
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · Fantasía
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14 Chs

He Was Also Born Different!

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The Glowing moon radiated from above as a tall, black haired man was seated on a nice cool ground which made the entire hellborn visible for him to see.

Just then, the soft but firm voice of Zara was heard, "Here you are Lintin! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

She said as she took a seat beside the absentminded Niko, "I know why you are doing this Lintin!"

Zara said and hearing that, Niko turned his head to look at her and with that, she continued, "I know that you've always this bad about yourself just because you were born different but there is nothing to be sad about. You are perfect just the way you are so there isn't a need for you to know why you were born this way!"

Zara said to Niko but he was a completely taken aback by her words. What did she mean by born different? Niko thought as he tried to understand what she meant.

"I'm really lost here!" He said and hearing that, Zara sighed as she rolled her eyes, "You still haven't recovered your memories yet! Well then listen carefully as I tell you about your life but first let's start with the basics... Like why mostly everyone you see in hellborn are either humans or animal headed humans..."

Zara continued, "There is something everyone in the entire Demonic realm is born with and that's our spiritual beast. Everyone is born in there spiritual beast, and I was also born as my spiritual beast and that's a wolf!"

"And so we cultivate until we reach Level 10 and that's when we can finally generate into our human form!" She said and hearing that, Niko was downstroke although he did expect something as weird as that.

"But those who are born with weak spiritual force or power would not be able to pass level Five and so they would stay in their spiritual form forever. They won't be able to cultivate into another and so becomes pig or any other animal headed humans, depends on their spiritual beast!" Zara explained further and hearing that, Niko then understood better.

"What about Fiji and Giji, are they also stuck in Level five?" He asked with a slight worried expression and hearing that, Zara nodded, "Yes they are but they are twins and anyway, Giji is great in using diggers and knife's since his a chief and Fiji, his great in archery...since his an hunter."

"Although they weren't born as powerful as us, they still make us of their inner talents and so they don't feel weak!" Zara said as she collapsed on the ground and seeing that, Niko Laid down along with her.

Just then, Niko asked, "What about me? What's my spiritual beast?"

He said and hearing that, Zara's expression changed as she then sat up and said with a grim face, "That's the point Lintin, You weren't born with a spiritual beast!" Shs said and hearing that, Niko was a little confused.

"But you has just said that everyone was born with a spiritual beast, why wasn't I born with one?" He demanded an answer but Zara had nothing to tell him.

"Trust me Lintin! I wished I know why you weren't born with one but that's something that even you don't know!" She said with a low voice.

But hee words left Niko to be coupled with confusion. If shs was right a s Lintin wasn't born with a spiritual beast then how was he this powerful and even to be named the best swordsman in hellborn, he has to be something.

Just then, Zara said,. "You were born like a normal human, not as a beast but as a baby and had no level. Your level never improved and so you remained a level zero even till now but without a level, but yet you had unexplainable powers and skills that you are even able to beat a person with the level 30 but yet your level remained zero."

"Since you weren't born with a spiritual beast, you placed all your power and force and cultivated with ''Zul" (His Sword) and because of that, you were able to be this strong but even with that, you still want to know why you were born different!"

"I remember when you brought up the topic of wanting to meet the soul keeper since she was the only one who would know the reason for you being so unique but you haven't fully made up your mind yet but because of the princess you will now have to...Sigh! It's gonna be dangerous Lintin, think twice before doing this!"

Zara couldn't contain herself because she was very worried about Lintin, Anything could happen to him in this journey and she couldn't bear to see him hurt but Niko's mins was somewhere else right now.

He never knew that Lintin was born different and thinking of it made him feel a little bad for the Lintin.

He knew very well how it felt to feel different from everyone and the owner of this body also felt the same.

If Lintin wanted to meet the soul keeper and know why he was bron different then he was gonna fulfill his wish.

His whole life he was born weak but now he was different because he wasn't Niko anymore.

Now he was Lintin and he was gonna work hard, grow, cultivate, learn to become the strongest Swordsman of them all!

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