reading a book. As she looked up to see me starring at her she gave me a small smile and spoke, " Ah Cordelia you came, I didn't even felt your presence".

I smile and said," Haha of course, you were so immersed in the book that you didn't knew when I came".  With that I came close to her and sat beside her on the sofa.

She nodded her head and spoke," Yes, I was but anyway we have to get ready for the ball, you Must be excited for the ball? As it is your children's ball for the first time".

Hmm was I supposed to be excited to be going to this sh*tty ball were I have to see that Bastard roaming here and there? And what about kids? Who cares my kids are better to be known by me only, at least they would be save.


But I can't do anything can I, after all the father is still father in respect even though that father is more of a jerk and a Bastard.

With that I just smile and spoke," actually I am not least excited about it, I have to attend to the people for this ball, Go with that basta-Karl, even dance,huh I wish Beatrix could do it in place of me".

Christa had a surprised and shocked look and then that turned to a laugh. " You Do really have changed Cordelia, you always used to stick to brother and loved these balls but now it's different".

She said that with a pleasant smile. I was surprised, Christa was not a bad character in the anime but she caused a trauma on Subaru.

But she was just like others, used by Karl's dirty schemes for himself, she had lost her  self more when Cordelia made her into a mad women with her words.

But Haha seriously? the true thing was that I had not changed just Cordelia was not here anymore her, it was me, Y/N.

Yet it felt good to know that my change brought other changes in the storyline of the anime and to other people.

If I could give people happiness and save them from falling into the darkness then all Is fair.

I'm not only trying to survive in truth but also save the people who would fall in despire because of the f*cking Jerk Karl.

I smiled and spoke,"I guess you could say I have changed but the change for better". She nodded her head with a smile and spoke, " I heard from Beatrix about what you wanted for the ball and to show others".

I nodded my head at this. She smiled and said," then I will help you in this Cordelia, making  your character change and showing everyone at this ball that you have changed", I smiled and muttered a 'Thank you very much'.

She with a smile, got up from the sofa and pulled me up on my feet and dragged no more off gently pulled me to the dressing table and made me sit on the dressing table chair.

Ok, so I was going to be rushed into the dressing for the ball situation where I am definitely going to die as I saw a few maids coming out from behind Christa with all the things which I had never imagined would be here in this world.

All kinds of make ups and skin products were kept on the table one by one by the maids, with that Christa opened her Mouth and spoke," Now, we have to get Lady Cordelia ready for the ball, but this time it's going to be different". The maids glanced at each other with confused look. Seeing this Christa continued.

" For Cordelia we would go with light colour dress as she has always wore dark colours and with light make up". As Christa started instructing the maids I was left in amazement seeing this hidden talent of Christa's. As she finished instructing the maids and the maids started getting to work for the me, I started clapping this brought Christa's attention.

She looked at me as I clapped and said, "WOW". She gave me a chuckle and spoke, "it's nothing much".

"Not at all, it's amazing Christa!! Such a good wonderful talent". She blushed and before she could refuse it I continued "No, you are not denying it, just accept it ,ok?"

She hesitantly nodded her head and muttered a 'thank you'. I smiled and then she spoke," Now let's get to ready while I also go and get ready". With that I nodded and Christa excited the room with a maid while I decided to just relax while my make up and thing was going on.

After 2 hours

Now everything was ready from dress to make up, I was just about to get up when Christa came and spoke,"Cordelia are you ready?"

With that I turned around and found a beautiful Christa standing in front of me, in a white glittering dress sparkling with a white diamond necklace and earrings and with high white glittering shoes which looked just like Cinderella's. She made a bun to match her elegant look. I was in a wow situation, she chuckled with seeing my expression.

I lowered by face in embarrassment and she looked at me from toe to head. Then she had a smile on her face. She spoke, "You look beautiful Cordelia, this is the first time I have seen you in this colour".

Christa looked at me with bright eyes, as I was a bright blue dress with baby blue heels and with a light make up. My hair were left down to show their beauty. (I never thought they were beautiful just ok type but the others said it was beautiful)

Cordelia used to wear always dark colours, No not dark but evil colours. Purple was her favourite with black. She used to wear these type of gloomy colours. Aha!! Such bad choice of colours.

Bad to Christa, I smiled back at her and spoke, "I'm not at all ". Christa spoke," not at all you are really looking beautiful and I am sure brother would love it". With that I wanted to puke, you know if something would be likable by that guy, I would rather not wear it but Christa Put a lot of effort in this dress that's why I won't change.

I smiled and spoke, "Thank you very much Christa and I would be glad if he didn't notice me". The last part I muttered to myself.

"Your welcome and did you say something?". Ahh did she heard that, No it seems she didn't if she did then why would she ask. Hm

"No, I didn't said anything". She nodded her head then the butler appeared on the door as we both heard a knock.

As soon I saw him I  spoke, "The boys? Where are they?"

The butler looked at me and spoke, "My lady it seemed that the 3 triplet princes were not wanting go without you but somehow Prince Shuu and Prince Reiji managed it and now the 3 prince's at the ball with prince Reiji and prince Shuu". I nodded my head. Now I had to go to this ball at any costs, my kids were their. Just as I was about to say Christa about going to the ball.

The butler spoke,"My lady the ball is about to start, Lord is expecting you both and the 5 prince's too".

The Huh? What does that Karl Bastard want? Oh wait I am the main person of this ball, I was internally crying by I have to go for my kids, I internally spoke,My Kids, don't worry mama is coming to save you do that jerk.

Christa after some thinking spoke, " ok, we are already ready, we should get going then".

She finished her sentence by looking at me for confirmation.

And through for others it was a normal ball  but for me it was my battlefield.

I breathed In and out and spoke, "I'm ready". Ok I can do this, for my kids, for the future.