
Overwhelming Emotions.

When Yang Ning's cold hands hesitantly touched Zheng Liang's firm, muscled chest and abdomen, guided by his own hand, Zheng Liang gritted his teeth as a surge of heat shot through his body. A certain part of him throbbed with desire, reacting intensely to her touch.

Observing her hesitation fade away, Zheng Liang released her hand, allowing her to explore his body at her own pace. He found himself relishing the light caresses of his wife's fingers, reveling in the sensation. However, his joy was short-lived.

It became evident that his wife had no intention of venturing beyond admiring his muscles, leaving him yearning for more.

For a long time, Yang Ning was engrossed in caressing his firm abdomen muscles, completely oblivious to the effect her actions were having on him. Zheng Liang desperately craved her touch, yearning for her to explore him, play with him, and show him affection.

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