
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Ciudad
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84 Chs

In the open.

'' This story dates way back. The main characters are your father, Marcus Barkley, and Mr. Ryan Reinster. '' Mr. Fin glanced at his client's face before proceeding. She was tense but she didn't ask any questions.

'' These two were the terror of the streets in their early years. Both leaders of the most influential band of goons in their era. ''

'' As we all know , there can't be two kings in a jungle. As time went by, the tension between the two gangs rose. The bad blood only grew with time. ''

'' As the years went by , both men had families . Families that they loved. While Marcus kept his kids out of his business , Ryan was building his legacy through his children. From an early age , his children were trained to be cold and calculating. Including his bastard son , Richard. But none excelled like Alec. He was Ryan's prodigy. His Pride. ''

Gwen didn't know how to react. She just had to keep listening. Maybe Alec didn't want to share his past with her? Maybe he wasn't comfortable with it? Well...everyone has something they're hiding.

'' As Ryan's allies grew , he decided to get things settled with his biggest rival. He put a restriction on his area of control to any of Marcus' men and those that were caught were taken and tortured. When your father learned of this, he was infuriated and stormed Ryan's house. My sources tell me that he burned it to the ground and killed Ryan's youngest daughter , Allison. ''

'' He...killed her? '' Gwen was having a hard time comprehending that her father was a murderer.

'' Yes, Ms.Gwendoline , he killed her. '' Mr. Fin took out a few more pictures and documents. He handed them to Gwen. '' That's what remained of the grand Reinster mansion . Ash and death. '' He tapped at the picture Gwen was holding.

'' Now , Ms. Gwendoline, the rest of these facts are a bit unclear but I assure you that I tried my best to find out more. It seems someone took great lengths to keep this hidden.

'' Your father took Allison 's body and never revealed where he'd kept her till he died.'' Mr. Fin took a deep breathe. '' Ryan wanted Revenge ofcourse. And who better to carry put his wishes than his sons?"

" And...uhm...according to the rumour that was circulating, your father's fateful accident was actually a well executed plan. And..."

'' Wait." Gwen interrupted him. Her head was throbbing and her chest was beginning to hurt. " What are you trying to imply?"

" Let me finish. Please. " He pleaded with his distraught client.

" In the car crash, your father died and your mother was gravely wounded thus giving Ryan a sense of relief. But after this incident , his prodigy , Alec Reinster slowly started to turn from the path his father had set for him. He eventually set out on his own and left the past where it belonged. His sister Ruth Reinster soon followed his footsteps leaving Richard as the only loyal one among them...well , atleast , loyal to his father. "

" And-" Mr. Fin was stopped by Gwen.

" That's enough. It's enough. " She got up and left after giving a slight nod.

" Alec , what was the need for this sudden boat ride?" Marylynne laughed as she held her dress trying to prevent it from blowing away in the breeze.

" It's just a small gift from me. " Alec smiled as he patted Louis' shoulder. " Everything fine, kid?"

" Yeah." Louis just shrugged awkwardly. He loved the water. Something about the waves always made him feel at ease. He took in a deep breathe and squinted to look at the birds that flew high in the sky...next to the sun.

" Beautiful , isn't it?" Alec's voice woke him from his bliss. He wiped the weird goofy smile he had on his face.

" Yeah. " He smirked lightly. " It is." Louis didn't like Alec much in the beginning but he was slowly getting used to him. He just wanted Gwen to be happy , stable and loved. This guy seemed like he was giving her all she deserved.

" What are you thinking about?" Alec picked up a can of root beer and tossed it at Louis.

" I'm just hoping you'll keep my sister this happy for the longest time possible. " Louis popped the can open and sipped on it.

" I have to. " Alec breathed. " I have to. "

They were quiet again.

" Hey , Louis? I know you dont like me much but, I hope you trust that I genuinely care about your sister."

" Urgh! Don't get all mushy with me." Louis joked. " And...I'm actually starting to like you. " He blurted hurriedly as though he didn't want Alec to hear it.

" Now look who's getting all emotional." Alec was teasing him.

" Don't make me change my mind." Louis was feeling weird but he was actually getting along with his supposed brother in law.

" Sir, there's someone here to see you. " Ryan waved away his PA. He wasnt in the mood for work. Everything was tumbling right before his eyes and he wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

" May I come in?"

" No-" He didn't finish his sentence when he saw who was at his doorstep.

" Ms. Gwendoline Barkley. Please . What a pleasant surprise. "