
Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1

Volume 1

Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1

Once someone pointed me towards the large building that towers over everything apart from the palace, the stadium was easy to find. I really shouldn't have had to ask because it was obvious that the building was where I was meant to go. Still, I mistook the stadium for a fort and wasted an hour with pointless searching. But at least I am here now.

The stadium is a big building with a large entrance flanked by statues of warriors with many strong-looking people leaving and entering even at this late time. I hope to make it to a round where I can earn money. Stepping inside, I find myself in a spacious place with more stone statues of warriors and multiple people who all seem to be staring at me for some reason.

I do my best to ignore them and reach a desk with a large sign above it saying, "Tournament Sign Up!". Sat behind the desk is a small bunny girl with an impressive chest for her size and a beautiful smile. She straightens up as she sees me approaching and gives me the same stare as everyone else in the room. Do I look wired or something? I know I am weak in this world, but that can't be why they are all staring.

"Hey, is it too late to sign up for the tournament?" I ask, trying not to overthink why everyone is staring at me.

"N… no… you're just in time. We were about to close up for the day," The bunny girl quickly replies, taking out a form. "Please write down your name here and select a mask." The girl says, pulling out a box. "I know it may seem wired for an outsider like you to hear this, but here we wear masks at tournaments, so please pick one."

"Oh… okay," I stare at the masks, then at the girl seeing if she is joking, but no such luck.

This kind of reminds me of wrestling and how fighters would wear masks. I quickly sign my name and look at the box. Most of the masks look like the ones you would find at a masquerade ball rather than a tournament, but I find one that better suits the situation. It is a full-face mask that would cover my entire head in black wool-like material. With this on, no one will be able to recognise me if I end up embarrassing myself.

"Oh, you are going with that mask," The bunny girl says, examining the mask I picked. "Most people never even consider that mask because it hides too much of their face." After muttering, she takes out a checklist and ticks a box. "One last thing. Please think of a stage name. It is another local custom here for participants to fight under a stage name."

This is starting to seem increasingly like a wrestling match by the second. I only ever saw one live in person, but if I were to watch this tournament, I would find the experience the same as when I watched that match.

I think about a name for a movement… then two, but naming things has never been a strong point of mine. I struggle to think of a name, coming up with multiple ideas but ultimately dismissing them. This is harder than I thought. It must show on my face that I am struggling because the bunny girl gives me a worried look.

"If you are struggling to come up with a name, then how about the Wondering Stranger?" The bunny girl suggests. "I think it suits you."

"Sure, I'll go with that," I nod. It is better than nothing and not the worst name in the world.

"Thank you for signing up," The bunny girl smiles. "The tournament is tomorrow, so please arrive here before the second bell."

"Got it,"

I nod before we give our goodbyes, and I head out. I am unsure what the bunny girl means by the second bell, but I should be fine as long as I head here as soon as I wake up. Hopefully, there is someplace I can buy breakfast on my way, and I have enough money to pay for it. I am still not sure how much the money I have on me is worth, but it should be enough.

Returning to the park, I decided to sleep on the bench tonight and save my money for breakfast. I really wanted to look at the prices at the stores on my way back to get an idea of how money worked in this world, but unfortunately, the stores had all closed when I left the stadium.

Sitting on the bench, I watch a group of robbed, mage-looking people go around lighting streetlights by waving their wands as the sun sets. Already stars are starting to appear, and I can just make out a full moon rising over the houses. At least it doesn't feel like it will be too cold tonight, so I should have a more comfortable night's sleep now that I do not have to worry about being attacked.

"Hey, look like what we have here, guys,"

Unfortunately, this world seems to give me more than monsters to worry about. Three guys appear behind me. One of them is bold and wearing an eye patch over his right eye, and another has bright red eyes that seem to shine in the darkening dusk. Finally, the last person appears to be normal, apart from the fact he is not wearing a shirt. I stand up as the men draw knives that they were hiding in their pants.

"I see a little puppy down on his luck,"

"Maybe we should take his valuables for safekeeping?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I don't like how the men are grinning at me. "So how about it, kid? Hand over everything we have, and we will keep it safe for you."

"Sorry, I don't have anything to give you," I reply, smiling. "Besides, I wouldn't be sleeping on this bench if I did."

"You must have something on you," Unfortunately, the men do not walk away. "Some coins in your pocket or item you don't want to part with."

"Neither," I do not know why, but the men glared at me.

"You think we are stupid, kid?" The bold one yells, taking a step forward. "No traveller will arrive at a new city with nothing. Now hand over everything you have."

"You don't want to mess with us, brat,"

"I am not messing with you. I am just down on my luck and have nothing to give you," I try to tell them, taking a step backwards, but they step forward.

"Last chance, kid," They all point their knives at me. "Hand over your stuff, or we will take it from your lifeless body."

I touch my knife, but I stop myself from drawing it. I don't want to kill people, and I don't think I even could if I had to. I have killed wolves, orcs and even a giant, but this feels different. Even if they are bad people trying to kill and rob me, I can't shake the bad taste in my mouth that comes with the thought of killing a fellow human. I move my fingertips from my knife, making the three men smirk.

"Finally feel like being a good little boy,"

The bold man steps forward, lowing his knife, expecting to receive money. Instead, I punch him, and… for some reason, he flies back several feet and falls unconscious. Is this how combat works in this world? I never fought a human before or in hand-to-hand combat, so maybe this is normal, and stats improve your performance more than I thought. I probably just got lucky the bold guy's guard was down, and I doubt I would be so fortunate with the other two.

"You… what are you!" The shirtless man yells, dropping his knife.

"Forget about him. Let us get out of here!" The other bad guy also dropped his knife and ran away after picking up his fallen thief.


Battle Ended In Victory

Thieves Defeated: 1

Items Dropped: x3 Iron Daggers

I hope this notification means they won't bother me again, so I can get plenty of rest before the tournament tomorrow. Looking around, I can't see any trace of those thieves anywhere or anyone else who looks like they might cause me trouble. I just wish that couple in the bushes would find a place to get intimate where I could not hear them.


Unknown P.O.V

"Hey, what happened to you guys?"

I can't help but be shocked when I see three of my top guys come looking scared, and one is even out cold. Who could have done this? No one in this city would dare mess with me or any of my guys, so it must be an outsider. I need to repay them for this, or people will start thinking I am weak and try and challenge me.

"Who did this to you?"

"Some traveller sleeping in the park," One of my men answers. "I have never seen them before, but they are crazy strong. They must be here for the tournament."

"That kid definitely is," The other adds. "I saw his mask."

"Boss, you really shouldn't mess with this guy," The first continues. "He could take us all down single handily."

"So, he really is that strong?" I mutter, and the two guys franticly nod their heads. If they say so, then sending some men after this kid will be a problem, but if he really is in the tournament, then maybe my contact could… A smile grows on my face. "Don't worry. I'm fairly sure this kid won't make it out of this tournament alive."


Luke's P.O.V

I wake up as the sun rises with a stiff back, but I feel surprisingly refreshed after sleeping on a park bench. It may not be as comfortable as a bed, but it was still the best night's sleep I have had since coming to this world. Unfortunately, I found myself being the centre of attention as a small crowd, for some reason, gathered around me while I was sleeping. Is it that unusual to see a person sleeping on a park bench?

I don't like being the centre of attention, so I quickly exited and ran towards the stadium, hoping to spot a place to buy breakfast. Fortunately, I couldn't find anything to eat along the way as the store had yet to open. But luckily, when I arrived at the arena, I found a table full of food. I was surprised by the amount of food offered, and that cute bunny girl told me I could help myself.

I struggle to find a place to start as the meat looks good, and then so does that purple fruit thing… this jelly dish also looks good. There are just so many dishes that I cannot decide where to try. Picking up some fried chicken-looking meat, I decided to start there.


Rocket Hen Absorbed

+10 HP

+10 MP

+1 Strength

+50 Speed

+50 Stamina

+50 Dexterity

+2 Intelligence

Skills Learned: Sprint Boost Level 1 (+10% Speed for thirty seconds)

It tastes delicious. As a bonus, my breakfast gives me a last-minute power boost before the tournament starts. Next, I will try this purple fruit.


Purple Fruit Absorbed

+1 HP

+1 MP

It is sweet, but seeing how little it strengthens me is disappointing. Next, let us see what this grape-like thing gives me.


Grape Absorbed

+1 HP

+1 MP

So, it really was a grape, and it did not taste any different from the grapes back home. The last two things left to taste are the bread, but I do not get anything from eating that, and that jelly dish I nervously taste next. It smelled weird, but I closed my eyes and tasted it anyway.


Blue Slime Absorbed

+25 HP

+25 MP

+5 Strength

+5 Speed

+5 Stamina

+2 Dexterity

+1 Intelligence

So, it wasn't jelly but a slime monster instead. I wish I didn't learn that, as, despite the tasty dish, I still don't want to take another bite. Throwing the dish out, I grab some more of that Rocket Hen before taking a seat. I am also surprised by the seating arrangements. They are fancy-looking sofas, and I feel like I am sinking into the cushions. I was expecting some hard wooden benches.

"Excuse me, sir," The bunny girl returns after a few minutes. "Your first match is starting now. Please follow me."

I take one last bite of the Rocket Hen before standing up. At least I will not be fighting any humans in this round. From what I am told in the first three rounds, I will be fighting monsters as a qualifier for the main event, and I just have to defeat these three monsters.

The bunny girl told me I would automatically win ten gold coins if I made it to round four. I am still unsure how much that is worth, but I will help when I start working with this guild I have heard about.


Unknown P.O.V

"Are you sure about this, boss?"

"Yes, I am sure. Now stop worrying,"

"That's him, boss,"

"Are you sure?" I ask, and I get a nod in response. "Tell the official to give him the monster I prepared in round three."

"Yes, boss," The reply comes with another nod. "But boss, if you fail, this guy could wipe us out."

"I won't fail," I assure him. "He will die in the third round."

I watch my man goes to deliver my message. This kid will die. I tighten my grip on the armrests of my seat. I cannot let anyone get away with hurting my men.


Luke's P.O.V

"Here is our first contestant, the Wondering Stranger!"

I step into the arena, hearing the crowd cheering as my stage name is called. This place is bigger than I thought. Stepping out onto the sand-covered ground, I cannot help but be shocked when I see what must be thousands of people surrounding me and calling out my stage name. It takes everything I have not to run away. I really don't like having this many people watching me.

"He was the first contestant to arrive today, so let us see what this eggar warrior is capable of!" An iron gate opens, and a short green creature emerges before the door is slammed shut. "Let us see if he can handle a goblin!"

So that is a goblin. It is shorter than I thought, but it has sharp-looking teeth and a club in its hands, so I cannot let my guard down. Drawing my knife, I hear people laugh at my weapon. I know a knife is not the most impressive weapon, but I cannot be the only person that uses a dagger as a weapon. I should try my new skill and see if I can end things quickly. I sever the goblin's head in the blink of an eye, hearing the crowd gasp as the headless goblin slumps to the ground. Sprint Boost really is a fantastic skill.

"What just happened?"

"I couldn't see a thing,"

"Was he using magic?"

I can hear the crowd mumble, but they must be overestimating me. I am sure other notable fighters in this tournament are far stronger than me. All I did was use the Sprint Boost skill. Behind me, I can hear the iron gate open again and see a wolf rushing into the arena.

"No, onto round two!" The announcer calls out. I thought there would be a break, but I guess the first three rounds are fought back-to-back. "Let us see if he can… if he can do whatever he just did again!"

Seriously all I did was use the Sprint Boost skill people must have seen it before. Maybe if I do it again, they will understand how ordinary my attack was. So, I strike the giant wolf down swiftly, cutting a massive hole in the wolf's side as we pass each other by. Maybe now they will recognise that I was using the Sprint Boost skill.

"He did it again,"

"How can he move so fast?"

It seems people are not getting it. It must be that they cannot see me well enough from the stands. As I hear another door open, I face my next opponent, happy to give the audience another chance to see how ordinary I am. But what I see is something strong enough I find myself taking a step back. Do people really fight these things as a warm-up for the main event?

"This can't be right, but I am being told there are no mistakes, ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer says as a giant lizard emerges from a tunnel, swinging around its mace-like tail with enough strength to damage the arena's wall. "It seems the Wondering Stranger has earned the right to face a Land Dragon!"

As if waiting for that cue, the Land Dragon breathes a tall column of fire into the air. I need to kill this thing quickly. I rush forward in the blink of an eye but cannot even scratch my foe's skin this time.

"It looks like the Land Dragon's tough scales have the Wondering Stranger struggling!" The announcer calls out. "Let us see what he is going to do next!"

Cutting his scales will not work, then maybe it is…. dam that was close. As I thought about my next move, that giant lizard nearly crushed me with its foot. I nearly lose my balance when the ground shakes, but I manage to hold on and counterattack. The way I see it is that if I can't cut through the scales, maybe I could weaken the monster and slow it down until I find its weak point. I thrust my dagger forward and crush one of the Land Dragons' eyes, narrowly avoiding being burnt alive when flames shoot out of the monster's mouth.

"It seems the Wondering Stranger has some interesting ideas. Let us see what else he can think of!"

Now the next eye. With a quick burst of speed, thanks to my Sprint Boost skill, I managed to pull it off. The dragon howls and sprays fire from its mouth randomly, but luckily, none of that stuff came anywhere near me. The crowd screams when it looks like they might be burnt alive, but a blue shield activates, protecting the audience. I wish I had a skill that could do that.

"Don't worry, folks. The arena is designed to keep you safe when the fights get out of hand!" The announcer calls out as people start to calm down. "The only one in danger is the Wondering Stranger!"

I wish he wouldn't make it sound like I don't stand a chance, but deep in the back of my mind, a voice whispered to me that I was going to die here. Thank god I got the Sprint Boost skill. I doubt I would have survived this long without this. I need to think about this, but dodging the blindly fired attacks is already too much that I will be killed if I let my guard down for a split second. There must be a weak spot. Somewhere I can get my knife through.

There was another fire breath attack from the land dragon and another narrow escape for me. This time it was close enough. I am surprised I lost some HP. My Regeneration ability has already restored my health. Still, I don't think it will save me from a direct hit. I am a goner if I don't find this monster's weakness soon.

There must be a way. There must be someplace I can hurt this giant lizard. What do I know about dragons… they are big, god-like in power, horde treasure and have a weak… soft belly? Taking a deep breath and tightening the grip on my life, I pray that this dragon has a nice soft belly my knife can cut through. Rushing forward, putting my faith in this chance, my sprint skill propels me like a bullet, and my knife finds its mark.


The land dragon lets out a deafening roar as my knife sinks into the soft flesh of the belly of the monster. It worked! My knife meets little resistance as I cut the land dragon from the base of its neck down to its tail. Blood and guts pour out of the monster, and I narrowly escape from being crushed as the land dragon collapses.

"He… he won?"

Why does the announcer sound so surprised that someone made it through the monster round? If someone as weak as me can do it, there have been hundreds of people to make it this far possible, thousands who have achieved what I have. The crowd, which seemed to have been stunned into silence for some reason, slowly recovers and starts to cheer for me as people come to collect the land dragon's body. I was tempted to ask if I could cut a piece of its body to eat, but someone was already ushering me out of the arena. Maybe some other time, I will get a chance to try eating the meat of a land dragon.

"Let us give it up to the Wandering Stranger!" The announcer declares as I finally disappear from the arena. "I think we all know he is one to watch this year!"


Battle Ended In Victory

Goblins Killed: 1

Giant wolfs Killed: 1

Land Dragon Killed: 1

Level 15 Reached

+240 HP

+240 MP

+120 Strength

+120 Speed

+120 Stamina

+120 Dexterity

+120 Intelligence

Wow, that was a big jump in level. That land dragon was formidable but worth it for the reward, I gained. But I am worried now. If the people I will face in the following rounds are strong enough to defeat one, too, then what chance do I have against them? I already earned some cash just by getting this far, so maybe I should quit and take the money. No. I can't do that. With so many people watching me, I just know that dropping out will be something people will never let me forget. I hope I don't get too gravely injured when I lose.


Unknown P.O.V

"We have to leave the city now!"

This can't be happening. How could one person defeat a land dragon single-handedly? It usually takes an entire squad of knights to bring one down, and even then, they will take some losses. There is just no way someone this strong could exist.

"Just take what you can carry and run!"

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