

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

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43 Chs

Shuu and Reiji (3)

Yona POV

As Shuu continued counting, I pulled Reiji by his hand and ran, as I was pulling on Reiji, he spoke something. He said," Slow down would ya, I could run on my own".

As he said that I gave him a glance and started looking for a place to hide, and said," we don't want to be caught easily, and you won't run as fast as I am right now". At that Reiji was silent.

Now if you would be thinking why I am fast than Reiji, who is a child, that's cause I am Cordelia, not like Cordelia is a superhero, it's just that she is a demon, that's why I am running faster than a vampire-like Reiji.

Back to the story, I found a place near the bushes and pointed my finger towards it, " Reiji, look we could hide there, near the bushes, their Shuu wouldn't be able to find us".

Reiji frowned and said," it's just the bushes he could find us easily, what could I more accept from you mother Cordelia". He smirked.

Now it was my turn to frown and smirk, " You see these are the densest bushes in the world which are only found in the demon world and are now grown in the mansion".

At that Reiji's face lost color, check made, It is good that the few books I read after coming to this world to know more about the demons and all had this plant too, oof, I'm saved.

Reiji didn't say anything for a minute, then said with irritation," it looks like I still need to study more".

I said, " you could study later now we better hurry and hide, or otherwise we would be found", as I said that Reiji nodded his head while his dissatisfaction was written all over his face.


"You see these are the densest bushes in the world which are only found in the demon world and are now grown in the mansion".

I was unable to take in the information when was this woman intelligent, I knew she was a horrible person but when did she get the knowledge, it is possible that she knew about it cause she was from the demon world.

But she did amaze me and surprised me. I felt less smart, as I'm the one intelligent type. Then I hear her voice and came back out of my trace, she said that we should hide, I nodded my head at that.

Yona POV

As we both hid near the bushes, Shuu was taking time to find us, I was full-on bored and with Reiji more, we both were silent, till I had enough of this silent mode and said," so how have you been Reiji these days ?", I asked with a friendly smile.

Reiji raised one eye and looked a little suspiciously and then sighed and said," I'm fine, mother has started noticing me and Shuu and I have also grown a little closer with mother's change, I'm not lonely anymore".

As he said that he looked at me and saw the happiness in my eyes and said, " Why am I even telling you all this, I don't even understand how mother changed with your words ?".

At that I was so happy and proud of myself for the work I did to change the story, my first big step, where Beatrix and the boy's relationship got better than it was in the anime, now Reiji wouldn't kill his mother like in the anime, wow !!

I saved Beatrix.

As Reiji pulled me out of my mind by waving his hands in front of my face, I smiled, he asked " you ok?".


I smiled and said, " I'm happy that you are not lonely anymore, and that everything has changed with your brother and mother's relationship, and I'm happy to listen, if you ever want to talk I could hear you, ok ?".

Reiji blushed and nodded his head and looked away from me, as he was looking that way, I thought that Reiji doesn't hate me now, but then his eyes got serious out of blue.

as I was worried about him I tried to reach my hand to him when he pushed my hand away, " don't touch you are still that women, who made my mother's and my life hell ".


As she asked me about my days, I was surprised and more suspicious, why does this woman want to know? Why is she acting as she cares? Huh.

But her eyes show care to me, why ??

I didn't even notice when I started talking and I was unable to stop talking, I was unsure why I was telling this, to her?

Then she paused and was smiled, I called to her but she didn't listen, I even pulled her sleeve, at last, I had to wave my hand in her face, then she blinked and smiled and said that she's fine.

Then she spoke, that she was happy and told me that I could talk to her anytime. I didn't really know why I was blushing, but I was thinking was she good or bad, that's when my inner thought spoke, she was the one who made your mother suffer and you too with your brother, this made me angry.

Yeah, she was bad, she did all that.

That's when she was about to touch me when I pushed her hand and launched at her in a screaming and pained voice.

Yona POV

I was taken aback by this, I had thoughted, I was on good terms with Reiji but I guess, it is not possible but still.

I sighed and said," it's fine if you are unable to adjust with the new me, I could wait, you take your time".

As I said that, I looked at Reiji, he had a pained look and guilt too. As he didn't speak after that, we both sat in silence when a snake crawled up from the side bush.

It was nearing Reiji, as it was nearing at a rapid speed, I didn't have time to warn him instead I rushed towards him and pushed him away.

As I pushed him away, I felt stinging in my right arm, there was a snake bite on my arm, as I saw the snake retreat back.

As the poison was seeping through my body, my eyes were getting blurry, I looked at Reiji, who had a worried look on his face.

It felt like I was losing focus, my body was light as a feather, then I knew what happened next, I was falling, unable to control my body.


"It's fine if you are unable to adjust to the new me, I could wait, you take your time. "

As she said that, I was feeling a little sad but still she is the one who stole everything from me, but I was the one who harmed her.

This emotion was making me insane, as I kept thinking about such things and looked at her and saw her face which had a sad expression.

As we both sat in silence, waiting for Shuu, I saw her and saw that she was rushing towards me, I didn't know why she took me by surprise when she pushed me.

I had no idea why she pushed me, by I thoughted that her old self is bad, or she is still evil and is pretending to be nice.

That's when I was out of my mind and looked at her, and I was surprised to see the thing in front, there was a snake who was biting on her hand but then retreated back, she had the snake bite mark on her hand.

I understood why she pushed, by I was unable to understand why she save me and took it upon herself.

I felt guilt, I was the one behaving rudely with her, but she saved me.

As these things were coming into my mind, I looked at her and saw that she was about to fall, when I caught her.

She looked up at me, her face was pale as dead, I knew the poison was reaching her, I didn't even notice when water started coming from my eyes, I didn't know why I was crying but leaving that, I asked," are you ok? We should go back".

She said," No, I'm fine, it's just that I feel dizzy, it would be best If you go call someone Reiji, that would be better".

I thoughted of it and nodded my head and said," ok, you wait here, I will bring help".l

With that, I ran towards the mansion leaving her there.

Yona POV

As Reiji left breathing was becoming difficult for me, I was worried mostly for my kids. It could be harmful to them.

As my eyes were starting to close, I saw a figure closing towards me, a small figure actually, had blond hair, in a suit and I knew who was this, Shuu.

As he came close, I was able to see him up close, he had a worried expression, he asked, " mother Cordelia, what happened? Why are you like this ? And where is Reiji?".

I took my time to breathe and then explain, " I was bitten.... by a snake", I showed my arm " Reiji... went to get help".

At this point I was losing my consciousness, my eyes got blurry and then were captured by dark and then blackout.


As I started searching for them, I looked at the bench, the garden then I heard heavy breathes, I didn't know what this meant, did mother Cordelia did something to Reiji but I wanted to know what is happening.

I took a sneak peek and what I saw drained all light from my face, a pale dead-looking mother Cordelia lying on the side of the Bush taking heavy breathes, I rushed towards her in a panic.

As she told me what happened, I was still surprised and unable to take in the information.

When I looked at her again, her eyes were closing, I hurried to her side so that she doesn't get hurt.

I caught her in time, she was unconscious, I got scared and I called out to her, "Mother Cordelia! Mother Cordelia! ! Please wake up, wake up".

I didn't even notice when tears started coming out of my eyes like diamonds flowing out.

As I cried, in my mind, there was one thought, plz don't leave me alone. I didn't know why I felt like that, but I can't let her die, our siblings are also there, not like it matters much but still.

Now only Reiji could save her, plz Reiji bring help fast.