
I Swapped Places With An Eight Year Old

Adele is a 23 y/o from the 21st century. One day when she gets off work, she meets a car accident and her soul is transmitted years into the past into the body of an eight year old princess, who is doted on by her six elder brothers, her parents favorite child, and her kingdom adores her. On the day that Adele's soul is transmitted to the young princess's body, the little princess herself falls into the lake and drowns. Now, at the age of fourteen, Adele meets prince Edward, a handsome young prince at the age of seventeen. Their paths cross at the birthday ceremony of the princess. She falls inlove with this charming young prince at first sight, who shows no signs of wanting to coart her because of her status. Instead he shows her kindness and warmth and eyes with no signs of greed of power or lust, but as clear as the bright blue sky. When Edward treats the princess Adele with kindness and warmth that he hasnt ever showed anyone else, the other young maidens get jealous of the the princess and try to ruin her reputation, some even going as far as to try and kill her While the prince Edward is being targeted by the other princes who wanted to coart Adele because of her power. Lets watch how their story unfolds and their love blossoms. ♡stay tuned♡

lil_flower · Otras
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3 Chs

You Could have drowned!

Exiting the huge building, I signed, "gosh, such a long day!" I grumbled.

Walking up to the signal, I waited till it turned red and stepped onto the road, following as the rest of the crowd crossed the road.

*sigh* "I really wish they'd give us a raise, It's so hard dealing with over fifty clients a day...." I sighed.

There was a sudden honking to my left, and I saw a car speeding past the red signal, and before I had time to jump out of the way, I had been hit by the car and it had already speeded away getting chased by several police cars.

I felt like an idiot as I lay there, my blood painting the black road in dark red. Was this really how I was gonna die? [I don't wanna die] was my only thought as the numbness soaked my limbs and I started losing consciousness as the crowd around me started getting panicky, and a few people started calling for an ambulance. After a few seconds, I blacked out.....


I opened my eyes, seeing not a white ceiling of a hospital ward like I'd expected, but saw instead that I was surrounded by huge clumps of seaweed.

I was about to touch some of it to feel if it was real or just a dream, when I felt that I couldn't breathe. swimming up, I felt relief fill my being as I coughed out the water that I had almost swallowed.

*cough cough*

"Adele!" I heard someone shout my name.

"Who-" I was starting to speak when someone pulled me out out of the water and into a tight hug.

"Thank goodness I found you, Adele! What were you doing in the lake?! You could have drowned! Did you forget you can't swim?!" The man who took me out of the water said scolding me.

[Who even is this guy?] I thought, moving my head to look up at him, being met with sharp, bright electric, green eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking up at him blankly, "Please put me down, sir..."

" Adele, is something wrong with your head? Do you need me to get you to a healer?" The man said in a concerned tone.

"Huh?" I made a confused sound, with a raised brow.

"Bah! we have to get you to a healer, fast! Vincent! Steven!" He yelled with an even more worried expression.

In half a minute two boys that looked like they were in their teens came running.

"Adele!" The yelled in in unison.

"Steven, go get a healer to Adele's chambers, Vincent, go get Julian, Tristan, and Theodore, I'll take Adele up to her room." The man said, carrying me to who knows where, as I was immersed in my own thoughts.

[Where am I? Who are they? How do they know my name? What's going on?] I had so many questions.

I felt myself being lowered, and then I found myself sitting on a bed that felt like it was made of clouds.

I sat there looking around curiously for a while. Everything in the room I was in was orange. [My favorite] The window curtains looked like they were made of pure silk. The wardrobe was half open showing the many dresses and gowns, All in orenge. And even lying on the only cushion that wasn't white was a tiny, sleeping, ginger kitten.

[looks like whoevers room this is must really love orange.] I thought.

After a few minutes, a man in a white coat entered into the room with a suitcase. [Is he a doctor?] I thought, watching him as he opened his suitcase and took out a few weird shaped bottles.

"Greetings your highness, princess Adele." The man in the wite coat said giving me a low bow.

[Since when was I a princess?] I thought, dumbfounded by his words.

"I am the healer appointed by his highness, prince Steven, to do a check-up on your health." He spoke, in a soothing tone , as to show he meant no harm.

"O-okay" I said in a meek voice

_Outside Adele's room_

Six young boys stood outside the door to the room. The four youngest of them were sitting on small chairs the srevants had pulled up infront of the room. The fifth stood there leaning against the wall as the sixth paced outside the door.

"Vincent, she's gonna be fine, calm down." The one leaning against the wall spoke up.

Ignoring him, Vincent kept pacing up and down infront of the door. After about ten minutes, the door opened and the healer walked out.

"Mr. Zain, how is my sister?" Vincent asked, hurrying over to the healer.

"Her highness is completely fine, it just seems that she had hit her head because her highness kept on asking where she was and what happened." The healer answered.

Walking up to the door, Vincent held the door handle as his youngest brother spoke," Eldest Big Brother, is little sister Adele okay?"

"She's perfectly fine, Theo, I'll go and check on her okay?" I said, looking back at him.

"Can I come see her too?" Theo said.

"I also wanna see if little sister is okay!" Tristan, the fifth prince chimed in.

"I'm sorry, your highnesses, but I think that it would put the princess under a lot of pressure seeing you all at the same time, overlooking the fact that it is not fully confirmed that she isn't sick from falling into the lake. I think it best if, for now his highness, prince Vincent, goes in alone to see her." The healer said, and left the hall after greeting the princes.

Theo and Tristan sighed in a dejected way.

"Why don't you all go back to your rooms and have some rest, we have been running around all morning anyway, haven't we?" Vincent said, with a smile playing on his face.

"But I don't feel tired at all!" Tristan declared.

"Yes, but you still need rest, now come on, Julian, Tristan, Theo, lets go, I'll take you guys to your rooms." Jasper, the second eldest, said to the youngest three. "Do you need me to come with you, steven?"

"No need, I can go myself." Steven, the fourth eldest, said as he got up and walked towards the stairs.

In a few seconds the hall was empty except for Vincent, who was stil standing outside the door.

He turned the handle and walked inside.