
I Will Survive On This Life

After dying, Cenina a former politician secretary in her past life reincarnate in the novel she used to love when she was in her teen age. It's good that she got reincarnated in a duke family where she dont need to suffer to find money for living. but her problem is-- she's a supporting character, the female leads bestfriend , a bestfriend who will betray the female lead because she fell in love to the male lead that lead her and her family to death. and also the story she used too love is too dark and full of twists can she survive and successfully escape the death that awaits her? A/N: Warning! a lot of grammar and typo errors. and the book cover isn't mine so ctto to the artist!

riahmo_dgzmn17 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Inside of this novel (1)

I lie my body down on the bed and just watched the other maids panicking and asking me on what part of my body was hurt.

Based on what I understand by just listening on their conversation and some answers that I recieved from the violet haired girl maid.

I am lady sena, a seventeen years old lady, only daughter of the duke and I also have a friend named Charla Nioma, a daughter of the count.

and also-- they said that I suddenly got mad and climb to the highest tree of this mansion and jumped because I don't want to go to the royal ball.

I slowly cover my face using my two hands

"Please, I want to be alone. " I said to my maids. their panic faces suddenly banished. they bow to me and run to go outside of this room.

So I'm alone now.

I leave the bed and walked slowly. I dont feel any pain of falling from a highest tree of this mansion.

Just like in the every novel and manhwa I read. this room screams luxury and so big, this room is bigger then my apartment in my past life.

I walked in front of the mirror and observe every details of my body and face. I'm not ugly. not also beautiful. I'm just an average person.

I bit my lips. Since I am sena and I'm just side character of this novel I think i can survive by fulfilling half of my role as Charla's bestfriend who supported her- my role ended when the male lead appears because I fall In love with him by first sight and betrayed Charla and befriend with the Villain of this story. It was Gregoir.

I'll stopped biting my lips when I tasted the blood. I sit on the couch and hug the pillow.

I can still recall some parts of this novel because I used to love this novel when I was around my teen age years and this is the only novel that I bought using the first payment that I received when I was working as a clerk at the government office, when i was a working student. when I have free time I didn't got tired re-reading this novel for 100 times. this is also the first and last novel that I bought. because after graduating, I met Entice and he assigned me as his secretary when he was doing his father's International business to turning himself into politics.

Since she told me that I'm already 17 years old. that means I'm already or I'm about to have a connection to Gregoir. In short, my role as Charla's best friend is on the one step to End.

In the Novel, Gregoir and Sena always writting to each other a letters. that's why there's have a lot of rumor around them saying that they might be ended up together or Gregoir is just using sena to become close to Charla.

well all of them are little bit true, Gregoir needs to kill Charla to attack emotionally his enemy-- the male lead. and gregoir will use sena as a shield who's going to suffer because of his actions. he will make sena as his fiancee and annulled it when all the blames takes on Sena's Family and her.

I bit my lips again. d*mn, that's tragic.

Why the f*ck did I like this novel again? If I only knew that I will end up this way I should have been love a cringey childish novel for easy life.

I roam around the room and opened every drawer to find where all the letters I recieve was hidden. when I found the drawer I checked it all one by one until I reached the last one.

I freeze when I read the letter. I'm late! my first ever connection to gregoir is now happening.

In all of time and year I can reincarnate to this world. why on this part of the novel? death is starting to chase me at this moment! I'm not even starting my survival plans.

I sighed again and walked to the mirror to see my reflection and re-think what I know about this novel since the novel's Point Of View is Third.

Sena have a maroon hair and blue eyes. her lips are almost color red even without make up...but she also had a lot of....pimples...and dark heads...

she can surpass the beauty of the female lead if Sena has been taking care of herself but she isn't. she don't care what she looks like in the eyes of others. she don't even mind not combing her hair for a whole week.

Sena most preffered wearing a clothes that can hide her whole body. it almost like she also wanted to hide her whole existence to be exact. but for her father's reputation, she didn't.

I saw a desk with a lot of books beside same as paper and a writting materials. I walk towards it to get a paper and write.

"Okay..so I will list down what I remember about this novel" I whispered.

First. the title of this novel is "Hindzta Kingdom: The Mysterious Love" this story is mixed genre. it's a mystery-thriller story with fantasy and action. it's about Charla and Duke of Floirex being partners in Investigating a case behind an Organization. the reason of Duke Floirex investigating the Organization wasn't mentioned in the story. but only Charla's reasons , and that reason is this organization ruined her whole life.

the Organization killed her father that caused her entire family to struggle and faced a lot of problems. but she met the male lead and helps her. obviously. they both fall inlove at first sight.

...and I just realized that was cringe

Second. the man behind the Organization is Gregoir and the Imperial family. the Imperial family consider the organization as a 'demon's hideout' because all of the secrets of Imperial Family and controversial Issue and cases are insided of this organization.

Third. Gregoir is the first son of the emperor and expecting to be a crown prince but he declined it and asked to Enhirit his uncle's title who doesn't had a heir to be a duke and head of the Organization.

Fourth. Charla didn't have a time or a chance to Introduce Sena to Duke Floirex. that's why when Sena accidentally meet the Duke she didn't know that Charla and Duke Floirex knew each other first and also Sena are starting to get Jealous to Charla that time so when she met the duke, her positive emotion towards Charla becames complicated

I massage my head because of what I write. there's a lot of things to remember but since im already on the part where gregoir and sena are having a connection to each other that means I'm already entering the middle of the story.

I burned my paper to the candle and watched it turned into ash. I don't like leaving evidences that can caused me into trouble.

Since I woke up around 10 P.M I can't see the view outside from this window. I sat to my bed and watch how the wind makes the candle's fire move.

I wish I also read the other story that also connected to this book...


Oh right! there's also another story about this kingdom but different characters. I don't remember who they are but I just remember that Sena and Gregoir was mentioned on this story.

But the author stopped updating it and chooses to focus on her other stories. that's also why I didn't bother or mind to read it because it's not completed.

But what's inside of that story that it comes to the point of me and Gregoir was mentioned?

"Ouch" I felt my head hurts. maybe because I'm thinking too much.

I sighed again and Closed my eyes

....I already died without a love life or having a happy family that I dreamed once In my first life..

this time I don't want to die too.. I think I also want to be happy and have a happy family that my parent's failed to give me for a long time..

So I decided...

I will survive on this life.

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