
Learning Magic In Modern World

1 Day Earlier

Monday Early In Morning - Albert was Practicing " Spiritual Energy Control " In Order to his Spiritual Energy Until Around 2:46 Am, When Shera Came and told him about magic that it is more of curse than blessing.. He asked shera if she would teach him how to control his spiritual energy, at first she refused but when Albert insisted she had no choice but to teach albert

{ Sometimes a curse is better than blessing }


I, Albert Neslete... i am exhausted

I am not like any other human, i have used magic in my previous life.. i am much more familiar with magic than anyone then why it is so hard for me to control my own spiritual energy..

i can feel flow of my spiritual energy inside my body, the center of my spiritual energy is near my navel (umbilicus).. it conceratating there as if there is exist and open window for spiritual energy..

" Master, you need to concentrate harder ! "

Ahh, Shera.. she been with me for a hour now, she is trying her best to teach my how can i control spiritual energy but she made me to promise her " Never use magic for anyone unless your own life is at the stake "

{ As if i would ever use my own life force for sake of humans }

" Master, The World of Magic Works on Fundamental law of Nature. Spiritual Energy is life, we are born with spiritual to last for 100 years but average lifespan of humans in this world is 75-80 year(if you don't die from some sort of accident or illness ). it indicates that there times that even normal human uses magic unconsciously in their life not just one time but few times that cost them around 20-25mp"

She is trying her best... to make me realise something, right now i am meditating.. in order to understand the path that lies inside my body.. where it starts where it ends

( Shera, she was only giving me moral support )

" Yes, i know that "

Magic is connected to nature, they work with each other... it is essence of life even if you have ability to understand it or not.. and spiritual energy is source. Magicians are who understand this phenomena and takes advantages of it manifesting fire breeze, elements and manipulating nature, they are taboo for nature.. and nature punish those individuals...

this is hard to grasp for humans... but i am different, i am a monster... so why is it so hard ???? i already know what there is to know about magic ! what is so special about humans ? what is this that stopping me from controlling my own spiritual energy ? is this is the limit of my understanding ? is that why i was thrown down to this world which uses life force to use magic ? sacrifices that humans make when they use magic ? to acknowledge this ?



{ i was monster, i am a monster... i will always stay a monster }

" Master, you... your spiritual energy... "

Huh ? this warmth ? what is this warmth that i am feeling inside my body ? it is like as if i opened door of a really warm room

( Albert didn't know but he was shining in yellow glow, shera never seen something like this, this sort of breakthrough for magic... The Spiritual energy albert was holding inside his body was

overwhelming for a mere human body.. the limit of his body to hold spiritual energy was only 100mp when those 100mp were filled up, the spiritual energy started overflowing from his body causing his body to glow.. the spiritual energy he was releasing was way too thick for his surrounding environment to handle.. that is way it could been seen with just naked eyes of humans... And the trick to use magic was simple all he had to do was realise his true nature and where his power comes from... by the way if you wondering who i am then let me tell you today.. i am that god who put him in that world.. { Sparkles } i am just here to oversee one of mi... { BEEP } { BEEP } )

i can feel it.... the path that resides inside this body..

i put my both hands in air and tried to manifest fire ( Summon Fire ) and amazingly it worked.. the method behind manifesting fire is one of simplest it require three elements oxygen heat and and fuel ( In my previous world i didn't knew much about elements and how all of that works we just used based on instinct ) oxygen is everywhere.. i just concentrated oxygen and in other hand made fuel ( There a lot elements which could be used as fuel) and provide them heat... you got some fire..

and if you change little recipe like compressing instead of concentrating (With fuel)... and releasing it in right time while providing it with heat.. you will have fire bomb..

Spells are automade for such recipe that you can make... i mostly use spells to make it easier

But the most important thing is that now i learned magic.....!

" Master... you learned magic, congratulation... but why did you use magic just now ? "

oh.. i forget my life is at the risk everytime i use magic... that fireball just now costed me 0.5mp, indeed it small number but when you think about.. the magic i used to create this fireball is actually lowest of it's class and a 7 year kid could use it in my previous world. magic used be daily necessity in my previous world

" Sorry about that.. but i had to confirm it, that i am capable of using magic... "

who knew what would have happen... it was necessary step to take.. magic is complicated, one wrong move in forming elements and it will cost you your life..

" Master, keep our promise... "

yea promise...

" yes, i will shera..."

it's already morning... i also have to go to Prestige High School..

( Albert didn't knew at that time, when he unlocked that door of warmth.. he released something that was hidden deep inside his body.. oh boy he will he tough time dealing with it.. i can only hope you don't die too early in game )

;End of Chapter

Hello Everyone It's me Author...

Warmth of door, is actually channels that were locked when albert unlocked them it allowed him to manipulate or you could say control his spiritual energy.. which allowed him to manipulate elements and which allowed him to use magic.... which has some serious type of restriction.. someday it might even cost him his life and make this novel shorter... LOL

Sorry for delaying chapters this long but i am currently working on a new novel.. it would be pretty short.. a short and sweet ( Sweet huh ? ) story about a god who wants to spent his rest of life peacefully.. but you know i am author so like hell he would be able to spent his life peacefully as that non-titled stupid god thinks.. i will make sure to make him suffer far greater than main character in my novels

Tags would be -Tragedy -Romance -Supernatural and few more

About Albert

He usually wears a suit a iron gray, normal type suit, his eye colour is yellow and hair are short well they in medium but they seems short color of hair is Caramel brown.. his height is around 5,8 or something pretty tall of 14 year old kid... He will be around 5,11 or 5,10 once he becomes adult 18 year old and his eyes would look gloomy

Adger.. about adger he short like 5,4 and he wear a trench suits whereever he is..

Are you bored ?

RoughHero76creators' thoughts
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