

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The cover are not mine. It’s from original author. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · Historia
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134 Chs


"Hubert? Do you mean that wealthy guy?"

"Apart from the emotional impact of the opera, László is such a bastard."


"He tested her love. Even though he knew what Odelette had been through, he didn't reveal his identity to test her love. That a bastard"

Killian looked shocked at the swearing words I spewed. But I didn't intend to undo the swearing. Then Killian finally got over his shock and asked me again.

"But if you really loved that person, you can't just be swayed by the temptation of money, isn't it?"

"Killian. You've never been in a situation without money, have you?"

". . . . . That's true, but."

"It's not just money. . . . . there are a lot of things that are solved by money."

I knew it too well. That's why I could understand Odelette and why I couldn't forgive László.

"Besides, the honor of her family was at stake in Odelette marriage. She couldn't just give up everything just for her love."

"But. . . . "

"You know the pain well, Killian."

Killian froze at my answer. Wondering if I had dug at his wounds for nothing, I quickly turned away.

"In the play, they drove Hubert to be a bad guy, but in reality, he's the one who truly loved Odelette."

"He had already taken Odelette, who was madly in love with another man, by his with money, isn't he?"

"Yes, he knew that Odelette was in love with another man. And yet he worked hard to get her. If he was that rich, he could find a lover for himself and got a woman as beautiful as Odelette as his wife."

"That. . . . . "

"Perhaps if László hadn't shown up again as if he was trying to get revenge on Odelette, Hubert and Odelette must have lived as a normal and happy couple."

For the first time, Killian nodded.

"That's why it was so stupid for Odelette to take her own life at the end. To be honest, it's not that unlikely. I'd bet my life that the author of this play would be a man."

"You tend to put your life on the line is a little too much, but you're right. The author of the play is a man."

"So you must have thought that a woman would would end their life out of regret. But you know a woman. They're much stronger than you think."

I smirked, but Killian just glared at me and didn't smile.

'Did I talk too much?'

I felt tingling inside for no reason. Maybe it was a mistake to pick at Killian's wounds earlier. At times like this, I had to lighten the mood quickly.

"Shall we go out now?"

". . . . . That right."

We walked out of the opera house side by side with a feeling of excitement. It felt like a normal couple going out on a date, and it tickled my heart. Killian stepped out into the street where the sun had not yet set and turned to me and asked.

"Shall we go back to the mansion or take a look around the streets?"

Uh? It looks like you're want to take me around more!

"I want to look around the streets!"

"Don't tell me, you haven't even looked around the streets, have you?"

"It's not that, but. . . . .It's my first time with you."

He then held out his arm to me with a slightly loose face. I swallowed my saliva and carefully put my hand on his arm.

The firm forearm felt under the fabric, and my heart beat for no reason. Everything seemed relaxed on the street where the sunset fell. The Piroche Street that Killian and I walked down was close to Darthus Street, the last time Anna and I had been there, but unlike Darthus, it was a mix of commoners and nobles.

"Look at that! what was that?"

An old man was selling something flimsy and saggy on a stick and handing it to a child.

"It's candy."


"I heard that it's a candy recipe overseas, but it's trending these days."

I remembered watching it on TV in my past life. It is very similar to the candy made on the streets of Turkey.

'The writer must have used Turkish candy.'

When I stared at it, Killian smiled and took me in front of him.

"Make one for me."

"It's the lady who wants to eat this?"

"That's right,"

"Then I'll make it very pretty!"

The candy seller rolled up various colors of melted taffy on a thin wooden stick and immediately made a lollipop, poked it into the sugar powder, took it out, and handed it to me.

"It's 50 sena!"


"Oh, look, I'm sorry. I don't have enough change. . . . .if you wait for a moment, I'll change it right away."

Killian hands over a 1,000 sena bill, and the candy seller puzzled a moment. Well, there are not many people who take out a bill to buy street candy.

"Just keep the change."


Killian put his arms around my shoulders and started walking, leaving the surprised candy seller behind. I laughed to myself because it was funny to try Turkish candy that I had never tasted in my previous life in this strange world.

"Is it that delicious?"

"Yes, it's delicious. It's very sweet, also tastes sour at the same time."

Even though it just 50 sena candy is so delicious, it tastes like melted sugar. But maybe the fact that it was Killian who bought it for me tastes more delicious. I was sucking on the long lollipop, but Killian swallowed his saliva for some reason while looking at me.

"Seeing me eating it's make you want to eat, right?"

I asked, half teasingly, and he nodded slowly and whispered.

"I want to eat it. But not this candy."

"Yes? Then what. . . . ?"

I didn't quite understand what he said, so I looked at him again, and Killian looked straight into my eye, swallowed again, and shook his head.

"It's nothing."

"It's blandly."

He seemed embarrassed to say that he wanted a candy. Then i heard a little child's sweet voice somewhere.

"Buy flowers! buy flowers!"

A young girl was selling flowers in a small basket with only a few left. the flower was already half-wilted, so no one paid attention to it. but if she doesn't sell all those flowers, she'll be here until nightfall.

"Well, can you lend me some money."

I forgot to bring my money when I came out, so I asked Killian for some money, but instead of lending me money, Killian approached the child and bought all the remaining flowers.

"Thank you, sir!"

The seven-year-old child bowed to Killian again and again, then picked up an empty basket and ran away lightly. And Killian put together the withered flowers he bought from the girl earlier. He tied it with his handkerchief and handed it to me.

"No lady buys flowers by herself when her man is next to her."

"It sounds like old-fashioned advice, but I'll take it now."

I picked up the small bouquet he was holding out and put my nose to it. The wild flowers, which must have been picked in the mountains or fields, had a scent closer to the smell of grass, but the simple scent lingered in my heart for some reason. Come to think of it, it was the first time I received a flower bouquet from someone in my entire life. My parents in my previous life believed that it would be better to use that money to buy jajangmyeon than to spend money on a flower bouquet that you can't even eat. Actually, i did that, too. However, when I received the bouquet in person, I felt like I was floating on air.

"This is. . . . .It's my first time receiving something like this."

"You must have never received such a withered flower. The flowers would have been a little fresh in the morning, I'm sorry."

"No. It's my first time receiving a flower from someone."

". . . . . Yes?"

I was smiling singlely, looking only at the flowers, but I felt something strange next to me, so I turned my head, and Killian was looking at me with a strange face.

"What's wrong, Killian?"

"the flowers. . . . . Is it your first time receiving it?"


"The guys who courted you didn't even bother to send flowers to you?"

"Ah. . . . that . . . .I didn't get it. There may be someone who sent it back.

"What else is that. . . . . "

It was a bit of a shock to me, too, that there was no scene in Edith's memory where she received the flowers herself. Many men sent her bouquets of flowers as a gesture of courtship. The problem was that all those bouquets of flowers were used to decorate Countess Riegelhoff's room, Shane's room, or the mansion itself.

'Why on earth did you molest Edith so much? Wasn't she your own daughter?'

However, I can't say such a thing openly because I haven't met the level 3 exception condition yet.

'I shouldn't have said it was my first time receiving flowers earlier. With regret, I turned Killian's attention, pointing the juggling clown.'

"Huh! Look over there, Killian!"

Although it was a ruse to keep Killian from digging deeper into my problem, the juggling clown act of striking all sorts of poses and not dropping a ball thrown in the air was fascinating. I grabbed Killian's sleeve and stepped closer to the clown. There were many people watching beside us, but few people threw coins at the hat in front of the clown. Commoner children would have no money, and nobles passing by will think it is not decent to watch clowns among the commoners people.

"Killian. Don't you have a coin. yes, coins?"


"I'm sorry I just passed by and seeing this. . . ."

"Of course, that's not polite."

He pulled out a bill again and handed it to me. it was 1,000 sena bill again.