
I was reborn in Marvel

Xx_Royal · Fantasía
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5 Chs

System (2/2)

hmm show status"


Name:William Frost



I clicked on the symbiote to see if the system would show the symbiote's abilities and to my non-surprise it did


-Has telepathic abilities.

-Multiplies all of its host's physical abilities.

-Protects its host from danger.

-Shape-shifting and camouflage

-Super speed


-Ability to increase

-Superhuman strength

-Superhuman hunger.

When I saw everything he could do I was surprised he appeared to have telepathic abilities, but when I looked through it all I saw this...

"Wait superhuman hunger... I have to eat people."

#No just brains #

When I saw the answer I felt bad and completely forgot about it.

"Is there any way without eating people's brains...then I look like a zombie."


"huh... Okay then tell me if I'm on a mission will there be time differences in my universe"

# yes #

When I saw the answer I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Is there any way that you can answer directly and not say yes and no."


"Then do this."

#... Change...#

"Now answer my previous question."

#if you're on a mission time in your universe will be stopped #

"That's good news...hmm what else did I forget to ask... the system what these dark energy beings can do...no, you better tell me what you know."

#some dark energy creatures have intelligence, but many don't. Dark energy creatures can infect other creatures. The more dark energy beings remain in the universe, the more energy seeps in....#

When she was talking I started to get a little dizzy, I think it was too much for the day.

"Okay, I have a headache now, I'm going to sleep."

After those words I fell asleep.

When I open my eyes I hear a voice.

"Wake up, sunshine."

When I opened my eyes, I saw her standing not far from the front door and looking at me with her blue eyes.

"Yes, Mama, I'll be right there," I said.

"Hurry up and let the food get cold."

After these words she went back to the living room and I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth but before I left the bathroom I looked in the mirror and there I saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes black hair from my father and blue eyes from my mother.Then I went to the living room and there I saw my father and mother sitting and waiting for me I went and also sat down next to them for breakfast we had pancakes when I started eating I heard my father's voice

"Well, did you have fun yesterday," he says.

"It was a lot of fun, I want to go again," I said with a smile.

"Well if we have time we'll go again" mother just looked with a smile at our little dialogue after that we just ate quietly, but suddenly I heard mother's voice

"Sweetie something's wrong you seem to be thinking about something."

After her words I realized that, I was in deep thought about yesterday's conversation with the system, but I just answered her

"Nothing mom, I was just thinking about school, I have to go to school soon."

When she heard my answer she smirked and said.

"Sweetie, it's still six months until school. There's no hurry. Well, if you want we can buy all the supplies for school now." she said.

Hearing her answer I think she thinks I can't wait to go to school, well that's good but she said something else I didn't expect.

"Oh and also honey we're moving soon you can make even more friends there."

When she said that, I got this ominous feeling, and I immediately asked.

"Really, where are we moving to?"

She smiled and said "New York."


sorry guys this chapter is too small

Xx_Royalcreators' thoughts