
I was reincarnated and all I have is a book?!!? [Dropped]

David didn't know how or why it happened but he knew one thing...HIS REINCARNATION SUCKS!

Lord_Banned · Cómic
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14 Chs

Unseen changes

[Enhanced Health:

The user possesses; physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health and condition beyond the max health of their species. They have every part in and of their body, external and internal, at first-rate health and condition, and are devoid of any disorders, diseases, deformities, disabilities, imperfections, scars, etc.

The user can consume mass quantities of food while still maintaining their physique and have incredible well-being, recovery rate, and immune system. They can sustain more damage than ordinary members of their species without necessarily having a particularly strong resistance/tolerance to pain.]

[Accelerated Development:

Users can improve their natural abilities far faster and to a greater extent or beyond the limitations of other members of their species. This applies at a genetic level, allowing the body to keep up with the user's own rapidly developing skills/physical attributes, and at an intellectual level, to which their mind/mental capabilities can develop beyond their normal limits. Users with superpowers benefit the same way, as this power even allows them to awaken any latent abilities within them.

As a result, users can (eventually) benefit from training that would otherwise cripple or kill a normal human being.]

Finally, after 72 hours, of none stop winning in boring games with not a single break, this is what Mineta achieved, he was beyond tired, to the point that exactly where he was, he collapsed due to exhaustion, he was in an arcade, and well, he destroyed little kids, some adults, and teenagers at every game and made bets as well.

It took him this long to get these 2 powers which would be the most beneficial for his training, with enhanced health his recovery will probably only take one hour or even minutes until beginning another training section, and with accelerated development, he can learn the combat necessary easily and rapidly.

Anyway, while Mineta fainted in the arcade, some kids he was playing with told the staff, which didn't know what to do, to either call the hospital or his parents, because after all, they all clearly knew he fainted only because of exhaustion.

But while all of this was happening, Mineta's body started going through a change, a very slow change, if you didn't read accelerated development, it says in one part, "allows them to awaken any latent abilities within them". This means that the hidden abilities on Mineta's quirk can awaken, and were slowly going to show themselves, basically, his quirk and body were going through an evolution.

Especially when his quirk is a mutant-type quirk, his body was going through a couple of changes. Nobody knows what exactly a body with a quirk can happen when more powers enter its body, but what's certain is that a mutation can occur. Meanwhile, his father received a call and had to go pick him up.

In another location, you can see a very cute girl with green hair training on U.A grounds, but someone couldn't leave her mind.

'Mineta was acting very weird...did something happen' Tsuyu thought, the reason she was thinking this, is because, since day one, she always found herself near Mineta, so she knew the type of personality he has. To see him act like that was beyond surprising.

Quite frankly to her, Mineta was just a pervert, nothing else, just a guy who was obsessed with female body parts, she knew that he stares at her ass and boobs from time to time but she didn't do much about it. Actually, she was...kind of glad.

She never felt the feeling of boys looking at her with eyes of lust or love, nothing really, all the boys always looked at her with weird eyes, but Mineta well, he was too big of a pervert to care, and she was glad for that. Although Tsuyu is beautiful with a godly ass, boys just didn't look at her in any sexual or loving way because of the fact her quirk is "weird", the first boy to ever look at her that way was Mineta.

Her entire life she didn't have many friends, always taking care of her younger siblings, but then she made a friend during her last year of middle school, but that didn't take away the fact that she just never had many friends. So she was aiming to make a lot of friends this year.

Mineta grew on Tsuyu and before she knew it, she was comfortable with him around, like a friend, during the U.S.J attack, she was scared, but with Mineta and Izuku being there, that fear disappeared, Mineta the boy who somehow always ended up close to her side, and Izuku the boy that piqued her interest, all 3 of them fought, although he took the opportunity to squeeze her tits.

But now, with Mineta's new personality, which everyone is very confused and shocked about, especially after what he did, that interest in Izuku disappeared, and now it was all on Mineta, she didn't know how to feel, but one thing was for sure, she was missing the old Mineta a little bit, but she knew, that this new personality of his is better, after all, with how he was, Tsuyu was sure he wasn't going to be a good hero.

'Well, let's stop thinking about' Tsuyu thought, and she continued on with her training.




You could see Mineta on U.A grounds, days have passed since Mineta got his 2 new powers and he has been doing nothing but practice martial arts, train his body and practice his quirk to the point it would be considered torture. Just like he was expecting, his body was going through a change.

He could see results already in every way, the balls on the top of his head have gotten smaller, and his body was changing or should I say, evolving, with each hour, changes would occur and he was becoming stronger. It was weird but it was to be expected, after all, quirks are something that has yet to be fully understood by anyone.

He was currently hitting trees, yes hitting trees, he was training the hard way, a punching bag was too soft and annoying so he switched to trees. He began with only hurting himself while practicing kicks, punches, and more, but now, he was doing some very noticeable damage to the trees, each punch was hard enough to make loud noises throughout the U.A forest.

He has been doing karate, kung fu, kickboxing, boxing, and other styles of fighting to train himself, and the improvement was beyond insane. Not to take into account his perception, during combat, Mineta will indeed be a big opponent in the festival, but of course, nobody knows that yet.

Unknown to Mineta, someone was watching, she hadn't been there long, only a couple of minutes, but finally, she decided to leave her spot and talk to Mineta.

"Hey, Minoru, are you going to be okay, I think you're harming yourself too much with this type of training" Tsuyu said while walking toward him, she had already noticed the changes on Mineta but seeing it more closely is very different not only that he had a different air to him.

Mineta stopped what he was doing and turned to face Tsuyu, "...don't worry about it" he said, he had expected someone to come and tell him to stop or to tell him it was dangerous and convince him to stop but for the person to be Tsuyu was...surprising.

"I can't help but worry Minoru...you need a training partner right? how about until the sports festival I become your training partner" Tsuyu proposed, at this Mineta was shooked, for multiple reasons.

"You do know that if we train together, we'll both basically both be revealing our weak points and be prepared for each other at the festival right?" Mineta said like as if he was stating the obvious.

"I know" Tsuyu responded fully knowing the meaning of her words, there was silence for a few seconds until Mineta chuckled.

"Fine, but just know, I won't be holding back just because you're a girl" Mineta said while getting in a boxing stance, "Good" Tsuyu said while getting in her frog stance.

Mineta grabbed two balls from his head, he threw one at Tsuyu and she leaped into the air to dodge, while Tsuyu was in the air, Mineta threw the other ball directly at her, of course, these balls do no damage, but it minimizes movement from the enemy.

Tsuyu managed to dodge the ball in the air by changing the position she was in, Tsuyu then landed on a tree, the second she landed she launched her tongue at Mineta, but he swiftly grabbed it with his right hand and he railed back Tsuyu's tongue.

Tsuyu was pulled straight towards Mineta, she saw as he had a strong grip on her tongue and how he was railing back his other hand to punch her, she closed her eyes, waiting for the punch but instead, she was caught by Mineta.

"I won" Mineta said with a smirk, Tsuyu lost, quite easily as well, she could now feel Mineta, his arms, his chest, and more, and she now was certain, that he has changed...a lot.


Leave some power recommendations or anything, always comment if you want, and enjoy your night or day

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