
I Transmigrated with the ability to augment my stats

Morrocan_Daoist · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Cultivation realms for Crimson Red Star

1st Major Realm : Element Foundation Realm, In the first Major Realm one will began with building a suitable foundation for their element! In this realm one's life span will be extended to 200 Years

2nd Major Realm : Element Condensation Realm, The Second Major Realm within this realm after one has build their foundation they would be able to condense their element. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 350 Years

3rd Major Realm : Element Core Building, After one learns how to condense their element they begin to absorb the surrounding elemental energy and refine it into their core! In this realm one's life span will be extended to 500 Years

4th Major Realm : Pure Elemental Core, After Gathering enough Elemental energy the core is complete and one starts to refine it to purify it from its impurity. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 1000 Years

5th Major Realm : Element Spirit, After Your elemental core is completely Purifyed and is a Pure Core it will break open and a Elemental spirit will be born from it! In this realm one's life span will be extended to 1500 Years

6th Major Realm : Earth To Heaven, After Completely Forming your elemental spirit, one shall begin to transform their elemental energy into Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy or for short Spiritual Energy. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 2000 Years

7th Major Realm : Sky Body, By using Heaven and earth spiritual energy and completely fusing it with their body one shall gain the ability to soar the air!. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 3000 Years

8th Major Realm : Dao Spirit, Now Fuse the Heaven and Earth energy with your elemental spirit and birth the Dao Spirit. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 5000 Years

9th Major Realm : Dao Soul, Fusing your soul with your Dao spirit will birth the dao soul with this soul one can comprehend any cultivation manual below the Divine Tier. In this realm one's life span will be extended to 10.000 Years

10th Major Realm : Eternal Body, The Last Realm the realm where once you reach this stage... you've done it eternal life is now yours... enjoy it and don't waste it!

- These are the Realms of the Crimson Red Star, The Strongest High Ranked Star Just under the Immortal Plane -