

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

Ryoukardo · Cómic
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43 Chs

Karl again

Yona POV-

I felt this dizziness as my head ached like anything. Before my brain could bust, I rubbed my hand on my forehead as I perceived this heavy weight on my arm.

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes to find my boys resting on my arm, line by line, which was making me feel that my arm came under a truck.

I closed my eyes again as I embraced the light coming from the curtains on my eyelids. Yesterday was such a hectic day that, the exhaustion is still there.

I finally opened my eyes again after a while. I tried to get my arm off the 3 boys, to not let them wake up. As I got my arm out with caution, I stared at the boys.

It has not been this long since they were born but I feel they are more grown-up than a newborn baby.

I noticed at the start, I thought it was something maybe I knew wrong about babies but now. I can clearly see that they are different. At least from us humans. Their growth is faster than an average human baby.

This ability of theirs should have been a strength but for some reason, it was useless in the anime. It was like there was no need for it. I feel that in the anime, there were just bound to be this storyline where it was difficult to know anything other than what the creator wanted us to see.

There is so much more to it, than the anime. Before anyone came and thought that I was a creep staring at my children, I got off bed and went to the restroom to freshen up for the day.

Today, I am only going to relax and spend time with my children. As I walked into the restroom, I stared into the mirror and looked at myself.

I probably should have been looking all ugly with exhaustion and dark circles right? But no I am looking as fresh as If I have rested for days.

White porcelain skin, shining eyes and rosy lips are surely not of a person who is on the verge of death from fatigue. At least I am, okay!

I truly am! Inside at least! With a frown, I sighed as I got up and walked out.

I washed and got dressed, and I came back to see the boys waking up. Latio was yawning and Ayato just sat up while Kanato still slept.

I laughed at this scene, they seemed to have heard of my laugh as they both turned to me.

We stared at each other for a second, before I smiled and walked over to them.

Ayato opened his arms and motioned for me to pick him up, I smiled as I picked him up. While Laito stared at me with anger in his eyes.

"Sorry baby, mama only has two hands! I can only pick one of you at a time".

I said as I placed a kiss on Latio's forehead. He blushed at that as I saw Kanato also waking up from all this noise.

I smiled at all 3 of them when I heard a knock on the door, I thought it was the maids so I said, "Come in".

I put Ayato down as I changed her clothes, while Kanato and Laito looked at me.

I didn't hear anything behind me except footsteps, I frowned at that, "Why are you not speaking? Bring clothes for Laito and Kanato?"

I said that as I turned around to face the 'maid' who happened to change to Karl.

My mouth which opened to speak was shut again. I frowned at Karl standing there and smiling at me.

'His long white hair ran down as he stood there shining'

Is that what you all were expecting me to say?

Sorry, but the most beautiful are my children only not some aged bastard.

I glared at Karl as he walked over to me, "What do you want? Why are you here?"

I asked with gritted teeth, "Can't I come to visit my own children?"

He knew that his words were nothing but boiling water for me, and he did it on purpose.

"Don't say that they are your children, except your damn sperm they are nothing of yours, only mine, they have my brain, my appearance and my blood in them than yours".

For a second I saw him laughing at that, if I was in an anime, smoke would be blowing out of my ears at this.

This man kept on getting on my nerves, I wish I could murder him, here only.

I closed my eyes as I tried to calm myself, I felt a tug on my sleeve and I opened my eyes to see the boys looking at me with concern.

I just realized that they were worried for me, I gave them a reassuring smile as I looked back at Karl.

"Tell me truthfully, what is your business here? Are you going to ask me about the party? huh? We could have just talked in your office?"

He smirked at that as he again walked towards me, I backed away from him.

For a minute I thought a saw hurt in his eyes when it went back to that cunning look, so I don't believe that I saw anything in it.

"Even if you deny that they are not my children, they still are and if I wanted to take them, I could have taken them away from you easily, the only thing is that I don't have that much to waste."

"Waste? Huh? Is that so? Then it's great that you don't consider them useful enough to give them some time, I am here to do so anyway, no need of you, they only need a mother, not a useless so-called 'father' ".

I said as I hugged the boys in my arms and darted at him.

He looked at the boys for a second before he spoke, "Fine enough, I do want to talk about the party, since we can't talk here, I will see you in my office".

With that, he walked away, my tense shoulder relaxed as I sighed in relief.

"Boys don't you 3 worry, I am here and till I am here no one can touch you all".

I said as I looked at them with determination in my eyes.